The show follows the character of a waxer Chu Ai, who also runs a sex education vlog as a sideline. Living by her motto of "Only Sex, No Love," she has a long-term sexual relationship with Ping-ke.[3] In the face of the challenges and conflicts that arise from the Chu family's, unfulfilled demands for sex and love, Chu Ai strives to find the answer to desire and self-discovery and start a relationship that goes beyond the physical.[4][5]
Kimi Hsia as Chu Wei, Chu Ai's elder sister, who works as an administrative counter in the school library, married Lin Shijie, a professor at the school, and her life became less and less "sexual" due to the age gap
Umin Boya as Lin Shijie, Qiu Wei's husband, school professor
Miao Ke-li as Chu Ye Meizhi, Qiu's mother is a very traditional conservative mother.
Wang Yu-xuan as An-ni, a student who has a sexual relationship with Lin Shijie
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