En Bloc
En Bloc is a Singaporean drama produced by Mediacorp, a local TV station. PlotThe drama follows the Lim family and some residents of an old Tampines Grove condominium of the consequences of having their estate up for an en bloc sale for redevelopment. Every episode explores the dynamics of family relationships, the unfolding of family secrets and how they are affected and influenced by the wealth. There are the reluctant parents, who dread the thought of leaving the home they've lived in for decades. There is the son with the troubled past, the opportunistic younger brother, the hot-headed young lawyer, the aimless youngest child, and the uneasy daughter-in-law. Cast
Broadcasting History
TriviaIn reality, the "Tampines Grove" condominium, the show's main setting, is a real HDB Estate Prentice in Tampines. The filming mainly took place at Pandan Valley and Pandan Valley's Laurels supermarket External links
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