The evolution of tectonophysics is closely linked to the history of the continental drift and plate tectonicshypotheses. The continental drift/ Airy-Heiskanen isostasy hypothesis had many flaws and scarce data. The fixist/ Pratt-Hayford isostasy, the contracting Earth and the expanding Earth concepts had many flaws as well.
The idea of continents with a permanent location, the geosyncline theory, the Pratt-Hayford isostasy, the extrapolation of the age of the Earth by Lord Kelvin as a black body cooling down, the contracting Earth, the Earth as a solid and crystalline body, is one school of thought. A lithosphere creeping over the asthenosphere is a logical consequence of an Earth with internal heat by radioactivity decay, the Airy-Heiskanen isostasy, thrust faults and Niskanen's mantle viscosity determinations.
Christian creationism (Martin Luther) was popular until the 19th century, and the age of the Earth was thought to have been created circa 4,000 BC. There were stacks of calcareous rocks of maritime origin above sea level, and up and down motions were allowed (geosyncline hypothesis, James Hall and James D. Dana). Later on, the thrust fault concept appeared, and a contracting Earth (Eduard Suess, James D. Dana, Albert Heim) was its driving force. In 1862, the physicist William Thomson (who later became Lord Kelvin) calculated the age of Earth (as a cooling black body) at between 20 million and 400 million years. In 1895, John Perry produced an age of Earth estimate of 2 to 3 billion years old using a model of a convective mantle and thin crust.[1] Finally, Arthur Holmes published The Age of the Earth, an Introduction to Geological Ideas in 1927, in which he presented a range of 1.6 to 3.0 billion years.
Wegener had data for assuming that the relative positions of the continents change over time. It was a mistake to state the continents "plowed" through the sea, although it isn't sure that this fixist quote is true in the original in German. He was an outsider with a doctorate in astronomy attacking an established theory between 'geophysicists'. The geophysicists were right to state that the Earth is solid, and the mantle is elastic (for seismic waves) and inhomogeneous, and the ocean floor would not allow the movement of the continents. But excluding one alternative, substantiates the opposite alternative: passive continents and an active seafloor spreading and subduction, with accretion belts on the edges of the continents. The velocity of the sliding continents, was allowed in the uncertainty of the fixed continent model and seafloor subduction and upwelling with phase change allows for inhomogeneity.
The problem too, was the specialisation. Arthur Holmes and Alfred Rittmann saw it right (Rittmann 1939). Only an outsider can have the overview, only an outsider sees the forest, not only the trees (Hellman 1998b, p. 145). But A. Wegener did not have the specialisation to correctly weight the quality of the geophysical data and the paleontologic data, and its conclusions. Wegener's main interest was meteorology, and he wanted to join the Denmark-Greenland expedition scheduled for mid 1912. So he hurried up to present his Continental Drift hypothesis.[2]
Note: Francis Bacon was thinking of western Africa and western South America and Theodor Lilienthal was thinking about the sunken island of Atlantis and changing sea levels.
Uniformitarism is the prevailing view in the U.S. (Oreskes 2002).
Charles Lyell assumed that land masses changed their location, but he assumed a mechanism of vertical movement (Krill 2011). James Dwight Dana assumed a permanent location as well, influencing the American fixist school of thought (Irving 2005). It wasn't known that the seafloor isn't mainly granite rock (sial) (as the continental cratons) but mainly basalt rock (sima).
Quote, Lyell: "Continents therefore, although permanent for whole geological epochs, shift their positions entirely in the course of ages." ((Lyell 1875, p. 258) cited in (Summerhayes 1990))
Quote, Wallace about Dana: "In 1856, in articles in the American Journal, he discussed the development of the American continent, and argued for its general permanence; and in his Manual of Geology in 1863 and later editions, the same views were more fully enforced and were latterly applied to all continents." ((Dana 1863) cited in (Wallace 2007, p. 342))
Airy-Heiskanen Model; where different topographic heights are accommodated by changes in crustal thickness.
