Following the 1949 establishment of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) the new state prohibited the wearing of all pre-1945 German decorations and created a new system of awards inspired in part by those of the USSR.[1][2]
After German reunification in 1990, former NVA Soldiers transferring into the new unified Bundeswehr could wear NVA award but list of approved East German decorations were limited and in the eyes of the new Bundeswehr fell under regulations for "foreign decorations". Awards associated with some state agencies or Communist organizations were considered to be in breach of public order and not allowed to be worn. Those were such as decorations issued by the Ministry for State Security, Border troops, Volkspolizei, Combat Groups, GST and the FDJ.
In total, there were 142 state decorations and medals and over 10.000 by non-state mass organisations. Every GDR citizen received on average ten awards in their lifetime. The inflationary use of awards increased from the 1970s onwards, most even mid-level Socialist Unity Party functionaries receiving multiple variants of the same award.[3]
The medal was awarded in a single class for special achievements and personal dedication in the protection of the GDR. Also, for exemplary initiative that have contributed to increasing public safety and order.
The medal was awarded in a single class for outstanding achievements and special merit over many years of exemplary duty fulfillment of duties in increasing operational readiness.
The medal was awarded for significant and outstanding achievements in scientific research, in medical practice, in the organization of health protection, in teaching at universities and in medical colleges and in the training of the medical cadre.
Awarded for exceptional merit in relation to ideology, culture, economy, and other designations. Additionally, citizens of other countries could also be awarded the order.
Awarded for outstanding achievements over many years which stabilised and strengthened the country, and in particular for high results in work in the national economy.
The medal was awarded in a single class for exemplary performances in ensuring fire protection, for great bravery in fighting fires in the protection of the lives of citizens of the GDR, in preventing major damage, for significant results in the development of fire protection in the GDR, for international cooperation of bodies of fire protection.
The medal was awarded in a single class for special merit in the deployment, development and consolidation of combat groups, for excellent performance in leadership and training, for the care and maintenance of equipment and armament.
The medal was awarded in a single class for outstanding achievements as well as personal bravery and selfless dedication in the fulfillment of fire protection duties in the safeguarding of the national economy as well as the life, health and protection of the personal property of the citizens of the GDR.
The medal was awarded in three classes for outstanding merit and personal readiness in support of increases in combat capabilities and readiness of the National People's Army:
The medal was awarded in three classes for merit and personal commitment in increasing public order and security; for the protection of the structure of socialism in the GDR and the consolidation of the German People's Police and the Ministry of the Interior:
The medal was awarded in 3 classes for outstanding achievements and personal dedication in maintaining the security of the borders of the GDR. Also for political and military leadership as well as for education and training.
The medal was awarded in three classes for faithful fulfillment of duties and recognition of exemplary achievements in the ranks of the combat groups of the GDR:
The medal was awarded in three classes to individuals or collectives of the GDR or other socialist states, for services in fulfilling duties in the customs administration that contributed to strengthening and securing the GDR:
The medal was awarded in three classes to members and collectives of the Civil Defense of the GDR, to citizens of the GDR as well as to foreign nationals of socialist brother states, companies and institutions; for special merit in increasing the operational readiness, the education and training, the maintenance of and development of technical equipment of civil defense:
The medal was awarded in three classes for achievements and merit in the consolidation of the relationships between the fraternal socialist armies and the development of mutual cooperation:
The medal was awarded in a single class for 5 years of honest, conscientious and faithful service in the armed organs of the GDR. It was replaced by the Medal For Faithful Service in the National People’s Army in 1956.
The medal was awarded in six classes to all employees of the customs administration upon reaching a fixed, uninterrupted period of honest, conscientious and faithful service:
Awarded for selfless commitment, exemplary work and self-sacrifice in combating the floods and in the subsequent repairs of damages in Saxony, the Ore Mountains and the Elster Mountains in July 1954.
Awarded for selfless dedication, exemplary assistance and personal sacrifice, as well as other outstanding services in preventing or combating disasters and eliminating their aftermath.
Awarded for excellent performance in the socialist competition as well as the fulfillment of, or zeal in the tasks set by the water management of the GDR, in connection with many years of activity in this field.
Awarded for a special contribution to the implementation of land reform, the founding of agricultural cooperatives or to the socialist transformation of agriculture.
Awarded for outstanding achievements in the emergence and overall strengthening of the GDR and for the active participation in the design of the socialist society.
The medal was awarded in three classes for special merit, exemplary initiative in socialist competition and the fulfillment of prescribed tasks in health and social services of the GDR. Also for many years of meritorious work in these areas as well as in administration and in the medical professions:
The medal was awarded in three classes both to individuals and collectives for extraordinary contributions and achievements in the development of socialist education in the GDR:
The medal was awarded in three classes for exemplary work successes through active and selfless commitment or longstanding meritorious activities in the field of maritime transport:
The medal was awarded to individuals in three classes for outstanding achievements in the development of the postal and telecommunications system. Also for services in ensuring the constant operational readiness of the telecommunication systems:
The medal was awarded in three classes for many years of exemplary work in the People's Control of the GDR and for excellent results in the control of the implementation of the resolutions of the SED and the government of the GDR:
The medal was awarded in three classes to reservists or veterans of military service, for outstanding services in the development and management of reservist work while not on reservist military service: