Anita, Bando, Benvignante, Boccaleone, Campotto, Case Selvatiche, Consandolo, Filo, La Fiorana, Longastrino, Menate, Molino di Filo, Ospitale Monacale, San Biagio, San Nicolò, Santa Maria Codifiume, Traghetto
Argenta is situated in a flat agricultural region near the Valli di Comacchio lagoon wetlands. Much of the latter is today a wildlife sanctuary and Argenta is home to the Marsh Museum which offers many facilities for ornithology.
The town was founded by the Romans. In 1295 it was the seat of a convention of the main Ghibelline leaders of Romagna to decide the course of the war against the Papal forces.
In 1923 a Fascist squad murdered a Catholic priest, don Giovanni Minzoni, an anti-fascist and the voice of the poor farmers in Romagna, as well as a friend of several socialist politicians like Natale Galba.
Argenta is located on the SS16 Adriatica state highway, which connects it to Ferrara and Ravenna. It has a rail-station on the Ferrara-Rimini railroad.