Pratt-Hayford Model; where different topographic heights are accommodated by lateral changes in rock density.
Vening Meinesz, or Flexural Model; where the lithosphere acts as an elastic plate and its inherent rigidity distributes local topographic loads over a broad region by bending.
Willis, Bailey; Willis, R. (1929). Geologic Structures. McGraw-Hill book company, inc. p. 131. the evidences of movement noted in rock structures are so numerous and on so large scale that it is clear that dynamic conditions exist from time to time. (Holmes 1929a). But Willis was a fixist, as he supported the permanent position of the oceans, although he didn't believe in land-bridges (Krill 2011).
Wettstein, H. (1880). Die Strömungen der Festen, Flüssigen und Gasförmigen und ihre Bedeutung für Geologie, Astronomie, Klimatologie und Meteorologie. Zuerich. p. 406.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
Quote, Benjamin Franklin (1782): "The crust of the Earth must be a shell floating on a fluid interior.... Thus the surface of the globe would be capable of being broken and distorted by the violent movements of the fluids on which it rested".[12][13][14]
The vertical movement of Scandinavia after the ice age is accepted (recent average uplift c. 1 cm/year). This implies a certain plasticity under the crust (Flint 1947).[15]
Eduard Suess proposed Gondwanaland in 1861, as a result of the Glossopteris findings, but he believed that the oceans flooded the spaces currently between those lands. And he proposed the Tethys Sea in 1893. He came to the conclusion that the Alps to the North were once at the bottom of an ocean (Suess 1901).
Bertrand, Marcel Alexandre (1884). "Rapports de structure des Alpes de Glaris et du bassin houiller du Nord". Société Géologique de France Bulletin. 3. 12: 318–330.
Schardt, H. (1884). "Études géologiques sur le Pays d'Enhaut vaudois". Bull. Soc. Vaudoise Sci. Nat. 20: 1–183.
Schardt, H. (1893). "Sur l'origine des Préalpes romandes". Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat. Genève. 3: 570–583.
Schardt, H. (1898). "Les régions exotiques du versant Nord des Alpes Suisse. Préalpes du Chablais et du Stockhorn et les Klippes". Bull. Soc. Vaudoise Sci. Nat. 34: 113–219.
Peach BN, Horne J, Gunn W, Clough CT, Hinxman LW (1907). "The Geological Structure of the North-west Highlands of Scotland". Memoirs of the Geological Survey, Scotland. Glasgow.
Although Wegener's theory was formed independently and was more complete than those of his predecessors, Wegener later credited a number of past authors with similar ideas:[18] Franklin Coxworthy (between 1848 and 1890),[19]Roberto Mantovani (between 1889 and 1909), William Henry Pickering (1907)[20] and Frank Bursley Taylor (1908).[21]
In the 1920s Earth scientists refer to themselves as drifters (or mobilists) or fixists (Frankel 1987, p. 206). Terms introduced by the Swiss geologist Émile Argand in 1924 (Krill 2011).
Moreover, most of the blistering attacks were aimed at Wegener himself, an outsider (PhD in Astronomy) who seemed to be attacking the very foundations of geology.[22]
Matching of the coastlines of eastern South America and western Africa, and many similarities between the respective coastlines of North America and Europe.
Numerous geological similarities between Africa and South America, and others between North America and Europe.
Many examples of past and present-day life forms having a geographically disjunctive distribution.
Mountain ranges are usually located along the coastlines of the continents, and orogenic regions are long and narrow in shape.
The Earth's crust exhibits two basic elevations, one corresponding to the elevation of the continental tables, the other to the ocean floors.
