↑Jorunn Jacobsen Buckley, The Mandaeans: Ancient Texts and Modern People (Oxford University Press, 2002), ISBN 9780195153859. PDF.
↑Jorunn Jacobsen Buckley, The Mandaeans: Ancient Texts and Modern People (Oxford University Press, 2002), ISBN 9780195153859. Res.
↑Kurt Rudolph, Mandaeism (1978), 15: "This tradition can be explained by an anti-Christian concept, which is also found in Mandaeism, but, according to several scholars, it contains scarcely any traditions of historical events. Because of the strong dualism in Mandaeism."
↑Petrus Franciscus Maria Fontaine, The Light and the Dark: Dualism in ancient Iran, India, and China (1990): "Although it shows Jewish and Christian influences, Mandaeism was hostile to Judaism and Christianity. Mandaeans spoke an East-Aramaic language in which 'manda' means 'knowledge'; this already is sufficient proof of the connection of Mandaeism with the Gnosis.
↑Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila, The Last Pagans of Iraq: Ibn Wahshiyya and His Nabatean Agriculture Brill, 2006, ISBN 9789004150102),11.
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Buckley. J. J. Mandaeans. In Encyclopædia Iranica.
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Petermann, J. Heinrich. 2007. The Great Treasure of the Mandaeans. Reimpressio libri Thesaurus s. Liber Magni. Piscataway Novae Caesareae: Gorgias Press.
Segelberg, Eric. 1958. Maşbūtā: Studies in the Ritual of the Mandæan Baptism. Uppsala.
Segelberg, Eric. 1970. The Ordination of the Mandæan tarmida and Its Relation to Jewish and Early Christian Ordination Rites. Studia patristica 10.
Yamauchi, Edwin. 2004. Gnostic Ethics and Mandaean Origins. Piscataway Novae Caesareae: Gorgias Press.