The film centers around a family of Swedishimmigrants in Nebraska around the turn of the 20th century. The family's father dies and leaves the family farm to his daughter. She does her best to make the farm work when many others are giving up and leaving.[1]
Marie Shabata (czech Šabata) is Emil’s childhood friend and the object of his love. She comes from a Bohemian family and is beautiful,
She runs off and marries Frank Shabata when she’s just eighteen, but comes to believe that she was not the right person for Frank. She comes to return Emil’s love, and though she tries (and fails) to resist her feelings.
Much of the filming was done on location in and around Johnstown, in northern Nebraska. Many of the buildings used are still in use today and retain the board sidewalks seen in sections of the film.[2] Additional scenes were filmed in Clarkson, Nebraska, in the northeast part of the state, at what was then the city's library, as well as a small farmhouse north of town.
It first aired on television on February 2, 1992, and was the second-most watched primetime show of the week.[citation needed]