The Permo-Carboniferous moraine deposits found in South Africa, Argentina, southern Brazil, India, and in western, central, and eastern Australia. (Frankel 1987, pp. 205–206)
Note I: Wegener described in a sentence the seafloor spreading in the first publication only. But he believed it is a consequence of the continental drift (Wegener 1912a in Jacoby 1981). He abandoned this sentence probably under the advice of Emanuel Kayser, University of Marburg.[2]
Note II: 'Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen' is one of the leading geographical monthlies of international reputation. (Ruud 1930); Wladimir Köppen (father-in-law), (Köppen 1921a), (Köppen 1921b), (Köppen 1925) and Kurt Wegener (brother), (Wegener 1925), (Wegener 1941), (Wegener 1942) defended there the Continental drift hypothesis in a somewhat mirror controversy (in Demhardt 2005).
Quote: "Daly,..., seeks to substitute sliding for drifting, assuming that broad domes or bulges form at the earth's surface, and on the flanks of these domes the continental masses slide downward, moving over hot basaltic glass as over a lubricated floor". (pp. 170–291)[25]
The Alps were and still are the best investigated orogen worldwide. Otto Ampferer (Austrian Geological Survey) rejected contractionism 1906 and he defended convection, locally only at first. Otto Ampferer even used the word swallowed in a geological sense. The Geological Society Meeting in Innsbruck, held on 29 August 1912, changed a paradigm (T. Termier words, the acceptance of nappes and thrust faults). So that Émile Argand (1916) speculated that the Alps were caused by the North motion of the African shield, and finally accepted this reason 1922, following Wegener's Continental drift theory (Argand 1924 as Staub 1924). Otto Ampferer in the meantime, at the Geological Society Meeting in Vienna, held on 4 April 1919, defended the link between the alpine faulting and Wegener's continental drift.[2][26][27]
Quote, translation: "The Alpine orogeny is the effect of the migration of the North African shield. Smoothing only alpine folds and nappes on the cross section between the Black Forest and Africa once again, then from the present distance of about 1,800 km, we have an initial gap of around 3,000 to 3,500 km, ie. a pressing of the alpine region, alpine region in a broader sense, of 1,500 km. To this amount must be Africa have moved to Europe. This brings us then to a true large scale continental drift of the African shield". (Staub 1924, p. 257) cited in (Wegener 1929, p. 10)
Quote, University of Chicago geologist Rollin T. Chamberlin: "If we are to believe in Wegener's hypothesis we must forget everything which has been learned in the past 70 years and start all over again." (Hellman 1998b), (Sullivan 1991, p. 15)
Quote, Bailey Willis: "further discussion of it merely incumbers the literature and befogs the mind of fellow students. (It is) as antiquated as pre-Curie physics". (Hellman 1998b, p. 150), (Hallam 1983, p. 136)
Bailey Willis and William Bowie saw the sima with great strength and rigidity through the seismological studies, and tidal forces would act more on the sima (2800 to 3300 kg/m3) as it is denser than the sial (2700 to 2800 kg/m3) (Frankel 1987, p. 211).
Quote, W. Van Waterschoot van der Gracht (Wilson cycle): "there may have been a pre-Carboniferous "Atlantic" that was closed up during the Caledonian orogenis" (Holmes 1929a).
In 1923, he received a grant from the Carnegie Institution of Washington, and used this to travel to eastern South America to study the geology of Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil.
1931: Peacock named the calc-alkaline igneous rock series.
Choubert, B. (1935). "Recherches sur la genèse des chaînes paléolithiques et antécambriennes". Revue de Géographie Physique et de Géologie Dynamique (in French). 8 (1): 5–50.
Schwinner (1941) sees subduction as the cause of Wadati–Benioff zone and volcanic activity, but does not link it to continental drifting. He was in a way an anti-drifter.[2]
Umbgrove, JHF (1942). The Pulse of the Earth (1 ed.). The Hague, NL: Martinus Nyhoff.
Alexander du Toit, Glossopteris findings in Russia are an erroneous identification. It was used as argument by anti-drifters (Du Toit 1944).
1944, cores of deep ocean sediment show rapid rate of accumulation, suggesting that old oceans are an impossibility ((Revelle 1944) cited in (Bullard 1975)).
