June Clyde (St. Joseph, Missouri, 1909ko abenduaren 2 – Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 1987ko urriaren 1) Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako aktorea, dantzaria eta abeslaria izan zen.[1]
Clyde antzerkian oso gazte hasi zen, zazpi urte zituelarik. Bere lehenengo lana vaudeville bat izan zen. Hasieran bere izen artistikoa Baby Tetrazini izan zen. Hollywoodeko zineman filme batzuk egin zituen. Thornton Freeland zuzendari ingelesarekin ezkondu ondoren Ingalaterra joan zen eta han bere ibilbide artistikoarekin jarraitu zuen, zineman zein musikaletan eta antzezlanetan.[2]
- 1934 - Lucky Break Londresen.
- 1935 - The Flying Trapeze Londresen.
- 1937 - Hooray for What! Broadwayn.
- 1941 - Banjo Eyes Broadwayn.
- 1929 - Tanned Legs
- 1930 - Hit the Deck
- 1930 - The Cuckoos
- 1930 - Midnight Mystery
- 1930 - Humanettes
- 1931 - Arizona
- 1931 - The Mad Parade
- 1931 - Morals for Women
- 1931 - Branded Men
- 1931 - The Secret Witness
- 1932 - Steady Company
- 1932 - The Cohens and Kellys in Hollywood
- 1932 - Racing Youth
- 1932 - Radio Patrol
- 1932 - Thrill of Youth
- 1932 - Back Street
- 1932 - The All-American
- 1932 - The Finishing Touch
- 1932 - Tess of the Storm Country
- 1932 - A Strange Adventure
- 1932 - Oh! My Operation
- 1933 - File 113
- 1933 - Forgotten
- 1933 - Room Mates
- 1933 - A Study in Scarlet
- 1933 - Hold Me Tight
- 1933 - Her Resale Value
- 1933 - Only Yesterday
- 1934 - I Hate Women
- 1934 - Hollywood Party
- 1934 - Hollywood Hoodlum
- 1935 - Dance Band
- 1935 - She Shall Have Music
- 1935 - Charing Cross Road
- 1935 - No Monkey Business
- 1936 - King of the Castle
- 1936 - Land Without Music
- 1937 - Intimate Relations
- 1937 - Aren't Men Beasts?
- 1937 - School for Husbands
- 1937 - Make-Up
- 1937 - Let's Make a Night of It
- 1937 - Sam Small Leaves Town
- 1938 - Weddings Are Wonderful
- 1939 - His Lordship Goes to Press
- 1941 - Country Fair
- 1941 - Sealed Lips
- 1941 - Unfinished Business
- 1943 - Hi'ya, Chum
- 1944 - Seven Doors to Death
- 1945 - Hollywood and Vine
- 1946 - Behind the Mask
- 1951 - Night Without Stars
- 1952 - Treasure Hunt
- 1952 - 24 Hours of a Woman's Life
- 1954 - The Love Lottery
- 1957 - After the Ball
- 1957 - "The Vise"
- 1957 - The Story of Esther Costello
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