List of universities in Argentina

Universities in Argentina (National and Provincial) are public, tuition-free and state funded, while private universities require some form of tuition payment.

Public universities

National universities

Name Acronym Main Location Website Creation R.
City Province
Alto Uruguay UNAU San Vicente Misiones 6 January 2015 [1]
Arts UNA Buenos Aires City 7 November 2014[a] [2][3]
Arturo Jauretche UNAJ Florencio Varela Buenos Aires 29 December 2009 [4]
Austral Patagonia UNPA Río Gallegos Santa Cruz 11 January 1995[b] [5][6]
Avellaneda UNdAV Avellaneda Buenos Aires 3 December 2009 [7]
Buenos Aires UBA Buenos Aires City 12 August 1821 [8]
Catamarca UNCa Catamarca Catamarca 19 September 1972 [9]
Central Buenos Aires UniCen Tandil Buenos Aires 9 October 1974[c] [10][11]
Chaco Austral UNCAus Sáenz Peña Chaco 26 December 2007 [12]
Chilecito UNdeC Chilecito La Rioja 18 December 2002 [13][14]
Comahue UNComa
Neuquén Neuquén 21 July 1971[d] [15][16]
Comechingones UNLC Villa de Merlo San Luis 7 November 2014 [17]
Córdoba UNC Córdoba Córdoba 29 May 1854[e] [18]
Cuyo UNCuyo Mendoza Mendoza 4 April 1939 [19]
Delta UNDelta San Fernando Buenos Aires 12 October 2023 [20]
Entre Ríos UNER Concepción del Uruguay Entre Ríos 30 May 1973 [21]
Formosa UNF Formosa Formosa 21 October 1988 [22]
General San Martín UNSam General San Martín Buenos Aires 2 July 1992 [23]
General Sarmiento UNGS Malvinas Argentinas Buenos Aires 10 June 1992 [24]
Guillermo Brown UNaB Almirante Brown Buenos Aires 27 October 2015 [25]
Hurlingham UNaHur Hurlingham Buenos Aires 2 December 2014 [26]
José C. Paz UNPaz José C. Paz Buenos Aires 29 December 2009 [27]
Jujuy UNJu Jujuy Jujuy 13 December 1973 [28]
La Matanza UNLaM La Matanza Buenos Aires 23 October 1989 [29]
La Pampa UNLPam Santa Rosa La Pampa 18 April 1973[f] [30][31]
La Plata UNLP La Plata Buenos Aires 25 September 1905[g] [32][33]
La Rioja UNLaR La Rioja La Rioja 28 December 1993[h] [34][35]
Lanús UNLa Lanús Buenos Aires 29 June 1995 [36]
Littoral UNL Santa Fe Santa Fe 17 October 1919[i] [37][38]
Lomas de Zamora UNLZ Lomas de Zamora Buenos Aires 24 October 1972 [39]
Luján UNLu Luján Buenos Aires 27 December 1972 [40]
Mar del Plata UNMdP Mar del Plata Buenos Aires 27 October 1975[j] [41][42]
Misiones UNaM Posadas Misiones 25 April 1973 [43]
Moreno UNM Moreno Buenos Aires 29 December 2009 [44]
National Defense UNDef Buenos Aires City 2 December 2014 [45]
National Technological University UTN Buenos Aires City 2 December 1959[k] [46][47]
Northeast UNNe Corrientes Corrientes 14 December 1956 [48]
Northwestern Buenos Aires UNNoBA Junín Buenos Aires 18 December 2002 [49][50]
Patagonia San Juan Bosco UNP Comodoro Rivadavia Chubut 29 February 1980[l] [51][52]
Pedagogical UniPe La Plata Buenos Aires 17 November 2015[m] [53][54]
Pilar UNPilar Pilar Buenos Aires 12 October 2023 [55]
Quilmes UNQ Quilmes Buenos Aires 23 October 1989 [56]
Rafaela UNRaf Rafaela Santa Fe 23 December 2014 [57]
Raúl Scalabrini Ortiz UNSO San Isidro Buenos Aires 2 December 2015 [58]
Río Cuarto UNRC Río Cuarto Córdoba 7 May 1971 [59]
Río Negro UNRN Viedma Río Negro 19 December 2007 [60]
Río Tercero UNRT Río Tercero Córdoba 12 October 2023 [61]
Rosario UNR Rosario Santa Fe 18 December 1968 [62]
Salta UNSa Salta Salta 18 May 1972 [63]
San Antonio de Areco UNSAdA San Antonio de Areco Buenos Aires 2 December 2015 [64]
San Juan UNSJ San Juan San Juan 30 May 1973 [65]
San Luis UNSL San Luis San Luis 30 May 1973 [66]
Santiago del Estero UNSE Santiago del Estero Santiago del Estero 16 May 1973 [67]
South UNS Bahía Blanca Buenos Aires 19 January 1956 [68]
Tierra del Fuego UNTdF Ushuaia Tierra del Fuego 16 December 2009 [69]
Tres de Febrero UNTreF Tres de Febrero Buenos Aires 30 June 1995 [70]
Tucumán UNT Tucumán Tucumán 4 April 1921[n] [71]
Villa María UNVM Villa María Córdoba 19 April 1995 [72]
Villa Mercedes UNViMe Villa Mercedes San Luis 3 December 2009 [73]
West UNO Merlo Buenos Aires 3 December 2009 [74]

