Miklós Küzmics (Slovene: Mikloš Küzmič; September 15, 1737 – April 11, 1804) was a Hungarian Slovene writer and translator.
Küzmics was born in Dolnji Slaveči and died in Kančevci. His parents were János and Erzsébet Küsmics [sic]. He was trained as a school supervisor for the SloveneCatholic schools in Prekmurje. Miklós Küzmics wrote the first bilingual textbook for the Hungarian Slovenes, entitled ABC knizsica narodni soul haszek (Elementary School Primer), which he translated from German into Hungarian and Slovene. This booklet, which contained the first Slovene-Hungarian dictionary, appeared in Buda in 1790.
He also translated the four Gospels into Prekmurje Slovene. The book was printed in 1804 in Szombathely as Szvéti Evangyeliomi.
Although they had the same surname, Miklós Küzmics was not related to István Küzmics, the most important Protestant writer and educator of the Hungarian Slovenes in Prekmurje.
Krátká Summa Velikoga Katekizmussa, Sopron 1780 (Small Tenet of the Great Catechism)