The film revolves around a group of villagers from Maranur, India, and their clash with a neighbouring village leader as their community begins to prosper. Soon, money and greed threaten a will for peaceful coexistence between the two rivalling communities. The main theme involves the role of the caste system and how the younger generation strives to overcome it.
Suhasini offered the title role – Indira, to her cousin Anuradha, daughter of producer Chandrahasan, and the actress has since noted that "it was a heavy subject for a newcomer. But I was moved by the story line and there were occasions when I was overwhelmed with emotion. Not once did I use glycerine for tearful scenes".[3]V. Priya worked as an assistant director during the making of the film.[4]
R. P. R. of Kalki wrote it is understood that Suhasini has a healthy way of thinking; whether she changes the fate of Tamil cinema or not, it will be favourable if she is not changed.[6] Reviewing the film at the Indian Panorama section of the International Film Festival of India, S. R. Ashok Kumar of The Hindu wrote that "In certain scenes Anuradha Hassan does not look like a new find at all".[7]