The office traces its lineage back to the office of "Secretary of the Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia in Slovenia", established after the founding of the LCY in 1919. This body had no distinct rights and was under the jurisdiction of the Yugoslav Central Committee. On 17 April 1937, the LCY convened the founding congress of the Communist Party of Slovenia. On 18 April, the Central Committee of the 1st Congress elected Franc Leskošek as "Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Slovenia". The LCY 6th Congress on 2–7 November 1952, renamed the party League of Communists, and the Slovene republican branch followed suit and changed its name to League of Communists of Slovenia. On 4 October 1966, the 5th Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the LCY 8th Congress abolished the office of General Secretary at the national level and replaced with the office of President. The ZKS Central Committee convened a meeting on 17 October 1966 that abolished the office of secretary and established the "President of the Central Committee of the League of Communists of Slovenia". The reforms passed by the LCY Central Committee plenum strengthened the powers of the republican branches and gave more powers to the Slovene party leader. The 9th ZKS Congress introduced another set of reforms on 30 July 1982, which abolished the existing office and replaced it with the "President of the Presidency of the Central Committee of the League of Communists of Slovenia". This office was retained until 27 October 1990, when the party changed its name to the "League of Communists of Slovenia — Party of Democratic Reform" on 17 July 1990.
Office history
Established by
Secretary of the Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia for Slovenia Slovene: Sekretar Pokrajinskega komiteja Komunistične partije Jugoslavije za Slovenijo
President of the Presidency of the Central Committee of the League of Communists of Slovenia Predsednik predsedstva Centralnega komiteja Zveze komunistov Slovenije