20世紀後半には、左道の信奉者と自称するが黒魔術の信奉者とは自認しない集団が無数に生まれた。アレイスター・クロウリーの弟子ケネス・グラントは著書『影のカルト』(英: Cults of the Shadow、1975年)において、自身と自身のグループのテュポン団がいかに左道を実践しているかを説明した。グラントは左道という語をその起源である東洋のタントラに遡って用い、左道とはタブーを破ることだがバランスを取るために右道と併用すべきだと述べた[1]:193。
^ abcdefghijklEvans, Dave (2007). The History of British Magick after Crowley. Hidden Publishing
^ abHine, Phil, quoted in Evans, Dave (2007). The History of British Magick after Crowley. Hidden Publishing. p. 204.
^Fortune, Dion; The Mystical Qabalah, Aquarian Press, 1987, ISBN 0-85030-335-4
^Gray, William; Exorcising The Tree of Evil: How To Use The Symbolism Of The Qabalistic Tree of Life To Recognise And Reverse Negative Energy, [Helios/Weisers/Kima Global], 1974/1984/2002, (originally The Tree of Evil)
^LaVey, Anton Szandor. The Satanic Bible. The Book of Lucifer 3: paragraph 30.
^Чёрная Книга Мары» (2008) - The Black Book of Mary; Шуйный путь: чёрная книга нави» (2011) - Шуйный путь: The Black Book of the Navi [NOTE: 'Шуйный путь' remains untranslated to distinguish it from the Shuyngj Way within Odinism]; Книга Великой Нави: Хаософия и Русское Навославие» (2011) - The Book of the Great Navi: Хаософия (The Wisdom of Chaos [Chaosophy]) and Russian Навославие (Praising of the Navi).
^Barone Giulio Cesare Andrea Evola. The Yoga of Power: Tantra, Shakti, and the Secret Way (1949)
^Beér, Robert; The encyclopedia of Tibetan symbols and motifs, Serindia Publications, Inc., 2004
Svoboda, Robert E. (1986). AGHORA, At the Left Hand of God. Brotherhood of Life. ISBN0-914732-21-8
Crowley, Aleister (1991). Magick Without Tears. New Falcon Publications. ISBN1-56184-018-1
Evola, Julius (1993). The Yoga of Power: Tantra, Shakti, and the Secret Way. Inner Traditions. ISBN0-89281-368-7
Sutcliffe, Richard J. (1996). “Left-Hand Path Ritual Magick: An Historical and Philosophical Overview”. In G. Harvey; C. Hardman. Paganism Today. London: Thorsons/HarperCollins. pp. 109–37. ISBN0-7225-3233-4
Flowers, Stephen (1997). Lords of the Left Hand Path: A History of Spiritual Dissent. Runa Raven Press. ISBN1-885972-08-3
Webb, Don; Stephen E. Flowers (1999). Uncle Setnakt's Essential Guide to the Left Hand Path. Runa Raven Pr. ISBN1-885972-10-5