Love is Blind: UK is a British reality television series based on the original American version of the same name hosted by Matt Willis and Emma Willis which premiered on Netflix on 7 August 2024, as a three-week event.[1] On 21 August 2024, it was announced that the UK version has been renewed for a second season.[2]
The couple became engaged after the pods and met the rest of the couples in Corfu. Despite the false start Benaiah and Nicole got married. At the reunion it was revealed they were still together and living with each other.
Steven and Sabrina got married. In the reunion filmed one year later, it was revealed that Steven and Sabrina were no longer together. Their issues had been confounded by a long-distance relationship.
Did not get married. Catherine said yes, but Freddie felt the time was not right for them. After she left, he told her family that he still wanted her in his life. However she said it would take a lot for her to bounce back.
After a lack of contact before the wedding, Demi chose not to marry Ollie at the alter. Ollie asked her why, and she stated it was an I do not, for now, rather than a straight no. At the reunion it was revealed they had not pursued the relationship.
Split on wedding day. Tom said no, stating that they had some differences, which he hadn't had enough time to work through. Maria would have said yes. At the reunion it was revealed that their differences had not been resolved and they remained separated.
The couple did not go to Corfu with the rest of the couples. They both separately confessed to not feeling the connection in the real world and ended their engagement.
Season 1
Participants from the first season were revealed on 24 July 2024.[6]