Kimi Shirokado is an eccentric little girl who lives at a low-cost housing complex called Housing Complex C in the fictional seaside town of Kurosaki. During the summer, she befriends city girl Yuri Koshide when her family moves in from Tokyo along with Middle Eastern fishing interns. A series of strange events soon occurs from dead animals appearing on the property to tenants mysteriously disappearing with moss growing inside their apartments.
A happy-go-lucky 9-year-old girl who resides within the complex who the elderly residents dote on as her "mother" is never seen outside of her apartment. She hints to know more about the strange events than she lets on.
Yuri's father who works as a supervisor and consultant for the foreign workers who have arrived in Kurosaki to work at the fisheries. He and his family have ulterior motives for coming to the complex.
An elderly professor and resident of the complex whose investigation into the strange occurrences at the complex leads to his eventual death once he pieced it all together at the cost of his sanity, leaving behind his journal with a detail of his findings, which Kimi gives to Kobayashi.
One of the Middle Eastern interns under Mr. Koshide. He is a brutish man who seems protective of Kimi and Yuri and is the largest of the interns who is said to be easily manipulated.
Rubel Hossen
Voiced by: Takeshi Nishimura (Japanese); Ryan Colt Levy[2] (English)
One of the Middle Eastern interns under Mr. Koshide, representing the group as he translates for them. He later left the complex as tensions between his group and the residents worsen as well as discovering a link to an ancient god.
Production and release
The series was directed by Yūji Nara, with script and original concept by amphibian, and animated by Akatsuki. The series was produced by Williams Street with Jason DeMarco serving as executive producer; the English dub was produced by Production I.G USA. The series aired on Adult Swim's Toonami programming block from October 2 to October 23, 2022.[3][a] A potential televised run of the series in Japan itself currently remains in question, despite the original Japanese language version being available to stream on Max.[4][5] In June 2022, Corus Entertainment confirmed through a press release that the series would also be broadcast on Adult Swim in Canada.[6]
The opening theme song for the series is "Make Believe" performed by Ivan Kwong (AG), while the ending theme song is "Secret of the Day" performed by De Tesla.
In the seaside town of Kurosaki, Kimi Shirokado is an eccentric girl whose complaint about the heatwave leads to her and the senior residents of Housing Complex C to find strange things while getting an ice machine in a secret storage cellar. Over the course of the next few days, Kimi befriends a girl named Yuri Koshide, whose family moved into the housing complex, along with mid-eastern interns. One intern named Kanchan Mia catches Kimi when she does an unexplained jump from the top of Housing Complex C. Later, Kimi brings Yuri to the storage cellar, where they find disturbing drawings belonging to a Hikikomori named Hideo. They return Hideo’s pen to him and he draws a cute picture of the two. Kimi comes to invite Hideo the next day for shaved ice and accidentally steps on his anime figurine upon noticing his bedroom door open, finding a large pile of moss inside.
"Mismatched Buttons" Transliteration: "Botan no Kakechigae" (Japanese: ボタンのかけちがえ)
As Hideo's disappearance is unofficially shrugged off by the local police, Kimi tries to ease tensions between the tenants and Mr. Koshide‘s interns with a shaved ice party. But as preparations are made, the senior tenants decide to investigate the strange piles of dead fish on the property and assume one of the interns is responsible, only for the mystery to deepen as one of them decides to stand guard. The party commences with Kentaro Yoshii realizing something is wrong when the shaved ice syrup tastes strange, finding his fellow tenant’s apartment growing moss while the syrup is revealed to be contaminated with a dog’s severed head.
"The Wheel Comes Full Circle" Transliteration: "Moto no Mokuami" (Japanese: もとのもくあみ)
Takashi helps briefly defuse the housing residents and the interns, lamenting that the wheel came full circle and that watch groups would incite further mistrust, as even Kanchan is sold out by his fellow interns to Rubel's disgust. Takashi realizes the strange events are tied to the lyrics of an ancient song, but reaches a dead end until seeing Rubel off, discovering the actual Kurodo Shrine is located behind Housing Complex C and makes a horrific discovery. As the day passes on, Kimi, Yuri, and Kanchan realize Takashi is missing and try to look for him. Their search takes them to the storage cellar, where they find Hideo's drawings ripped to pieces and a back chamber, which Kimi enters, finding a pile of moss and a mural of the fish people praying to the mountain god as Yuri attempts to decipher it before Kimi pleas for her not to. The two take their leave, Kimi revealing the moss to be what remains of Takashi. Later returning to her apartment, Kimi questions the growing embryo that she calls her "mother" if everything will go full circle.
"The End of the Line" Transliteration: "Ikkan no Owari" (Japanese: いっかんの終わり)
Tatsuya Sasaki
Tatsuya Sasaki & Yūji Nara
Junko Matsushita, Kazuya Saitō, Kyoko Kotani, Noriyoshi Yamazaki, Hsieh Wan Chien & Pui Ki Pang
After Kimi gives Kobayashi Takashi's journal, he learns that his friend discovered the fish people are worshipers of the fallen god Kuzululu. They commit human sacrifices to earn favor of the reality-warping god Iyoyoloki Soyohosu. That deity assumed the identity of Kimi, who kept the complex stuck in a year-long time loop of 2000. However, her task is made difficult by the Koshide family, who are descendants of the fish people. Kobayashi tries to reach Kimi only to be killed by Mr. Koshide, as he and Mrs. Koshide have slaughtered almost all the residents. After retreating into the cellar with Kimi, Yuri tries to kill her. Kimi reveals her true nature as Iyoyoloki Soyohosu and summons the mutilated parts of Yuri's parents. Having grown tired of her time amongst humans, a disillusioned Kimi kills Yuri and proceeds to undo the loop. Having received the stone from Kimi earlier with instructions, Kanchan is forced to go against his faith and recites a protection spell to survive. Kanchan awakens in a renamed town of Shirosaki as it should be in the present year as a white-haired Kimi watches him leave the ruins of Housing Complex C while blowing bubbles on the rooftop.
^ abAdult Swim listed the series premiere on October 1, 2022, at 12:00 a.m. (24:00) EDT/PDT, which is effectively October 2 at midnight
^ abcProduction staff information is taken from the ending credits of each episode