Meet the Feebles 1989ko Peter Jackson zeelandaberritar zinema zuzendariaren filma da.
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Barietateen telebista-saio bateko antzezle den animalia-artista taldea dira The Feebles. Ekoizlea espezie askoz osaturiko bere taldeak sortzen dizkion arazoak konpondu behar dituen mortsa bat da: igel drogazale bat, labezomorroekin pelikula pornoak egiten dituen arratoi bat, depresioak jotako elefante bat, bere promiskuitateagatik gaixotasun hilgarri bat harrapatu duen untxia, zuzendari diharduen azeri beldurti bat...[1]
- Mark Hadlow – Robert the Hedgehog / Heidi the Hippo (ahotsa) / Barry the Bulldog
- Peter Vere-Jones – Bletch the Walrus / Arthur the Worm / The Baker / Newspaper Mouse / The Announcer
- Donna Akersten – Lucille the Poodle / Samantha the Cat / Dorothy the Sheep / Female Rabbit / Chours Girls / Fitness Tape Voice
- Stuart Devenie – Sebastian the Fox / Dr. Quack the Duck / Daisy the Cow (Madame Bovine) / Sandy the Chicken / Cedric the Warthog / Seymour / Mr. Big the Whale / Female Rabbit / Chorus Girls
- Brian Sergent – Wynyard the Frog / Trevor the Rat / F. W. Fly / Jim the Frog / Chuck the Frog / The Spider / Vietnamese Gophers
- Ross Jolly – Harry the Hare / Dennis the Aardvark / Abi / Pekingese / Vietnamese Gophers
- Mark Wright – Sid the Elephant / The Masked Masochist / Louie the Dog / The Fish / Poodle / Bartender / Crab / Chorus Girls
- Fane Flaws – Musician Frog
- Danny Mulheron – Heidi the Hippo (gorputza)
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