Rex Stout
Rex Todhunter Stout (Noblesville, Indiana, 1886ko abenduaren 1a - Danbury, Connecticut, 1975eko urriaren 27a) estatubatuar eleberrigilea izan zen, eleberri beltz egile bezala ezagututa. Nero Wolfe detektibearen pertsonaia sortu zuen. Gainera intelektual publikoa izan zen Askatasun Zibilen aldeko Amerikar Batasunan eta Vanguard Pressen.
Nero Wolfe
- Fer-de-Lance, 1934
- The League of Frighted Men, 1935
- The Rubber Band, 1936
- The Red Box, 1937
- Too Many Cooks, 1938
- Some Buried Caesar, 1939
- Over My Dead Body, 1940
- Where There's a Will, 1940
- Black Orchids, 1942
- Not Quite Dead Enough, 1944
- The Silent Speaker, 1946
- Too Many Women,, 1947
- And Be a Villain, 1948
- Trouble in Triplicate, 1949
- The Second Confession, 1949
- Three Doors to Death, 1950
- In the Best Families, 1950
- Curtains for Three, 1951
- Murder by the Book, 1951
- Triple Jeopardy, 1952
- Prisoner's Base, 1952
- The Golden Spiders, 1953
- Three Men Out, 1954
- The Black Mountain, 1954
- Before Midnight, 1955
- Three Witnesses, 1956
- Might as Well Be Dead, 1956
- Three for the Chair, 1957
- If Death Ever Slept, 1957
- And Four to Go, 1958
- Champagne for One, 1958
- Plot It Yourself, 1959
- Three at Wolfe's Door, 1960
- Too Many Clients, 1960
- The Final Deduction, 1961
- Homicide Trinity, 1962
- Gambit, 1962
- The Mother Hunt, 1963
- Trio for Blunt Instruments, 1964
- A Right to Die, 1964
- The Doorbell Rang, 1965
- Death of a Doxy, 1966
- The Father Hunt, 1968
- Death of a Dude, 1969
- Please Pass the Guilt, 1973
- A Family Affair, 1975
- Death Times Three, 1985