1941年に議会は、未婚の20歳から30歳の女性を後方支援として動員するための国民奉仕法 (National Service Act)を可決した。ATSのほか、王立婦人海軍(Women's Royal Naval Service、WRNS), 婦人補助空軍(Women's Auxiliary Air Force,WAAF)、第一看護ヨーマンリー(FANY)へ招集された。のちに既婚女性も動員された。国民奉仕法のもと、王立志願兵・婦人志願兵(Royal Voluntary Service、Women's Voluntary Service,WVS)や婦人農耕部隊 (Women's Land Army)なども推奨され、募集された。[5]
女性兵士はレーダーによる計測、高射砲操作、王立憲兵(Royal Military Police)などに従事し、第二次世界大戦中の殉職者は717人であった[6]。ほか、1942年7月にはロンドン王立砲兵隊26部隊のサーチライト部隊としても活躍し、北西ヨーロッパ戦線での陸軍第21軍集団での防空(高射砲操作)任務に従事した[7][8][9]。終戦までに19万人以上の女性兵士が従事した。
^Margaret Dady, Women's War: Life in the Auxiliary Territorial Service (1986)
^Margaret Lang, Senior Commander K.T Staff, School of A. A. Artillery, Manorbier in The Kine Gazette, December 1945. Printed by E.H. Leach, South Parade, Tenby
^Keith Brigstock 'Royal Artillery Searchlights', presentation to Royal Artillery Historical Society at Larkhill, 17 January 2007.
^Norman E.H. Litchfield, The Territorial Artillery 1908–1988 (Their Lineage, Uniforms and Badges), Nottingham: Sherwood Press, 1992, ISBN 0-9508205-2-0.
^Major L.F. Ellis, "History of the Second World War, United Kingdom Military Series: Victory in the West", Vol II: "The Defeat of Germany", London: HM Stationery Office, 1968/Uckfield: Naval & Military, 2004, ISBN 1-845740-59-9, Appendix IV.
Bidwell Shelford. Women's Royal Army Corps (1997) 141pp
Bigland, Eileen. Britain's other army: The story of the A.T.S (1946), an official history
Cowper, J. M. The Auxiliary Territorial Service (1949), an official history
Crang, Jeremy A. "The revival of the British women's auxiliary services in the late nineteen-thirties," Historical Research (May 2010) Volume 83, Issue 220, pages 343–357, online at EBSCO
Crang, Jeremy A. "'Come into the Army, Maud': Women, Military Conscription, and the Markham Inquiry," Defence Studies, Nov 2008, Vol. 8 Issue 3, pp 381–395, online at EBSCO
Dady, Margaret. Women's War: Life in the Auxiliary Territorial Service (1986)
De Groot, Gerard J. "'I love the scent of cordite in your hair': Gender dynamics in mixed anti-craft batteries" History, Jan 1997, Vol. 82 Issue 265, pp 73–92
Kerr, Dorothy Brewer. Girls Behind the Guns: With the Auxiliary Territorial Service in World War II (1990)
Noakes, Lucy. Women in the British Army: War and the Gentle Sex, 1907–48 (2006), pp 61–81 on ATS of war years
Robinson, Vee. Sisters in Arms (1996) ISBN 0004720849 A personal memoir by an ATS anti-aircraft gun crew member.