The Strange Calls
The Strange Calls is an Australian television comedy series based on a short film with the same title, which had been produced by Daley Pearson and released in 2011.[1] The series, broadcast in 2012, follows the adventures of Toby Banks, a young and recently disgraced police constable transferred from the city to a small town, and his elderly companion, Gregor, who every night receive strange calls from townspeople. ProductionThe six-part series was created, written and directed by Daley Pearson, and was produced by Tracey Robertson, Nathan Mayfield and Leigh McGrath.[2] Filming took place over four weeks in Coolum and Brisbane.[2] The series was first screened on ABC2 in October and November 2012. Cast
Episodes(Episode information retrieved from Australian Television Information Archive).[3]
External links
Information related to The Strange Calls |