Pascal Dagnan-Bouveret
Pascal-Adolphe-Jean Dagnan-Bouveret (Paris, 1852ko urtarrilaren 7a - Quincey, 1929ko uztailaren 3a) frantziar margolaria izan zen.
1869an Arte Ederretako Akademian hasi zen ikasten eta Alexandre Cabanel eta Jean-Léon Gérôme izan zituen maisu. 1875ean bere lanak Aretoan erakutsi zituen, 1880an lehen mailako domina eta 1885ean ohorezko domina irabazi zituen. Eskola naturalistako margolari nagusietako bat izan zen eta Bretainian girotutako lanengatik nabarmendu zen. Nekazarien eta mistiko-erlijiosoen eszenak egin zituen.
Woman from Brittany, 1886
The Pardon in Brittany, 1886
Breton Women at a Pardon, 1887
Woman in Breton Costume Seated in a Meadow, 1887
Portrait of a Brittany Girl, 1887
Bretons Praying, 1888
The Burial of Manon Lescaut, 1878
Orpheus' Sorrow, 1876
A Young Man and Woman Gaze Out a Window, 1877
The Little Savoyard Eating in front of an Entrance to a House, 1877
Wedding in the Photographer’s Studio, 1879
An Accident, 1879
Sulking - Gustave Courtois in his studio, 1880
Blessing of the Young Couple Before Marriage, 1880–81
Young Woman in Pink with her Child, 1882
Hamlet and the Gravediggers, 1883
The Duet, 1883
Madonna of the Rose, 1885
The Sacramental bread, 1885
A Woman from Bern, Switzerland, 1887, portrait of the artist's wife
The Conscripts, 1889
Watercolourist in the Louvre, c. 1889
In the Meadow, 1892
In the Forest, 1892
Christ and the Pilgrims at Emmaus, 1898
Consolatrix Afflictorium, 1899
Ophelia, 1900
On the Summit, 1903
Willows by a Stream, 1908
Marguerite au Sabbat, 1911
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