The supposed American ElmcultivarUlmus americana 'Pyramidata' was a Belgian clone listed by Wesmael[1] in Bulletin de la Fédération des sociétés d'horticulture de Belgique, 1862, as Ulmus Americana pyramidalis Hort. (with a capital "A").[2][3] It was marketed by the Baudriller nursery, Angers, France, and appeared in their catalogue of 1880 as U. Americana pyramidata.[4][3] Wesmael's Ulmus americana and Ulmus americana var. variegata, however, do not appear from herbarium specimens to have been American white elm (see Ulmus americana 'Variegata').[5][6] It is known that nurseries in Europe and America marketed the golden wych elm Ulmus glabra 'Lutescens' as Ulmus americana aurea,[7][8] so it is possible that Wesmael's Ulmus americana pyramidalis was similarly misnamed.