Provincial universities

Name Acronym Main Location Website Creation University Status R.
City Province
Arts IUPA General Roca Río Negro 10 March 1999 15 May 2015 [75][76]
Buenos Aires City UniCABA Buenos Aires City 28 November 2018 [77]
La Punta ULP La Punta San Luis 19 May 2004 [78]
Chubut UDC Rawson Chubut 22 December 2008
Trades UPrO Villa Mercedes San Luis 22 October 2014 [79]
Córdoba UPC Córdoba Córdoba 20 April 2007 16 September 2015 [80][81]
Entre Ríos UAdER Paraná Entre Ríos 12 June 2000 22 June 2001 [82][83]
Ezeiza UPE Ezeiza Buenos Aires 22 June 2009 16 September 2015 [84][85]
Laguna Blanca UPLaB Laguna Blanca Formosa 1 July 2022 30 January 2023 [86]
Southwest UPSo Pigüé, Bahía Blanca Buenos Aires 8 July 1992 1 April 2014 [87][88]

Private universities

Name Acronym Main Location Website Creation University Status R.
City Province
21st Century US21 Córdoba Córdoba 24 January 1995 [89]
Aconcagua UdA Mendoza Mendoza 17 May 1965[o] 9 May 1968 [90][91]
Adventist UAP Libertador San Martín Entre Ríos 1898[p] 7 December 1990 [92]
Argentine Patagonia UPat Neuquén Neuquén 9 November 2022 [93]
Atlantis UAA Mar de Ajó Buenos Aires 8 April 1994 [94]
Austral Austral Pilar Buenos Aires 20 May 1977[q] 4 March 1991 [95][96]
Belgrano UB Buenos Aires City 11 September 1964 9 May 1968 [97][91]
Blas Pascal UBP Córdoba Córdoba 1980[r] 21 December 1990 [98][99]
CAECE Caece Buenos Aires City 9 May 1968 [91]
Catholic of Córdoba UCCor Córdoba Córdoba 8 June 1956[s] 22 August 1959 [100][101]
Catholic of Cuyo UCCuyo Rivadavia San Juan 4 May 1953[t] 17 September 1963 [102][103]
Catholic of La Plata UCaLP La Plata Buenos Aires 7 March 1964[u] 9 May 1968 [104][91]
Catholic of Misiones UCaMi Posadas Misiones 13 September 2012 [105]
Catholic of Salta UCaSal Salta Salta 19 March 1963 9 May 1968 [106][91]
Catholic of Santa Fe UCSF Santa Fe Santa Fe 9 June 1957[v] 25 August 1960 [107][108]
Catholic of Santiago del Estero UCSE Santiago del Estero Santiago del Estero 21 June 1960 8 September 1969 [109][110]
CEMA UCEMA Buenos Aires City 3 July 1978[w] 25 January 1995 [111][112]
Champagnat UCh Godoy Cruz Mendoza 1967[x] 4 September 1991 [113]
Cinema UCine Buenos Aires City 1991 30 September 1993 [114]
Concepción del Uruguay UCU Concepción del Uruguay Entre Ríos 15 June 1971 [115]
Congreso UC Mendoza Mendoza 6 January 1995 [116]
Cuenca del Plata UCP Corrientes Corrientes 23 November 1993 [117]
East UdE La Plata Buenos Aires 6 October 2008 [118]
Enterprise UAdE Buenos Aires City 1957[y] 9 May 1968 [119][91]
Enterprise and Social Sciences UCES Buenos Aires City 4 October 1991 [120]
Evangelical UE Buenos Aires City 13 November 2023 [121]
FASTA UFASTA Mar del Plata Buenos Aires 16 August 1991 [122]
Favaloro Favaloro Buenos Aires City 26 June 1992[z] 30 August 1998 [123]
Flores UFlo Buenos Aires City 3 January 1995 [124]
Gastón Dachary UGD Posadas Misiones 12 February 1998[aa] 26 February 2009 [125][126]
Greater Rosario UGR Rosario Santa Fe 5 May 2006[ab] 18 September 2018 [127][128]
Interamerican Open UAI Buenos Aires City 7 August 1995 [129]
ISALUD ISALUD Buenos Aires City 14 December 1998[ac] 10 December 2007 [130][131]
John F. Kennedy UK Buenos Aires City 4 April 1964 9 May 1968 [132][91]
Juan Agustín Maza UMaza Guaymallén Mendoza 4 May 1960 28 March 1963 [133][134]
Latin American Educational Center UCEL Rosario Santa Fe 3 December 1992 [135]
Maimónides UM Buenos Aires City 21 June 1990 [136]
Mendoza UM Mendoza Mendoza 22 December 1959 7 January 1963 [137][138]
Merchant Navy UdeMM Buenos Aires City 1965[ad] 17 January 1975 [139][140]
Metropolitan for Education and Work UMET Buenos Aires City 13 September 2012 [141]
Morón UM Morón Buenos Aires 18 May 1960 9 May 1968 [142][91]
