The Yari Film Group (YFG) is an independent film company headed by producer Bob Yari. The company deals in financing, production, acquisition, sales and distribution of theatrical feature films.[1]
Yari Film Group's distribution platform filed for bankruptcy on December 12, 2008, due to various box office flops, tightening credit markets and the bankruptcy of payroll company Axium, which according to Yari swept millions of dollars from its payroll accounts, as a “perfect storm” that sunk the company financially.[9][10] Yari's last few films would instead be released directly to DVD by the company's home video partners, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment and Sony Pictures Home Entertainment. Since then, the company has remained mostly silent, though it has still been retained by Yari for some films he's contributed to such as Guns, Girls and Gambling, Papa: Hemingway in Cuba and the upcoming Fireflies at El Mozote.[11] Yari has licensed the rights to a majority of their films to Moonstone Entertainment, who has rereleased them on home video through MVD Entertainment Group and on streaming through FilmRise.