Cynthia Cockburn
Cynthia Cockburn (1934 – 2019ko irailaren 12a)[1] britainiar akademikoa, feminista, ekintzaile antimilitarista eta bakezalea izan zen.
Generoa, gerra, bakegintza, sindikalismoa eta errefuxiatuen alorrak ikertu zituen. Emakumeen nazioarteko bake mugimenduan aktiboa izan zen.[2] [3]
City University Londoneko Soziologia Saileko irakaslea izan zen, baita Warwick- eko Unibertsitateko Emakumeen eta Generoaren Ikerketa Zentroko irakaslea.[4] [3] [5]
Ekintzaile antimilitarista, bakearen eta gerraren aurkako hainbat erakunderen kidea izan zen. 1981ean, Jugoslaviako gerrei aurre egiteko Women Against War in the Gulf taldearen parte izan zen, gerora Women Against War Crime izango zena. 1993tik aurrera, taldeak Beltzez Jantzitako Emakumeak izena hartu zuen, nazioarteko beste bake mugimendu batzuk babestuz, Israel, Italia eta Jugoslavia adibide. [6] Beste erakunde batzuekin aritu zen elkarlanean, besteak beste, Women Against Fundamentalism, European Forum of Socialist Feminists [2] eta Women's International League for Peace & Freedom. [7]
Hainbat aldizkari akademikoetan argitaratu zuen, besteak beste, Feminist Review,[8] Gender & Development,[9] Soziologia Klasikoaren Aldizkaria,[10] Peace in Process.[11] The Guardian,[12] [13] Red Pepper,[14] Peace News,[15] IndyMedia UK,[16] eta OpenDemocracy-n ere idatzi zuen.[17]
Sariak eta Aitortzak
- 2017ko maiatzean, Istanbuleko Genero eta Bake Konferentzian omendu zuten, eta hasierako hitzaldiarekin ireki zuen jardunaldia.[18] [19]
- British Library proiektuan, 'Sisterhood and After', 1970-1980ko hamarkadan aktibo feministen ahozko historiaren artxiboan dago bere lana.[2]
- 2017ko urriaren 14an, Feminist Review aldizkariak Cockburne-k beka feministei egindako ekarpena ospatu zuen, SOAS Genero Ikasketen Zentroarekin ekitaldi bat antolatuz eta bere artikulu batzuetarako doako sarbidea eskainiz.[20]
- The Local State: Management of Cities and People (1977, Pluto Press)
- In and Against the State (1981, Pluto Press)
- Brothers: Male Dominance and Technical Change (1983, Pluto Press)
- Machinery of Dominance: Women, Men and Technical Know-how (1985, Pluto Press)
- Two-Track Training: Sex Inequalities and the Youth Training Scheme (1987, Macmillan)
- In the Way of Women: Men's Resistance to Sex Equality in Organizations (1991, Macmillan)
- Gender and Technology in the Making (1993, Sage Publications, with Susan Ormrod)
- Bringing Technology Home: Gender and Technology in a Changing Europe (1994, Oxford University Press, with Ruza Furst-Dilic)
- Women in the Europeanizing of Industrial Relations: A Study in Five Member States (1994, European Commission, with Maria Carmen Alemany Gomez, Myriam Bergamaschi, Hildegard Maria Nickel, and Chantal Rogerat)
- The Space Between Us: Negotiating Gender and National Identities in Conflict (1998, Zed Books)
- The Postwar Moment: Militaries, Masculinities and International Peacekeeping (2002, Lawrence and Wishar, with Dubravka Zarkov)
- The Line: Women, Partition and the Gender Order in Cyprus (2004, Zed Books)
- From Where We Stand: War, Women’s Activism and Feminist Analysis (2007, Zed Books)
- Antimilitarism: Political and Gender Dynamics of Peace Movements (2012, Palgrave Macmillan)
- Looking to London: Stories of War, Escape and Asylum (2017, Pluto Press)
Cockburn-en argitalpenak hainbat hizkutzetara itzuli dira, besteak beste, gaztelania eta katalanera. [21]
- ↑ Valdés, Ana. (17 September 2019). «Fredsaktivisten och feministen Cynthia Cockburn är död» Ny Tid.
- ↑ a b c «Cynthia Cockburn» The British Library. Aipuaren errorea: Invalid
<ref> tag; name ":0" defined multiple times with different content
- ↑ a b «Looking to London» Pluto Press.
- ↑ «People - Department of Sociology» University of Warwick.
- ↑ «Cynthia Cockburn» WILPF.
- ↑ «Cynthia Cockburn discusses Women in Black» The British Library.
- ↑ «Academics» WILPF.
- ↑ Cockburn, Cynthia. (2013). «what became of 'frontline feminism'? a retroperspective on post-conflict Belfast» Feminist Review 105 (105): 103–121. doi:10.1057/fr.2013.20..
- ↑ Cockburn, Cynthia. (12 November 2013). «War and security, women and gender: an overview of the issues» Gender & Development 21 (3): 433–452. doi:10.1080/13552074.2013.846632..
- ↑ Cockburn, Cynthia. (29 May 2012). «Who are "we"?', asks one of us» Journal of Classical Sociology 12 (2): 205–219. doi:10.1177/1468795X12441963..
- ↑ Cockburn, Cynthia. (February 2015). «Transversal Politics: a practice of Peace» Peace in Process 22.
- ↑ «Cynthia Cockburn» The Guardian.
- ↑ «Domestic violence must be about prevention as well as protection» The Guardian 27 February 2014 ISSN 0261-3077..
- ↑ Cockburn, Cynthia. (15 July 2014). «Guerrilla woolfare» Red Pepper.
- ↑ «Cockburn, Cynthia, Peace News»
- ↑ Cockburn, Cynthia. «The Trials of Pinar Selek» UK Indymedia.
- ↑ «Cynthia Cockburn» openDemocracy.[Betiko hautsitako esteka]
- ↑ «Gender & Peace Conference, 6-7 May 2017, Istanbul» Sabanci University.
- ↑ «Cynthia Cockburn's Keynote Speech at Gender and Peace Conference in Istanbul, May 2017» YouTube.
- ↑ «Celebrating Cynthia Cockburn» Feminist Review | palgrave.
- ↑ «Bibliography» Cynthia Cockburn.
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