Goldmont Plus is a microarchitecture for low-power Celeron and Pentium Silver branded processors used in systems on a chip (SoCs) made by Intel. The Gemini Lake platform with 14 nm Goldmont Plus core was officially launched on December 11, 2017.[1] Intel launched the Gemini Lake Refresh platform on November 4, 2019.[2][3]
Goldmont Plus is an enhanced 2nd generation out-of-order low-power Atom microarchitecture designed for entry level desktop and notebook computers.[4] Goldmont Plus is built on the 14 nm manufacturing process and supports up to four cores for the consumer devices. It includes the Intel Gen9 graphics architecture with improvements introduced with the Kaby Lake microarchitecture.
The Goldmont Plus microarchitecture builds on the success of the Goldmont microarchitecture, and provides the following enhancements:
Widened previous generation Atom processor back-end pipeline to 4-wide allocation to 4-wide retire, while maintaining 3-wide fetch and decode pipeline.