October 22, 2017 (2017-10-22) – June 23, 2019 (2019-06-23)
The Jellies! is an American adultanimated sitcom created by Tyler, the Creator and Lionel Boyce for Cartoon Network's late-night programming block Adult Swim. The show was revamped from a series of the same name which was previously featured exclusively on Tyler's Golf Media app.[1] It premiered on Adult Swim on October 22, 2017.[2][3] The animation is produced by Augenblick Studios, and was renewed for a second season in October 2018.[4] The second season premiered on May 12, 2019.
On August 17, 2021, voice actor Earl Skakel announced that Adult Swim cancelled the show after two seasons.[5]
The show follows a family of anthropomorphic jellyfish and their 16-year-old human son Cornell. When the boy learns he was adopted at birth, he is shocked, and subsequently spirals out of control in an attempt to "find himself." As a result, he and his family and friends wind up in what the network bills as "uncanny situations."
Brock Baker (web series), Phil LaMarr as Cornell Jelly
The series premiered as a web series on the Golf Media app and released new episodes every Sunday in October 2015.[6] There are a few differences between the web series and the Adult Swim series such as Cornell's race (Caucasian in the Golf Media version; African-American in the Adult Swim version).
Note: This episode originally parodied the Wu-Tang Clan[21] and was set to air on June 2, 2019, but was pulled before airing, being re-animated and re-dubbed to replace the Wu-Tang likeness with the fictional band New York. The original Wu-Tang Clan version of the episode ended up airing on June 28, 2019, although this is unknown if this was an accident or not.
The original aired again on July 22, 2019 during the early hours, but on the re-air at 4 AM the censored episode aired.