Shanti Swarup, a wealthy businessman, lives with his three sons Ram, Shyam, and Sunder; his wife Parvati; widowed daughter Devki; unmarried daughter Geeta; and adopted orphan Kanhaiya. Kanhaiya is raised as Shanti Swarup's family member and he in return is very dedicated to this family, especially his adopters – Shanti and Parvati. They come across Laxmi whose parents, known to the Swarups, died and so they also bring Laxmi into their family. Parvati wants Sunder to marry Laxmi, but Sunder wants to marry his lover Rachna. Eventually, Kanhaiya marries Laxmi and Sundar marries Rachna.
Shanti arranges for Geeta to marry Ramesh, the son of his friend Lala Karamchand. Financial losses cause Shanti to lose all his wealth. Ram and Shyam refuse to help him at all, and Karamchand cancels the impending marriage. Kanhaiya and Laxmi leave the house due to the instance of Shanti to make him self-dependent and also ill-treatment by his sons. But they are given shelter by Laxmis long-lost brother Madhu who doesn't reveal his identity to Laxmi. Disheartened, depressed and unable to face anyone, Shanti dies. Even as his palatial house is to be auctioned by Karamchand, who is voracious, a devastated Parvati is on her deathbed as she cannot think of living anywhere else, and only a miracle can save the now ruined family.
Kanhaiya saves Karamchand's son Ramesh from a car accident. Thus Karamchand gives the palatial house in favour of Kanhaiya and on turn reunites with the family and fulfils the wishes of Shanti Swaroop.