Gewers, T. W. (1950). "Transactions of the Geological Society of South Africa". Journal of Geology. 52 (suppl): 1. Bibcode:1948JG.....56..497.. doi:10.1086/625552. marked regression away from continental drift
1951, Alfred Rittmann shows that crystalline mantle is able to creep at its temperature and pressure and he shows subduction, volcanism and erosion in the mountainous regions. Rittmann (1951), figure 4, p. 293.
1951, André Amstutz uses the word subduction.
Amstutz, André (1951). "Sur l'évolution des structures alpines". Archives des Sciences (in French) (4–5). Géneve: 323–329. 4) Première phase tectogène, approximativement durant le crétacé: Premières contractions tangentielles et déversements du géanticlinal briançonnais dans la dépression Mt. Rose, par subduction (ce mot n'est-il préférable à celui de sous-charriage ?) de masses Mt. Rose sous de masses St.Bernard; et peut-être simultanément déversements dans la dépression valaisanne-dauphinoise. (pp. 325–326)
E.g.: it had been shown that floating masses on a rotating geoid would collect at the equator, and stay there. This would explain one, but only one, mountain building episode between any pair of continents; it failed to account for earlier orogenic episodes.
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Wegener, Alfred (1912a). "Die Herausbildung der Grossformen der Erdrinde (Kontinente und Ozeane), auf geophysikalischer Grundlage". Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen. 63: 185–195, 253–6, 305–9. Diese (gemeint sind "relative geringfuegige Niveaudifferenzen der grossen ozeanischen Becken untereinander") scheinen es auch nahezulegen, die mittelatlantische Bodenschwelle als diejenige Zone zu betrachten, in welche bei der noch immer fortschreitenden Erweiterung des atlantischen Ozeans der Boden desselben fortwaehrend aufreisst und frischem, relativ fluessigen und hochtemperiertem Sima aus der Tiefe Platz macht [This (meaning the "relatively minor differences in level of the large oceanic basin with each other") seem to suggest also to consider the Mid-Atlantic Rift as the zone in which the expansion of the Atlantic Ocean is still ongoing, and its seafloor tears open constantly to make space to fresh, relatively fluid and tempered Sima] Presented at the annual meeting of the German Geological Society, Frankfurt am Main (6 January 1912).
Wegener, K. (1925). "Die Kontinentalschollen". Dr. A. Petermanns Mitteilungen. 71: 51–53.
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Wegener, K. (1942). "Die Theorie Alfred Wegeners über die Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane". Dr. A. Petermanns Mitteilungen. 88: 178–182. He gives reasons for the paleo connection of the Americas and Eurasia-Africa by naming paleontological similarities, parallelism of coastal forms and the recently researched submarine Atlantic mountain range as ideal seam of continental splits (p. 181).
Wilson, J. Tuzo (July 1962). "Cabot Fault, an Appalachian Equivalent of San Andreas and Great Glen Faults and Some Implications for Continental Displacement". Nature. 195 (4837): 135–8. Bibcode:1962Natur.195..135W. doi:10.1038/195135a0. S2CID4289725.
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Not to be confused with the Orne Covered Bridge in Irasburg, Vermont. Bridge in New Hampshire to Lunenburg, VermontMount Orne BridgeBridge in New Hampshire and VermontCoordinates44°28′N 71°39′W / 44.46°N 71.65°W / 44.46; -71.65CrossesConnecticut RiverLocaleLancaster, New Hampshire to Lunenburg, VermontMaintained byTowns of Lancaster and LunenburgID number29-04-08 (NH #30)CharacteristicsDesignHowe truss bridgeTotal length266.25 ft (81.15 m)Width20.5 ft (6.25 m) ...
Theory regarding color vision in humans For the universal psychological and neurological model, see opponent-process theory. This article is missing information about details of color perception. Please expand the article to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page. (June 2022) The opponent process is a color theory that states that the human visual system interprets information about color by processing signals from photoreceptor cells in an antagonistic manner. T...