Notarial UNA La Plata Buenos Aires 29 September 1964 9 May 1968 [143][91]
Palermo UP Buenos Aires City 12 November 1986 21 December 1990 [144]
Pontifical Catholic UCA Buenos Aires City 7 March 1958 2 November 1959 [145]
Saint Paul-Tucumán USPT Tucumán Tucumán 6 July 2007 [146]
Saint Thomas Aquinas UNSTA Tucumán Tucumán 29 October 1959[ae] 6 August 1965 [147]
Salesian UniSal Bahía Blanca Buenos Aires 1 April 2014 [148]
San Andrés UdeSA Victoria Buenos Aires 1 September 1988 23 August 1990 [149][150]
San Isidro USI San Isidro Buenos Aires 13 September 2012 [151]
Savior USal Buenos Aires City 8 June 1944[af] 8 December 1959 [152]
Social Museum UMSA Buenos Aires City 5 November 1956 11 July 1961 [153]
South American Integration UNISUD Posadas Misiones 5 July 2022 [154]
Southern Buenos Aires USBA Buenos Aires City 28 September 2023 [155]
Torcuato di Tella UTdT Buenos Aires City 24 September 1991 [156]

See also


  1. ^ Created on 10 December 1996 as Instituto Universitario Nacional del Arte.
  2. ^ Created on 22 December 1990 as Universidad Federal de la Patagonia Austral.
  3. ^ Merging of the Instituto Universitario de Tandil created on 3 May 1964, and the Instituto Universitario de Olavarría.
  4. ^ Created on 3 November 1964 as Universidad del Neuquén.
  5. ^ Created on 19 June 1613 as Universidad de Córdoba, changed its name in 1800 to Real Universidad de San Carlos y de Nuestra Señora de Monserrat.
  6. ^ Created on 4 September 1958 as Universidad de La Pampa.
  7. ^ Created on 8 February 1897 as Universidad Provincial de La Plata.
  8. ^ Created on 2 June 1972 as Universidad Provincial de La Rioja.
  9. ^ Created on 16 October 1889 as Universidad de Santa Fe.
  10. ^ Created on 19 October 1961 as Universidad de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Merged with Universidad Católica Stella Maris in 1975.
  11. ^ Created on 31 August 1948 as Universidad Obrera Nacional.
  12. ^ Created on 30 February 1973 as Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia. Merged with Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia in 1980.
  13. ^ Created on 9 August 2006 as Universidad Pedagógica Provincial.
  14. ^ Created on 2 July 1912 as Universidad de Tucumán.
  15. ^ Created as Instituto Superior de la Empresa. Changed its name in 1966 to Instituto Superior Aconcagua.
  16. ^ Created as Colegio Adventista del Plata.
  17. ^ Created as Asociación Civil de Estudios Superiores.
  18. ^ Created as Instituto Superior Pascal.
  19. ^ Created as Instituto Universitario pro Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Changed its name on 11 April 1959.
  20. ^ Created as Instituto Preuniversitario San Buenaventura.
  21. ^ Created as Universidad Comunitaria y Católica. Changed its name on 11 April 1966.
  22. ^ Created as Instituto Libre Pro-Universidad Católica de Santa Fe.
  23. ^ Created as Centro de Estudios Macroeconómicos de Argentina.
  24. ^ Created as Instituto Superior Champagnat de los Hermanos Maristas. Changed its name to Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales Marcelino Champagnat in 1971
  25. ^ Created as Instituto Superior de Estudios de la Empresa. Changed its name on 16 June 1962.
  26. ^ Created as Instituto Universitario de Ciencias Biomédicas.
  27. ^ Created as Instituto Universitario Gastón Dachary.
  28. ^ Created as Instituto Universitario del Gran Rosario.
  29. ^ Created as Instituto Universitario de la Fundación ISALUD.
  30. ^ Created as Fundación Manuel Trigo.
  31. ^ Created as Instituto Universitario Santo Tomás de Aquino.
  32. ^ Created as Instituto Superior de Filosofía. Changed its name to Institutos Universitarios del Salvador on 15 May 1958.


