Richard Arnold Epstein (March 5, 1927 in Los Angeles, California – July 5, 2016), also known under the pseudonym E. P. Stein, was an American game theorist.
The Theory of Gambling and Statistical Logic ranks as the most popular of Epstein's technical books. He served as a consultant to public and private gamblingcasinos in Greece and Macao, and has testified on technical aspects of gambling in several court cases.
Under the pseudonym "E. P. Stein", he authored various popular works of fiction as well as historic and non-fictional books, and writes for TV and motion pictures.[2]
Richard A. Epstein, The Theory of Gambling and Statistical Logic (revised edition), Academic Press, 1995, ISBN0-12-240761-X. (Second edition), Academic Press, 2009, ISBN0-12-374940-9.
Selected journal publications by Epstein
Richard A. Epstein, "An automatic synchronization technique," IEEE Transactions on Communication Technology,Vol. 13(4), pp. 547–550, 1965.
Richard A. Epstein, "Relative coverage of large ground antennas," IEEE Transactions on Space Electronics and Telemetry,Vol. 10(1), pp. 31–83, 1964.
P. Green Jr., "Review of 'The Theory of Gambling and Statistical Logic' (Epstein, R. A.; 1967)," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 15(5), pp. 637–638, 1969.
Richard W. Hamming, "Games of Chance. (Book Reviews: The Theory of Gambling and Statistical Logic)," Science, Vol. 161(3844), pp. 878, 1968.