"The properties are grouped under a single historic context, Rock Art of Minnesota, ca. 10,000 BC to 1700 AD, which
subsumes all defined rock art types and sites constructed or otherwise developed state-wide by Minnesota's original
inhabitants. Three property types are recognized, petroglyphs, pictographs and petroforms; the rationale for defining three
property types derives from the observation that the distribution of each is rather limited to specific areas of the state, with
petroglyphs found almost exclusively in the southern part of the state, pictographs limited to the northeast, and petroforms
recognized only in southwesternmost Minnesota. Moreover, available analysis suggests that these three types initially
appeared at very different times and, further, even a cursory assessment indicates that the property types are characterized
by a divergence of style and content."[1]
See also
Oneota - Upper Mississippian tradition or culture, in Minnesota.
1974 An Archaeological Investigation of the Painted Rock Cliff Site, Crooked Lake, Lake County, Minnesota. Manuscript on file, Archaeology Department, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.
1991 History Along the River: A Literature Review of the Archaeological Properties at the Little Falls Hydro Reservoir, Morrison County, Minnesota. Institute for Minnesota Archaeology, Reports of Investigations No. 100. Manuscript on file, State Historic Preservation Office, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.
Birmingham, R.A. and W. Green (editors): *1987 Wisconsin Rock Art. The Wisconsin Archeologist 68:4.
Bray, E.G. and M.C. Bray (editors): 1976 Joseph N. Nicollet on the Plains and Prairies: The Expeditions of 1838-39 With Journals, Letters, and Notes on the Dakota Indians. Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.
Bray, M.C. (editor): 1970 The Journals of Joseph N, Nicollet: A Scientist on the Mississippi Headwaters with Notes on Indian Life, 1836–37. Translated by Andre Fertey. Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.
Dewdney, S. and K.E. Kidd: 1967 Indian Rock Paintings of the Great Lakes. University of Ontario Press.
Dobbs, C.A.: 1990 A Phase Two Evaluation of Ancient Native American Sites in Portions of the Spring Creek Valley, City of Red Wing, Goodhue County, Minnesota. Institute for Minnesota Archaeology, Reports of Investigations No. 83. Manuscript on file, State Historic Preservation Office, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.
Harvey, H.W.: 1944 Some Caves and Pictographs Near the Harvey Rock Shelter. The Minnesota Archaeologist 10(4): 124–128.
Kehoe, T.F.: 1976 Indian Boulder Effigies, Saskatchewan Museum of Natural History, Popular Series No. 12. Department of Tourism and Renewable Resources, Regina.
Lewis, T.H.:
1885 Northwestern Archaeological Survey (unpublished field notebook 22). Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.
1890a Stone Monuments in Northwestern Iowa and Southwestern Minnesota. American Anthropologist 3:269-274.
1890b Cave Drawings. Appleton's Annual Cyclopaedia and Register of Important Events, 1889 14:117-122.
1898 The Northwestern Archaeological Survey. Published by the author, St. Paul.
Lothson, G.A.: 1976 The Jeffers Petroglyphs Site: A Survey and Analysis of the Carvings. Minnesota Prehistoric Archaeology Series No. 12. Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.
Lowe, D.:
1987 Rock Art Survey of the Blue Mounds Creek and Mill Creek Drainages in Iowa and Dane Counties, Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Archeologist 68(4):341-375.
1993 Houses of Stone: Rockshelters of Southwestern Wisconsin. Paper presented at the 38th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Archaeological Conference, Milwaukee
Nicollet, J.N.: 1845 Report Intended to Illustrate A Map of the Hydrographical Basin of the Upper Mississippi River, Document No. 52, Report Submitted to the 28th Congress. Blair and Rives, Washington.
Rajnovich, G.: 1994 Reading Rock Art. Natural Heritage/Natural History Inc., Toronto.
Roefer, F., M. English and G. Lothson: 1973 The Jeffers Petroglyphs: A Cultural-Ecological Study. Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.
Salzer, R.J.:
1987a Introduction to Wisconsin Rock Art. The Wisconsin Archeologist 68(4):277-286.
1987b Preliminary Report on the Gottschall Site (47Ia80). The Wisconsin Archeologist 68(4):419-472.
1993 Oral Literature and Archaeology. The Wisconsin Archeologist 74(1-4):80-119.
Schoolcraft, H.R.: 1966 Travels Through the Northwestern Regions of the United States. E. & E. Hosford, Albany. 1966 reprint of 1821 original, Readex Microprint Corporation.
Snow, D.R.: 1962 Petroglyphs of Southern Minnesota. The Minnesota Archaeologist 24(4): 102–128.
Southwick, D.L.: 1981 Letter to Robert Clouse (October 9), County Miscellaneous File (Cottonwood). State Archaeologist's Office, St. Paul.