2002 studio album by CandiriaThe C.O.M.A. ImprintStudio album by CandiriaReleasedJuly 2, 20021997 (Beyond Reasonable Doubt)RecordedPurple Light Studios, Brooklyn, New YorkGenre Groove metal[1] hardcore punk[2] jazz[2] hip hop[2] Length65:00 (Beyond Reasonable Doubt)79:00 (2CDs)LabelLakeshore EntertainmentProducerMichael BarileCandiria chronology 300 Percent Density(2001) The C.O.M.A. Imprint(2002) What Doesn't Kill You...(2004) Professional ratingsRevie...
Zoo in California, United States Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History Sea CenterSanta Barbara Museum of Natural History Sea Center34°24′37.90″N 119°41′10.05″W / 34.4105278°N 119.6861250°W / 34.4105278; -119.6861250LocationSanta Barbara, California, United The Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History Sea Center, briefly known as the Ty Warner Sea Center, is a museum owned and operated by the Santa Barbara M...
周處除三害The Pig, The Snake and The Pigeon正式版海報基本资料导演黃精甫监制李烈黃江豐動作指導洪昰顥编剧黃精甫主演阮經天袁富華陳以文王淨李李仁謝瓊煖配乐盧律銘林孝親林思妤保卜摄影王金城剪辑黃精甫林雍益制片商一種態度電影股份有限公司片长134分鐘产地 臺灣语言國語粵語台語上映及发行上映日期 2023年10月6日 (2023-10-06)(台灣) 2023年11月2日 (2023-11-02)(香�...
Funeral de Juan Pablo II Imágenes de la capilla ardiente y del funeral de Juan Pablo II.LocalizaciónPaís Ciudad del VaticanoLugar Ciudad del VaticanoDatos generalesTipo Muerte y funeralOrganizador Santa SedeParticipantes Curia romanaPolíticos y realezaHistóricoFecha Muerte: 2 de abril de 2005Funeral: 8 de abril de 2005Desenlace[editar datos en Wikidata] Los países indicados de color morado enviaron delegados al funeral de Juan Pablo II. La Muerte y funeral de Juan Pablo II, tu...
A Monetary History of the United States, 1867–1960 Dust jacket of 1st Edition, 3rd printingAuthorMilton Friedman, Anna SchwartzLanguageEnglishSubjectEconomic historyGenreHistoryPublished1963Princeton University PressPublication placeUnited StatesMedia typePrint (hardcover)Pages860 pp (first edition)OCLC258805Dewey Decimal332.4973LC ClassHG538.F86 1963 A Monetary History of the United States, 1867–1960 is a book written in 1963 by Nobel Prize–winning economist Milton Friedman ...
Karakter dalam legendarium TolkienNamaBoromirJenis kelaminPriaGelarKapten Menara Putih, Kapten Jenderal, Penjaga Utama Menara Putih, Pangeran GondorRasManusiaKulturGondor, Dunedain, Dinasti HurinTanggal lahirT.A. 2978Tanggal kematian26 Februari T.A. 3019Umur40–41 tahunDuniaGondor lbs Boromir merupakan seorang karakter manusia dalam legendarium J. R. R. Tolkien. Ia merupakan salah seorang karakter pembantu dalam dua buku pertama The Lord of the Rings dan merupakan salah satu d...
Sporting event delegationRwanda at the2023 World Aquatics ChampionshipsFlag of RwandaFINA codeRWANational federationRwanda Swimming Federationin Fukuoka, JapanCompetitors2 in 1 sportMedals Gold 0 Silver 0 Bronze 0 Total 0 World Aquatics Championships appearances197319751978198219861991199419982001200320052007200920112013201520172019202220232024 Rwanda is set to compete at the 2023 World Aquatics Championships in Fukuoka, Japan from 14 to 30 July. Swimming Main article: Swimming at the 2023 W...
