Oh, poor old Admiral Nelson is no longer in the air.
Toora loora loora loora loo!
On the eighth day of March in Dublin City fair,
Toora loora loora loora loo!
From his stand of stones and mortar
He fell crashing through the quarter,
Where once he stood so stiff and proud and rude.
So let's sing our celebration,
It's a service to the nation.
So poor old Admiral Nelson, toora loo!
Oh, fifty pounds of gelignite it sped him on his way,
Toora loora loora loora loo!
And the lad that laid the charge, we're in debt to him today.
Toora loora loora loora loo!
In Trafalgar Square it might be fair
To leave old Nelson standing there
But no one tells the Irish what they'll view.
Now the Dublin Corporation
Can stop deliberation
For the boys of Ireland showed them what to do!
For a hundred and fifty-seven years it stood up there in state
Toora loora loora loora loo!
To mark old Nelson's victory o'er the French and Spanish fleet,
Toora loora loora loora loo!
But one-thirty in the morning,
Without a bit of warning,
Old Nelson took a powder and he blew!
Now at last the Irish nation
Has Parnell in higher station
Than poor old Admiral Nelson, toora loo!
Oh the Russians and the Yanks, with lunar probes they play,
Toora loora loora loora loo!
And I hear the French are trying hard to make up lost headway,
Toora loora loora loora loo!
But now the Irish join the race,
We have an astronaut in space,
Ireland, boys, is now a world power too!
So let's sing our celebration,
It's a service to the nation.
So poor old Admiral Nelson, toora loo!
Oi, Nelson gixajo eta zaharra jada ez dago airean.
Toora loora loora loora loo!!
Hain zuzen ere martxoaren 8an Dublin Hiri Ederrean,
Toora loora loora loora loo!
Bere harri eta morterozko zutarritik
Lurzoruaren aurka talka eginez erori zen,
Behinola irmo, harro eta zakar zegoen lekutik.
Hortaz nazioaren zerbitzuaren aldeko,
Geure ospaketa abestu dezagun.
Horrela bada Nelson almirante zahar gixajoa, toora loo!!
Oi, berrogeitamar libera gelinitak bere bidea arindu zuten,
Toora loora loora loora loo!
Eta lehenbiziko karga jarri zuen mutilarekin, gaur egun zorretan gaude.
Toora loora loora loora loo!
Trafalgar Squaren** egoki legoke
Bertan Nelson zaharra gelditu bedi
Irlandarroi begi bistan zer izan behar dugun inork esan ez diezagun.
Orain, Dublingo Udala
Zalantzal alde batera laga ditzazke
Irlandako mutilek zer egin behar den erakutsi baidiote!
Ehun eta berrogeitamazazpi urtez estatua han zutik egon zen
Toora loora loora loora loo!
Nelsonen frantziar eta espainiarren aurkako garaipena oroituz,
Toora loora loora loora loo!
Baina goizaldeko ordu bat ta erditan,
Inongo aurre oharpenik gabe,
Nelsonek hautsak harrotu eta hegan egin zuen!
Orain, Irlandar nazioak
Parnell** gorenean du
Nelson almirante zahar gixajoa, toora loo!
Oi, Errusiar eta Yankeeak, beren ilargi zundekin frogak egiten ari dira,
Toora loora loora loora loo!
Eta frantsesek ere atzean ez gelditzen saiatzen ari dira,
Toora loora loora loora loo!
Baina orain Irlandarrek lasterketa horretara batzea erabaki dute,
Jada espazioan astronauta bat badugu,
Irlanda ere, mutilak, orain munduko potentzia bat da!
Hortaz nazioaren zerbitzuaren aldeko,
Geure ospaketa abestu deagun.
Bada Nelson almirante zahar gixajoa, toora loo!