Rainbow's Sunset is a 2018 Philippine romantic drama film directed by Joel Lamangan from a story and screenplay written by Eric Ramos, with Lamangan and Ferdinand Dizon Lapuz co-writing the former. Starring Eddie Garcia, Tony Mabesa, and Gloria Romero, the film revolves around an 84-year-old man who came out as gay to his family and decided to take care of a man he loved.[1][2] Supporting cast includes Tirso Cruz III, Aiko Melendez, and Sunshine Dizon while Max Collins, Shido Roxas, and Ross Pesigan play the younger versions of the lead stars' characters. It was also the last movie of Eddie Garcia and Gloria Romero in their lifetime before they died in June 2019 and January 2025, respectively.
Produced by Heaven's Best Entertainment and EG Productions and distributed by Solar Pictures, the film was theatrically released on December 25, 2018, as one of the official entries for the 44th Metro Manila Film Festival.[1]
84-year-old Ramon announces to his family his decision to move to the house of his cancer-stricken lover, Fredo, to take care of him. Each of his children has his or her own troubles and victories, and so does his wife, Sylvia and he was torn between his duty on his family, and his true love. His children, who already know he is gay, are bewildered as to why he moves out and are also confused by the acceptance of his wife, Sylvia.
In flashbacks, Ramon is revealed to have been a student funded by Fredo's rich family. He falls in love with Fredo, who helps him launch his political career. In 1969, their affair is discovered by Sylvia, who accepts Fredo when he assures her that he shares his love for Ramon with those he loves.
In the present day, Ramon moves to Fredo's home to take care of him, scandalizing his adult children, who try to cover up their relationship when Ramon and Fredo show up at an event. Furious, the couple storm off. Ramon shortly dies afterwards and the children, realizing how much their relationship meant, accompany Sylvia who decides to care for Fredo in Ramon's place.
Eddie Garcia (left) and Gloria Romero (middle) play the respective roles of Ramon and Sylvia Estrella, with Max Collins (right) plays the younger Sylvia.
Ysh Cabana of The Philippine Reporter wrote "At time unwittingly funny and served with as much histrionics, the plot felt a bit superficial. While there are notable technical misgivings in the script as whole, there is potential goldmine at the end of the Rainbow."[3]