Peta menunjukan lokasi Ivana Data sensus penduduk di Ivana Tahun Populasi Persentase 19951.024—20001.2935.13%20071.181-1.24% Ivana adalah munisipalitas yang terletak di provinsi Batanes, Filipina. Pada tahun 2007, munisipalitas ini memiliki populasi sebesar 1.181 jiwa atau 283 rumah tangga. Pembagian wilayah Ivana terbagi menjadi 4 barangay, yaitu: Radiwan Salagao San Vicente (Igang) Tuhel (Pob.) Pranala luar Philippine Standard Geographic Code Diarsipkan 2012-04-13 di Wayback Machine. 1995...
System designed to maintain a constant voltage An integrated circuit voltage regulator A voltage regulator is a system designed to automatically maintain a constant voltage. It may use a simple feed-forward design or may include negative feedback. It may use an electromechanical mechanism, or electronic components. Depending on the design, it may be used to regulate one or more AC or DC voltages. Electronic voltage regulators are found in devices such as computer power supplies where they sta... ist eine Weiterleitung auf diesen Artikel. Weitere von abstammende Office-Pakete sind unter OpenOffice aufgeführt. Apache OpenOffice Apache OpenOffice 4.0 unter Windows 8,Startbildschirm mit Auswahlmenü Basisdaten Entwickler Apache Software Foundation Erscheinungsjahr 2002 Aktuelle Version 4.1.15[1] (22. Dezember 2023) Betriebssystem Windows, macOS, GNU/Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD und andere Unix-Varianten, über Drittanbieter eComStation und Android ...
Artikel ini memiliki beberapa masalah. Tolong bantu memperbaikinya atau diskusikan masalah-masalah ini di halaman pembicaraannya. (Pelajari bagaimana dan kapan saat yang tepat untuk menghapus templat pesan ini) Artikel ini terlalu bergantung pada referensi dari sumber primer. Mohon perbaiki artikel ini dengan menambahkan sumber sekunder atau tersier. (Pelajari cara dan kapan saatnya untuk menghapus pesan templat ini) Artikel ini tidak memiliki referensi atau sumber tepercaya sehingga isinya t...
An example of a visual binary: Theta1 Orionis C1 (lower) and C2 (upper), as imaged by VLT/GRAVITY.A visual binary is a gravitationally bound binary star system[1] that can be resolved into two stars. These stars are estimated, via Kepler's third law, to have periods ranging from a few years to thousands of years. A visual binary consists of two stars, usually of a different brightness. Because of this, the brighter star is called the primary and the fainter one is called the companio...
Der Titel dieses Artikels ist mehrdeutig. Weitere Bedeutungen werden unter Genie (Begriffsklärung) und Genius (Begriffsklärung) aufgeführt. Eine auf Basis der Eminence von Genies erstellte Rangordnung von 772 herausragenden Künstlern ergab Michelangelo auf Platz 1 als größtes Genie im Bereich Kunst.[1] Ein Genie (über das französische génie vom lateinischen genius, ursprüngl. „erzeugende Kraft“) ist eine Person mit überragender schöpferischer Geisteskraft („ein geni...
Restarting a computer system or process For other uses, see Reboot (disambiguation). It has been suggested that this article be merged with Power cycling. (Discuss) Proposed since February 2024. In computing, rebooting is the process by which a running computer system is restarted, either intentionally or unintentionally. Reboots can be either a cold reboot (alternatively known as a hard reboot) in which the power to the system is physically turned off and back on again (causing an initial bo...
Opera and music genre Género chico (literally, little genre) is a Spanish genre of short, light plays with music. It is a major branch of zarzuela, Spain's form of popular music theatre with dialogue, and differs from zarzuela grande and most other operatic forms both in its brevity and by being aimed at audiences of a wide social spectrum. Origin and development Historical context Zarzuela was developed during the reign of Philip IV (1605–1665, reigned from 1621), who during the 1640s...