The system of orders, decorations, and medals of the Republic of Kazakhstan has its origins in the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 2676 dated December 12, 1995 titled "On State Awards of the Republic of Kazakhstan." Awards have been modified and added over time. The system has similarities to other countries that were formerly part of the Soviet Union.
Awarded for outstanding achievements in public and social activities; in the development of economy, social sphere, science and culture; in the state, law enforcement and military service, the development of democracy and social progress.[1]
«Қазақстан Республикасының Тұңғыш Президенті Нұрсұлтан Назарбаев» ордені
Qazaqstan Respýblıkasynyń Tuńǵysh
1 January 2001
Awarded for special merit in state and public activity promoting the prosperity and glory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. For special service to the Republic of Kazakhstan heads of state and leaders of foreign governments of may be awarded the order.[1]
Awarded for special merit in strengthening the national identity and sovereignty of the Republic of Kazakhstan; in providing of peace, consolidation of society and national unity of Kazakhstan; in state, industrial, scientific, social and cultural and public activity; or strengthening of cooperation between nations, rapprochement and mutual enrichment of national cultures, and friendly relations between states.
Awarded for special merit in strengthening the national identity and sovereignty of the Republic of Kazakhstan; in providing of peace, consolidation of society and national unity of Kazakhstan; in state, industrial, scientific, social and cultural and public activity; or strengthening of cooperation between nations, rapprochement and mutual enrichment of national cultures, and friendly relations between states.
Awarded for special merit in strengthening the national identity and sovereignty of the Republic of Kazakhstan; in providing of peace, consolidation of society and national unity of Kazakhstan; in state, industrial, scientific, social and cultural and public activity; or strengthening of cooperation between nations, rapprochement and mutual enrichment of national cultures, and friendly relations between states.
Awarded to high-ranking military officials of the Armed Forces, other troops and military formations, as well as management staff of the prosecution, National Security, and Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan for achievements in leadership and command and control, high combat readiness of the troops and ensuring the country's defense; or for the excellent organization of military, external and internal service, guaranteeing national security, enforcement of law and public order.[1]
Awarded to high-ranking military officials of the Armed Forces, other troops and military formations, as well as management staff of the prosecution, National Security, and Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan for achievements in leadership and command and control, high combat readiness of the troops and ensuring the country's defense; or for the excellent organization of military, external and internal service, guaranteeing national security, enforcement of law and public order.[1]
Awarded to company and field grade officers for success, achieved in combat training, maintenance of high military combat readiness of forces and learning of new military techniques, providing of legitimacy and protection of public peace; or for bravery and dedication during call of military duty and also for feats, committed under protection of state interests.
Awarded to company and field grade officers for success, achieved in combat training, maintenance of high military combat readiness of forces and learning of new military techniques, providing of legitimacy and protection of public peace; or for bravery and dedication during call of military duty and also for feats, committed under protection of state interests.
Awarded to non-commissioned officers and other ranks for success, achieved in combat training, maintenance of high military combat readiness of forces and learning of new military techniques, providing of legitimacy and protection of public peace; or for bravery and dedication during call of military duty and also for feats, committed under protection of state interests.
Awarded for merit in the fields of science, culture, literature and art, as well as statesmen and public figures, defenders of human rights, and others who have contributed to the spiritual or intellectual potential of Kazakhstan.
Awarded to citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign citizens who have made a significant contribution to the socioeconomic development of Kazakhstan, in the arrangement and construction of Astana, the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Awarded to military personnel of the armed forces, as well as other troops of military formations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, employees of the Prosecutor's Office, National Security, the Interior Ministry, and the penal system of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is awarded for skillful initiative and bold actions in combat, contributing to the successful accomplishment of combat missions of military units, as well as in the fight against crime; for their courage in defending the state border; or for services while serving.
Awarded to citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, fruitfully working in the fields of education, healthcare, social protection, and who have distinguished themselves especially in the fight against the pandemic COVID-19.
Қазақстан Республикасының Тәуелсіздігіне 30 жыл медалі
Qazaqstan Respwblïkasınıñ Täwelsizdigine 30 jıl medali
No. 575
17 May 2021
Awarded to citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign citizens, who have made a significant contribution to the formation of statehood, strengthening of sovereignty and socio-economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.