Vijay is a meritorious student brought up by his impoverished mother. Once, she was diagnosed with blood cancer, and Vijay could not raise the funds. Hence, he attempts a robbery, but his norms thwart him. At that moment, he is surprised to see his identical Vinod, a tycoon, who comforts him with the required amount. Indeed, Vinod is the callow son of Zamindar, who was raised as a scaredy cat by his cold-blooded uncle Shyamlal to usurp his wealth. His uncle's son, Pashi, mercilessly drubs him for their hidden heritage treasure. Moreover, he is dopey, and the ghost of his lover, Radha, haunts him. Knowing it, Vijay decides to restore his life as gratitude, and they transpose. Then, Vijay retaliates on Shyamlal & Pashi and checks their ploys. In that process, he falls Roopa, the younger of Radha. In tandem, Vinod is merry with the love & affection of the new family. Misinterpreting Vijay as the impostor of her sister, Roopa rebukes him when he divulges the actuality and announces the existence of Radha. Now, Vijay discloses the treasure's mystery and Radha's whereabouts. However, Shyamlal & Pashi detect it and seize Vinod & Vijay's family. At last, Vijay rescues them and ceases the black guards. Finally, the movie ends on a happy note with the marriage of Vijay & Roopa.