The Parti Bumi Kenyalang ( meaning "Land of the Hornbill Party") is a Sarawakian centre-right political party and officially registered in 2013 and have its headquarters in Bintulu and also in Kuching.[1]
The party's stated intent is to establish a just, equal, progressive, stable and harmonious society and serve as a platform for Sarawakians to express their concerns about issues affecting the state and safeguard the concerns and autonomy of Sarawak.[2]
It also seeks to push for a review of the status of the rights of Sarawak using the Malaysia Agreement and the Cobbold Commission report as its basis.[3] Parti Bumi Kenyalang is the only political party currently working on the concept of "In Quest of Independence" which is gaining support from Sarawak people.
As a pro-independence political party, Parti Bumi Kenyalang will seek freedom and independence for Sarawak by constitutional and legal means under domestic and international law based on inalienable right of self-determination mentioned in United Nations Assembly Resolutions 1514 and 1541 from the federation of Malaysia once it becomes the Sarawak Government.