  1. ^ Creation: "Law 27,074". InfoLEG.
  2. ^ Creation: "Decree 1,404/1996". InfoLEG.
  3. ^ National University Status: "Law 26,997". InfoLEG.
  4. ^ Creation: "Law 26,576". InfoLEG.
  6. ^ National University Status: "Law 24,446". InfoLEG.
  7. ^ Creation: "Law 26,543". InfoLEG.
  8. ^ Creation: "Recorrido histórico - 200 años de historia". Universidad de Buenos Aires.
  9. ^ Creation: "Law 19,832". InfoLEG.
  10. ^ Creation: "Reseña Histórica". Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires.
  11. ^ National University Status: "Law 20,753". InfoLEG.
  12. ^ Creation: "Law 26,335". InfoLEG.
  13. ^ Creation: "Decree 2,615/2002". InfoLEG.
  14. ^ Creation: "Law 25,813". InfoLEG.
  15. ^ Creation: "Conmemoraciones" (PDF). Provincia del Neuquén - Consejo Provincial de Educación.
  16. ^ National University Status: "Law 19,117". InfoLEG.
  17. ^ Creation: "Law 26,998". InfoLEG.
  18. ^ National University Status: "Decree of 29 May 1854 and Law 88 of 9 September 1856". InfoLEG.
  19. ^ "Decree 26,971/1939". InfoLEG.
  20. ^ Creation: "Law 27,727". InfoLEG.
  21. ^ Creation: "Law 20,366". InfoLEG.
  22. ^ Creation: "Law 23,631". InfoLEG.
  23. ^ Creation: "Law 24,095". InfoLEG.
  24. ^ Creation: "Law 24,082". InfoLEG.
  25. ^ Creation: "Law 27,193". InfoLEG.
  26. ^ Creation: "Law 27,016". InfoLEG.
  27. ^ Creation: "Law 26,577". InfoLEG.
  28. ^ Creation: "Law 20,579". InfoLEG.
  29. ^ Creation: "Law 23,748". InfoLEG.
  30. ^ Creation: "Informe Final de Evaluación Externa Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, p. 5" (PDF). CONEAU. November 2006.
  31. ^ National University Status: "Law 20,275". InfoLEG.
  32. ^ Creation: "Informe Final de Evaluación Externa Universidad Nacional de La Plata, p. 7" (PDF). CONEAU. March 2010.
  33. ^ National University Status: "Law AED-116 (Former Law 4,699)". InfoLEG., "Law 4,699". InfoLEG.
  34. ^ Creation: "Informe Final Evaluación Externa Universidad Nacional de La Rioja, p. 6" (PDF). CONEAU. June 2007.
  35. ^ National University Status: "Law 24,299". InfoLEG.
  36. ^ Creation: "Law 24,496". InfoLEG.
  37. ^ Creation: "82 aniversario de la Universidad del Litoral". Universidad Nacional del Litoral.
  38. ^ National University Status: "Law AED-0142 (Fromer Law 10,861)". InfoLEG.
  39. ^ Creation: "Law 19,888". InfoLEG.
  40. ^ Creation: "Law 20,031". InfoLEG.
  41. ^ Creation: "Breve historia de la UNMDP". Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata.
  42. ^ National University Status: "Law 21,139". InfoLEG.
  43. ^ Creation: "Law 20,286". InfoLEG.
  44. ^ Creation: "Law 26,575". InfoLEG.
  45. ^ Creation: "Law 27,015". InfoLEG.
  46. ^ 1st Creation: "Law 13,229". Sistema Argentino de Información Jurídica.
  47. ^ 2nd Creation: "Law 14,855". InfoLEG.
  48. ^ Creation: "Decree-Law 22,299". InfoLEG.
  49. ^ Creation: "Decree 2,617/2002". InfoLEG.
  50. ^ Creation: "Law 25,824". InfoLEG.
  51. ^ 1st Creation: "Law 20,296. Boletín Oficial Nº 22,656, p. 3". Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina.
  52. ^ 2nd Creation: "Law 22,173". InfoLEG.
  53. ^ Creation: "Provincial Law 13,511". Ministerio de Gobierno - Buenos Aires Provincia.
  54. ^ University Status: "Law 27,194". InfoLEG.
  55. ^ Creation: "Law 27,728". InfoLEG.
  56. ^ Creation: "Law 23,749". InfoLEG.
  57. ^ Creation: "Law 27,062". InfoLEG.
  58. ^ Creation: "Law 27,212". InfoLEG.
  59. ^ Creation: "Law 19,020". InfoLEG.
  60. ^ Creation: "Law 26,330". InfoLEG.
  61. ^ Creation: "Law 27,730". InfoLEG.
  62. ^ Creation: "Law 17,987". InfoLEG.
  63. ^ Creation: "Law 19,633". InfoLEG.
  64. ^ Creation: "Law 27,213". InfoLEG.
  65. ^ Creation: "Law 20,367". InfoLEG.
  66. ^ Creation: "Law 20,365". InfoLEG.
  67. ^ Creation: "Law AED-0963 (Former Law 20,364)". InfoLEG.
  68. ^ Creation: "Decree 154/1956". InfoLEG.
  69. ^ Creation: "Law 26,559". InfoLEG.
  70. ^ Creation: "Law 24,495". InfoLEG.
  71. ^ Creation and National University Status: "Informe Final Evaluación Externa Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, p. 15-16" (PDF). CONEAU. 1998.
