Vuonna 1951 Rescher väitteli tohtoriksi Princetonin yliopistosta 22-vuotiaana, laitoksen tuohonastisen historian nuorimpana. Hän on kirjoittanut noin 100 kirjaa ja 400 artikkelia monilta filosofian alueilta, mukaan lukien logiikka, tietoteoria, tieteenfilosofia, metafysiikka ja arvoteoria. Hänet tunnetaan ennen kaikkea pragmatismin ja viime aikoina prosessifilosofian puolestapuhujana.
The Development of Arabic Logic (1964)
Studies in Arabic Philosophy (1968)
Methodological Pragmatism: A Systems-Theoretic Approach to the Theory of Knowledge (1977)
Scientific Progress: A Philosophical Essay on the Economics of Research in Natural Science (1978)
The Coherence Theory of Truth (1973, 1982)
Introduction to Value Theory (1969, 1982)
Risk: A Philosophical Introduction to the Theory of Risk Evaluation and Management (1983)
The Strife of Systems: An Essay on the Grounds and Implications of Philosophical Diversity (1985)
Rationality (1988)
Cognitive Economy: Economic Perspectives in the Theory of Knowledge (1989)
A Useful Inheritance: Evolutionary Epistemology in Philosophical Perspective (1989)
Human Interests: Reflections on Philosophical Anthropology (1990)
Pluralism: Against the Demand for Consensus (1993)
A System of Pragmatic Idealism
Volume I: Human Knowledge in Idealistic Perspective (1991)
Volume II: The Validity of Values: Human Values in Pragmatic Perspective (1992)
Volume III: Metaphilosophical Inquiries (1994)
Luck (1995)
Essays in the History of Philosophy (1995)
Process Metaphysics (1995)
Instructive Journey: An Autobiographical Essay (1996)
Complexity: A Philosophical Overview (1998)
Kant and the Reach of Reason (1999)
Realistic Pragmatism: An Introduction to Pragmatic Philosophy (1999)
The Limits of Science (1984, 1999)
Nature and Understanding: A Study of the Metaphysics of Science (2000)
Paradoxes: Their Roots, Range, and Resolution (2001)
Process Philosophy: A Survey of Basic Issues (2001)
Epistemology: On the Scope and Limits of Knowledge (2003)
On Leibniz (2003)
Epistemic Logic (2004)
Metaphysics: The Key Issues from a Realist Perspective (2005)
Reason and Reality: Realism and Idealism in Pragmatic Perspective (2005)
Collected Papers, 14 osaa (2005–2006)
Epistemetrics (2006)
Conditionals (2006)
Error: On Our Predicament When Things Go Wrong (2007)