Carissa (Nanette Medved), who lives with her mother Timotea (Daria Ramirez) and grandmother Emma (Caridad Sanchez), is often a subject of ridicule in their community particularly their Kapitana (Lorli Villanueva) and her daughter Shirley (Cherry Pie Picache) because of the mother and daughter's appearances. Some say they are causing bad luck and are called "witches". This makes Carissa hurt so badly because of poverty and her face. However, they had a kind neighbor named Mendez (Cesar Montano), who came from a wealthy family and was searching for his godfather, Dr. Hugo Roldan (Christopher De Leon), a famous plastic surgeon who was researching creating a perfect and beautiful woman.
Hiram na Mukha was first serialized in komiks before being adapted into a film. Pablo S. Gomez was the creator and writer of the story. However, all the rights were transferred to Viva Films.
Ella Mae Saison performed the movie's theme song, "Hiram na Sandali".