  72. ^ Creation: "Law 24,484". InfoLEG.
  73. ^ Creation: "Law 26,542". InfoLEG.
  74. ^ Creation: "Law 26,544". InfoLEG.
  75. ^ Creation: "Provincial Law 3,283". Legislatura de la Provincia de Río Negro.
  76. ^ University Status: "Decree 812/2015". InfoLEG.
  77. ^ Creation: "Quienes somos". Universidad de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Archived from the original on 7 December 2021.
  78. ^ Creation: "CREACION DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE LA PUNTA. LEY NACIONAL N. 24.521". Sistema Argentino de Información Jurídica.
  79. ^ Creation: "Creación de la Universidad Provincial de Oficios Eva Perón". Sistema Argentino de Información Jurídica.
  80. ^ Creation: "Provincial Law 9,375" (PDF). Boletín Oficial de la Provincia de Córdoba.
  81. ^ University Status: "Decree 1,891/2015". InfoLEG.
  82. ^ Creation: "Provincial Law 9,250". Poder Judicial de Entre Ríos. Archived from the original on 10 July 2018.
  83. ^ University Status: "Decree 806/2001". InfoLEG.
  84. ^ Creation: "Provincial Law 14,006". Ministerio de Gobierno - Buenos Aires Provincia.
  85. ^ University Status: "Decree 1,890/2015". InfoLEG.
  86. ^ Creation and University Status: "Historia Institucional". Universidad Provincial de Laguna Blanca.
  87. ^ Creation: "Provincial Law 11,465". Ministerio de Gobierno - Buenos Aires Provincia.
  88. ^ University Status: "Decree 436/2014". InfoLEG.
  89. ^ Creation: "Decree 90/1995. Boletín Oficial Nº 28,067, p. 6". Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina.
  90. ^ Creation: "Informe Final Evaluación Externa Universidad del Aconcagua, p. 4" (PDF). CONEAU.
  91. ^ a b c d e f g h i University Status: "Decree 2,227/1968. Boletín Oficial Nº 21,432, p. 2". Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina.
  92. ^ Creation and University Status: "Sobre la UAP". Universidad Adventista del Plata.
  93. ^ Creation: "Decree 750/2022". InfoLEG.
  94. ^ University Status: "Decree 491/1994. Boletín Oficial Nº 27,866, p. 1-2". Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina.
  95. ^ Creation: "Decree 126/2009. Boletín Oficial Nº 31,588, p. 7". Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina.
  96. ^ University Status: "Decree 300/2002". InfoLEG.
  97. ^ Creation: "Breve reseña histórica". Universidad de Belgrano.
  98. ^ Creation: "Historia". Universidad Blas Pascal.
  99. ^ University Status: "Informe Final Evaluación Externa Universidad Blas Pascal, p. 16" (PDF). CONEAU. 2001.
  100. ^ Creation: "Reseña Histórica". Universidad Católica de Córdoba.
  101. ^ University Status: "Decree 10,035/1959. Boletín Oficial Nº 19,016, p. 2". Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina.
  102. ^ Creation: "Misión e Historia". Universidad Católica de Cuyo.
  103. ^ University Status: "Informe Final Evaluación Externa Universidad Católica de Cuyo, p. 4" (PDF). CONEAU. November 2012.
  104. ^ Creation: "1964. Nuestra Historia". Universidad Católica de La Plata.
  105. ^ Creation: "Decree 1,643/2012". InfoLEG.
  106. ^ Creation: "Historia". Universidad Católica de Salta.
  107. ^ Creation: "Historia". Universidad Católica de Santa Fe.
  108. ^ University Status: "Decree 9,621/1960. Boletín Oficial Nº 19,316, p. 3". Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina.
  109. ^ Creation: "Acerca de Nosotros". Universidad Católica de Santiago del Estero.
  110. ^ University Status: "Decree 4,793/1969. Boletín Oficial Nº 21,761, p. 6". Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina.
  111. ^ Creation: "Informe de Evaluación Externa Universidad del CEMA, p. 12" (PDF). CONEAU. 2016.
  112. ^ University Status: "Decree 95/1995. Boletín Oficial Nº 28,068, p. 3". Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina.
  113. ^ Creation and University Status: "Historia". Universidad Champagnat. Archived from the original on 10 October 2016.
  114. ^ Creation: "Misión". Universidad del Cine.
  115. ^ University Status: "Decree 1,305/1971. Boletín Oficial Nº 22,195, p. 7-8". Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina.
