Caritas Congo was founded in 1960 by the Congolese Bishops Conference (CENCO) with the mission to improving the lives of individuals and communities as a whole, according to the social doctrine of the Church. The organisation was registered in 1964 and restructured in 1993.[2][3][4]
Caritas Congo consists as the national office, the Secrétariat exécutif ("Executive Secretariat"), and acts as a federation of 48 diocesan offices spread throughout the country. These organisations are called Caritas-Développement diocésaines ("Diocesan Caritas Development"). The 48 diocesan offices are divided into around 1,500 parish Caritas and more than 10,000 local units (cellules, "cells").[1]
Caritas Congo is active in emergency relief while also providing medical services and implementing community development projects. In a context in which The DRC is sometimes described as a failed state, Caritas Congo provides more than 41% of all education services in the country.[5][6]
The Executive Secretariat coordinates the work of all 48 diocesan Caritas organisations and represents them. It is also responsible for capacity strengthening and advocacy.[1]
In 2023, Caritas Congo supported 2,5 million persons with a budget of 20.3 million US dollars. The main areas of activity were prevention and emergency response projects, health promotion projects and projects promoting sustainable development.[1]
Caritas Congo asbl: Origines, étapes historiques, réalisations, défis et perspectives, Dr. Bruni Miteyo Nyenge, ICREDES, Kinshasa, Montréal, Washington[7]