Vocabulo roman, voce Francogallica, olim omnes libri idiomate vulgari (lingua romana) scripti designabantur. Nostris autem temporibus, fabulis singulis (Anglice novel) contrarie, opus maius pedestre significat. Cuius argumentum diversissimum esse potest: de rebus iucundis, gravibus, historicis, socialibus, familiaribus, criminalibus, et ita porro.
↑Melville Moby Dick editori Anglico descripsit "a romance of adventure, founded upon certain wild legends in the Southern Sperm Whale Fisheries." Hermanus Melville in Formula:Harvp.
↑William Harmon et C. Hugh Holmam, A Handbook to Literature (ed. septima), p. 237.
↑Anglice "a continuous and comprehensive history of about two thousand years."
↑Margaret Anne Doody, The True Story of the Novel (Brunsvici Novi Novae Caesareae: Rutgers University Press, 1996, iterum impressus 1997), 1.
↑J. A. Cuddon, ed. Dictionary of Literary Terms & Literary Theory, ed. quarta, renovata a C. E. Preston (Londinii: Penguin, 1999), 760–62.
↑M. H. Abrams, A Glossary of Literary Terms (ed. septima), p. 192.
↑"Essay on Romance," Prose Works, vol. t, p. 129; citatus in "Introduction" ad Gualteri Scott Quentin Durward, ed. Susan Maning (Oxoniae: Oxford University Press, 1992), xxv.
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