Monsters Inside: The 24 Faces of Billy Milligan is a 2021 docuseries about Billy Milligan, released on Netflix on 22 September 2021. It stars Kathy Preston, Bob Ruth and Sheila Porter.[1][2]
Billy Milligan was arrested in 1977 for a series of robberies, kidnappings, and rapes of three women on the Ohio State University campus. Despite evidence suggesting he had committed the crimes, Milligan had no memories of the assaults, appearing to exhibit continually changing personality traits. This resulted in a team of psychiatrists diagnosing him as having dissociative identity disorder. His lawyers pleaded insanity, claiming two of his initial 10 personalities committed the crimes without Milligan's knowledge. Milligan was acquitted but spent the next decade in mental hospitals, where he was diagnosed with an additional 14 personalities. He was released in 1988, then discharged from the Ohio mental health system and Ohio courts in 1991. His life outside the system of trying to lead a normal life is also discussed.