  116. ^ University Status: "Decree 2,377/1994. Boletín Oficial Nº 28,055, p. 1-2". Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina.
  117. ^ Creation: "Decree 91/2006". Sistema Argentino de Información Jurídica.
  118. ^ Creation: "Decree 1,557/2008". InfoLEG.
  119. ^ Creation: "Evaluación Externa de la Universidad Argentina de la Empresa, p. 4-5" (PDF). CONEAU. 2002.
  120. ^ University Status: "Decree 1,426/2004. Boletín Oficial Nº 30.509, p. 3-4". Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina.
  121. ^ University Status: "Decree 589/2023". InfoLEG.
  122. ^ University Status: "Historia". Universidad FASTA. Archived from the original on 3 November 2016.
  123. ^ Creation and University Status: "Informe Anual 2000. Universidad Favaloro, p. 3" (PDF). CONEAU. 21 June 2002.
  124. ^ University Status: "Decree 2,361/1994. Boletín Oficial Nº 28,052, p. 3". Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina.
  125. ^ Creation: "Decree 158/1998". InfoLEG.
  126. ^ University Status: "Decree 138/2009". InfoLEG.
  127. ^ Creation: "Decree 549/2006". InfoLEG.
  128. ^ University Status: "Decree 828/2018". InfoLEG.
  129. ^ University Status: "Administrative Decision 5/1995. Boletín Oficial Nº 28,207, p. 5". Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina.
  130. ^ Creation: "Decree 1,412/1998". InfoLEG.
  131. ^ University Status: "Decree 1,914/2007". InfoLEG.
  132. ^ Creation: "Orden del día 693/2006". Senado de la Nación Argentina.
  133. ^ Creation: "Nuestra Historia". Universidad Juan Agustín Maza.
  134. ^ University Status: "Decree 2,153/1963. Boletín Oficial Nº 20,084, p. 8". Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina.
  135. ^ Creation: "Informe Final de Evaluación Externa Universidad del Centro Educativo Latinoamericano, p. 13" (PDF). CONEAU. June 2016.
  136. ^ University Status: "Informe Final de Evaluación Externa Universidad Maimónides, p. 5" (PDF). CONEAU. February 2017.
  137. ^ Creation: "Reseña Histórica". Universidad de Mendoza.
  138. ^ University Status: "Decree 14,179/1962. Boletín Oficial Nº 20,017, p. 1-2". Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina.
  139. ^ Creation: "Sobre Udemm". Universidad de la Marina Mercante.
  140. ^ University Status: "Decree 1,890/1974. Boletín Oficial Nº 23,078, p. 3-4". Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina.
  141. ^ University Status: "Decree 1,641/2012". InfoLEG.
  142. ^ Creation: "Historia". Universidad de Morón.
  143. ^ Creation: "Aspectos Históricos de la Institución". Universidad Notarial Argentina.
  144. ^ Creation and University Status: "Informe Final Evaluación Externa Universidad de Palermo, p. 13" (PDF). CONEAU. 1999.
  145. ^ Creation and University Status: Hubeñák, Florencio F. (December 2016). Historia de la Universidad Católica Argentina (PDF). Buenos Aires: Universidad Católica Argentina. p. 25, 45-46. ISBN 978-950-44-0102-5.
  146. ^ Creation: "Decree 859/2007". InfoLEG.
  147. ^ Creation and University Status: "Reseña Histórica". Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino. Archived from the original on 13 June 2013.
  148. ^ Creation: "Decree 439/2014". InfoLEG.
  149. ^ Creation: "Nuestra historia". Universidad de San Andrés.
  150. ^ University Status: "Informe Final Evaluación Externa de la Universidad de San Andrés, p. 14" (PDF). CONEAU. 2000.
  151. ^ University Status: "Decree 1,642/2012". InfoLEG.
  152. ^ Creation and University Status: del Bello, Juan Carlos; Barsky, Osvaldo; Giménez, Graciela (2007). La Universidad Privada Argentina. Buenos Aires: Libros del Zorzal. p. 121-122. ISBN 978-987-599-038-8.
  153. ^ Creation and University Status: "Historia". Universidad del Museo Social Argentino.
  154. ^ University Status: "Decree 364/2022". InfoLEG.
  155. ^ University Status: "Decree 489/2023". InfoLEG.
  156. ^ University Status: "Informe Final de Evaluación Externa Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, p. 5" (PDF). CONEAU. June 2016.

