In a groupG, such that , where p does not divide m, and has a subgroup of order , 30 is the only number less than 60 that is neither a prime nor of the aforementioned form. Therefore, 30 is the only candidate for the order of a simple group less than 60, in which one needs other methods to specifically reject to eventually deduce said order.[citation needed]
The SI prefix for 1030 is Quetta- (Q), and for 10−30 (i.e., the reciprocal of 1030) quecto (q). These numbers are the largest and smallest number to receive an SI prefix to date.
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In other fields
Thirty is:
Used (as –30–) to indicate the end of a newspaper (or broadcast) story, a copy editor's typographical notation
The number of days in the months April, June, September and November (and in unusual circumstances February—see February 30). Although the number of days in a month vary, 30 is used to estimate months elapsing.
In The Myth of Sisyphus the French existentialist Albert Camus comments that the age of thirty is a crucial period in the life of a man, for at that age he gains a new awareness of the meaning of time.