『ハタ・ヨーガ・プラディーピカー』(梵: haṭhayoga-pradīpikā)とは、ヨーガの一流派であるハタ・ヨーガの事実上の根本経典。16世紀-17世紀の行者スヴァートマーラーマによって書かれ、ハタ・ヨーガの解説・行法が詳細かつ体系的に記述されている。
- Sanskrit text and English translation, at sacred-texts
- Akers, Brian. 2002. The Hatha Yoga Pradipika (source)
- Ajīta (raja-yoga.org), 2003 (1893-1995). Hatha Yoga Pradipika. 89 pp. (PDF) Translation of the original text with the Jyotsna commentary of Brahmananda from Sanskrit in English by Srinivasa Iyangar/Tookaram Tatya (1893) on behalf of the Bombay Theosophical Society Publishing Fund, Corrected by Prof. A.A. Ramanathan, Pandit S.V. Subrahmanya Sastri and Radha Burnier (1972) of the Adyar Library and Research Center, The Theosophical Society, Adyar, Madras 20, India, Interpretation and comments by Philippe “Ajīta” Barbier (1993) of The Raja Yoga Institute, Aalduikerweg 1, 1452 XJ Ilpendam, Holland. Translation of interpretation and comments from Dutch to English by Ben Meier (1995).
- https://web.archive.org/web/20130418064737/http://brihaspati.net/downloads/Hatha_Yoga_Pradipika_Yogi_Svatmarama.pdf Translated by Pancham Sinh (Internet Archive)
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