We're No Awa' Taw Bide Awa' |
We're No Awa' Taw Bide Awa' (ingelesez ''We're No Away To Stay Away litzateke, euskaraz literalki Ez Gaude Urruti Egoteko Urruti) Eskoziako abesti herrikoi bat da. Berez, Eskozia nahiz Irlandan oso ohikoak diren agur abesti bat da eta sarritan taberna giro alaian eta lagunartean abestu ohi da.
Izenburua eskozieraz duen arren, abestiaren hitzak ingelesez abestu ohi dira, maiz eskozierazko zenbait hitz tartekatuko ohi direlarik.
For we're no' awa' tae bide awa',
For we're no' awa tae le'e ye,
For we're no' awa' tae bide awa',
We'll aye come back an' see ye.
As I gaed doon by Wilsontoon
I met auld Johnnie Scobbie,
Says I to him will ye hae a hauf,
Says he, "Man! That's my hobby."
So we had a hauf an' anither hauf,
And then we had anither,
When he got fou' he shouted:
It's Carnwath Mill for ever."
We wandered doon the street again
We cleekit unco cheery,
When John got hame his wife cried shame,
I see you're enjoyin' your hobby.
Of a' the friens that ere I kenned,
There's nane like Johnnie Scobbie,
His hert is leal, he's true as steel,
An' a hauf is aye his hobby.
So whenever friendly friens may meet,
Wherever Scots foregather,
We'll raise our gless, we'll shout
It's Carnwath Mill for ever.
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