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Mr Midnight AuthorJames LeeOriginal titleMr MidnightCountrySingaporeLanguageEnglishGenreHorror fictionPublisherAngsana Books, Flame Of The Forest Publishing ( date1998 (Earliest, Mr Midnight #1)2023 (Latest, Mr Midnight #SE 28) Mr Midnight (US title: Mr. Midnight) is a children's horror fiction book series written by Jim Aitchison under the pseudonym of James Lee. The series is published by Angsana Books, Flame Of The Forest Publishing. There are currently...


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Location of Washington Parish in Louisiana This is a list of the National Register of Historic Places listings in Washington Parish, Louisiana. This is intended to be a complete list of the properties on the National Register of Historic Places in Washington Parish, Louisiana, United States. The locations of National Register properties for which the latitude and longitude coordinates are included below, may be seen in a map.[1] There are 18 properties listed on the National Register...

  الجمعية البرلمانية لمجلس أوروبا الجمعية البرلمانية لمجلس أوروبا‌ الجمعية البرلمانية لمجلس أوروبا‌ شعار الجمعية البرلمانية لمجلس أوروبا الاختصار PACE المقر الرئيسي ستراسبورغ تاريخ التأسيس 1949 منطقة الخدمة قارة اوروبا العضوية 47 اللغات الرسمية الإنجليزيةالفرنسية  �...


Cet article est une ébauche concernant une localité d'Aragon. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (comment ?) selon les recommandations des projets correspondants. Consultez la liste des tâches à accomplir en page de discussion. Sabiñánigo Héraldique Drapeau Territoire de la commune vue depuis le mont Saint Orosia. Administration Pays Espagne Statut Municipio Communauté autonome Aragon Province Province de Huesca Comarque Alto Gállego Maire Mandat Berta Fe...


2010 song by Nicki Minaj Roman's RevengePromotional single by Nicki Minaj featuring Eminemfrom the album Pink Friday ReleasedOctober 30, 2010Recorded2010GenreHip hopLength4:38Label Young Money Cash Money Universal Motown Songwriter(s) Onika Maraj Marshall Mathers Kasseem Dean Producer(s)Swizz BeatzAudio videoRoman's Revenge on YouTube Roman's Revenge is a song by Trinidadian-born rapper Nicki Minaj featuring American rapper Eminem, performing as their respective alter egos Roman Zolanski and ...

