April 7, 2019 (2019-04-07) – January 11, 2021 (2021-01-11)
Lazor Wulf is an American adult animated television series created by Henry Bonsu for Adult Swim that premiered on April 8, 2019. Originating as a webcomic on Tumblr in 2013,[1] it is directed by creator Henry Bonsu, with Daniel Weidenfeld who serves as co-developer. The first season was animated by Bento Box Entertainment and the second season was animated by 6 Point Harness.
On November 7, 2019, Adult Swim announced that the show has been renewed for a second season, which had a stealth premiere on April 1, 2020 and officially premiered on December 7, 2020.[2][3][4][5]
In June 2021, writer Judnick Mayard announced that Adult Swim cancelled the series after two seasons.[6]
Lazor Wulf follows a wolf who carries a laser on his back and the adventures he and his pack of carefree friends face while hanging out at their neighborhood joints like The Clurb and Esther's.[7]
After Esther's is destroyed, Lazor Wulf plans his future death, as he claims to be allergic to everything but Esther's. Meanwhile Stupid Horse tries to replicate Esther's to stop him from dying.
Stupid Horse receives an upgrade after a major injury.
Note: This episode was previewed as part of Adult Swim's April Fools sneak previews, it was re-aired on December 14, 2020 in its correct placement in the season.
"The End Is High"
Judnick Mayard
Domitille Collardey Adebimpe, Natalie James, Jackie Snyder & Jared D. Weiss
Lazor Wulf, convinced that Action Jackson is a documentary, pesters Carl Weathers and accuses him of killing the titular character.
Note: Guest stars WWE Superstars Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston as Carl Weathers and Officer Kingston respectively. In WWE, Woods and Kingston are part of a tag team with series regular Big E, collectively known as The New Day.
"They Knew"
Ellington Wells
Domitille Collardey Adebimpe, Natalie James, Jackie Snyder & Jared D. Weiss