Topos is translated variously as "topic", "themes", "line of argument", or "commonplace". Ernst Robert Curtius studied topoi as "commonplaces", themes common to orators and writers who re-worked them according to occasion, e.g., in classical antiquity the observation that "all must die" was a topos in consolatory oratory, for in facing death the knowledge that death comes even to great men brings comfort.[2] Curtius also discussed the topoi in the invocation of nature (sky, seas, animals, etc.) for various rhetorical purposes, such as witnessing to an oath, rejoicing or praising God, or mourning with the speaker.[3]
Lists of themes
Some examples of topoi are the following:
the locus amoenus (for example, the imaginary world of Arcadia) and the locus horridus (for example, Dante's Inferno);
love and death (in Greek, eros and thanatos), love as disease and love as death, (see the character of Dido in Virgil's Aeneid);
warlike love (see the work Stanze per la giostra by Giuliano de 'Medici by Angelo Poliziano), love as homage (see the courtly lyric poem), painful love;
the world upside down;
the dangerous night;
the infernal hunt (see Boccaccio's Decameron, day 5, novel 8);
aphasia, for example in the presence of the beloved woman (see the works belonging to the Dolce stil novo current, for example Al cor gentil rempaira semper amore by Guido Guinizelli);
the descensus ad inferos, or catàbasis in Greek (see Dante's entire Inferno, or the Aeneid, in his sixth book);
the desperate search for something, or quête in French;