Winslow Homer
Winslow Homer (Boston, 1836ko otsailaren 24a - Prouts Neck, Maine, 1910eko irailaren 29a) estatubatuar margolaria izan zen. Itsas gaiei buruzko bere margolanengatik da ezaguna. Prestakuntza autodidakta izan zuen. Litografo baten ikaslea izan zen eta hogei urtez ilustratzaile lanetan aritu zen. 1859an bere estudioa New Yorken ezarri zuen eta Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako Gerra Zibilan borrokako eszenak margotu zituen. 1881-1882an Ingalaterran aritu zen margotzen, eta gero Maineko kostaldean kokatu zen. 1881-1882an Ingalaterran aritu zen margotzen, eta gero Maineko kostaldean kokatu zen.
Prisoners from the Front (1866) Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Long Branch, New Jersey (1869) Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Crossing the Pasture (1871–72)
A Visit from the Old Mistress (1876)
Artists Sketching in the White Mountains (New Hampshire) (1868)
Breezing Up (A Fair Wind)) 1873–76
Eastern Point Light (1880)
Girl in the Hammock, 1873
The Four Leaf Clover, 1873
Boys in a Dory, 1873, Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Green Hill, 1878
Feeding time, 1878
On the Stile, c. 1878
Peach Blossoms, 1878
Three Fisher Girls, Tynemouth, 1881
The Fog Warning (1885)
Children Under a Palm Tree, 1885
The Fox Hunt, 1893
The Gulf Stream, 1899
Northeaster, 1895
Moonlight, 1874
Crab Fishing, 1883
The Herring Net, 1885
Sunlight on the Coast, 1890
Moonlight, Wood Island Light, 1894, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Shark Fishing, 1885
Fresh Eggs, 1874
Song of the Lark, 1876
The Reaper, 1878
The Milk Maid, 1878
Girl and Laurel, 1879
Bo-Peep, 1878
Shepherdess Tending Sheep, 1878
Warm Afternoon (Shepherdess), 1878
The Blue Boy, 1876
Twilight at Leeds, 1876
On the Beach, 1869
Eagle Head, Manchester, Massachusetts, 1870
Dad's Coming!, 1873
Clear Sailing, 1880
Two boys watching schooners, 1880
A Fresh Breeze, c. 1881
Girl Carrying a Basket, 1882
Girl with Red Stockings, 1882
The Life Line, 1884
Summer Night, 1890
Watching the Breakers, 1891
Fishergirls coiling tackle
A Basket of Clams
Woman and Elephant, c. 1877
Portrait of a Lady, 1875
At the Window
The Butterfly Girl
Fresh Air
The Bridle Path, 1868
A Huntsman and Dogs, 1891
Mink Pond, 1891
The Hudson River, 1892
The Adirondack Guide, 1894
A Game of Croquet, 1866
The Croquet Match, ca. 1869
Shooting the Rapids, Saguenay River, bukatu gabe (1910)
Kanpo estekak