Suncor EnergyKode emitenTSX: SUNYSE: SUIndustripertambangan minyak dan gasDidirikan1919KantorpusatCalgary, Alberta, Kanada, KanadaWilayah operasiSeluruh duniaTokohkunciJohn FergusonPendapatan $40.4 milyar CAN (2014) [1]Laba bersih $2.6 milyar CAN (2014) [1]Karyawan13,026 (2011)[2]Situs web[1] Suncor Energy adalah sebuah perusahaan asal Kanada yang bergerak di sektor energi.[3] Fokus utama Suncor Energy adalah industri pertambangan minyak dan gas.[3]...


Election for Lieutenant Governor of Illinois 1904 Illinois lieutenant gubernatorial election ← 1900 November 8, 1904 (1904-11-08) 1908 →   Nominee Lawrence Y. Sherman Thomas F. Ferns James H. Brower Party Republican Democratic Socialist Popular vote 628,774 332,134 62,333 Percentage 58.88% 31.10% 5.84% Lieutenant Governor before election William Northcott Republican Elected Lieutenant Governor Lawrence Y. Sherman Republican Elections in Illinois ...


Comic series IsolaCover of Isola – Chapter OneArt by Karl Kerschl and MSassyKPublication informationPublisherImage ComicsScheduleMonthly (#1–5)Bimonthly (#6–present)FormatOngoingPublication dateApril 2018 – presentCreative teamCreated byBrenden FletcherKarl KerschlWritten byBrenden FletcherKarl KerschlArtist(s)Karl KerschlLetterer(s)Aditya BidikarColorist(s)MSassyKCollected editionsChapter OneISBN 9781534309227 Isola is an American ongoing fantasy comic series created by writer B...

Muhammad's sixth wife (c. 580/596 – 680/683) Mother of the BelieversUmm Salamahأم سلمةBornHind bint Abi Umayyac. 580 or 596 CEMecca, Hejaz, Arabia (present-day Saudi Arabia)DiedDhu al-Qadah 62 AH ; c. 680 or 682/683 CEMedina, Hejaz, Umayyad caliphate(present-day Saudi Arabia)Resting placeJannat al-Baqi, MedinaKnown forSixth wife of MuhammadSpousesAbu Salama 'Abd Allah ibn 'Abd al-Asad (died. 624 CE Jumada al-Thani 2 AH)Muhammad (m. 625; died. 632)ChildrenZaynab (...


Emoji yang digunakan di jejaring sosial untuk mengekspresikan kemarahan atau frustrasi pengirim. Tergantung pada desain masing-masing platform, itu mungkin terdiri dari wajah memerah, mengerutkan kening dan simbol-simbol acak berwarna putih (seperti @#$%&, yang mewakili umpatan) di atas bilah hitam yang menutupi mulut, menunjukkan seseorang yang mengeluarkan sumpah serapah atau kata-kata penghinaan.  Bagian dari seri tentangSensor Pada media Melarang buku-buku · Film yang ...


Cette page concerne l'année 1633 du calendrier grégorien. Chronologies 22 juin : Galilée face au tribunal de l'Inquisition Catholique Romain peint au XIXe siècle par Joseph-Nicolas Robert-Fleury.Données clés 1630 1631 1632  1633  1634 1635 1636Décennies :1600 1610 1620  1630  1640 1650 1660Siècles :XVe XVIe  XVIIe  XVIIIe XIXeMillénaires :-Ier Ier  IIe  IIIe Chronologies thématiques Art Architecture, Arts plastiques (...

Экономика Ливан Валюта Ливанский фунт (LBP) Фискальный год календарный Международныеорганизации GAFTA Статистика ВВП $56,37 млрд (номинал, 2018)[1] $89,51 млрд (ППС, 2018)[1] Место по ВВП 104-е[2] ВВП на душу населения $8 778 (номинал, 2018)[1] $14 689 (ППС, 2018)[1] ВВП по секторам сель�...


Bronskvinnorna (femme de bronze), sculpture de Marianne Lindberg De Geer (sv) illustrant la pression sociétale exercée sur les femmes quant à leur apparence physique. L'acceptation des gros (en anglais : size acceptance ou fat acceptance) est un mouvement principalement américain visant à améliorer les conditions de vie des personnes en surpoids dans la société. Historique Cette section ne cite pas suffisamment ses sources (mai 2020). Pour l'améliorer, ajoutez des...


News/talk radio station in Fresno, California KMJ-FMSimulcasts KMJ, FresnoFresno, CaliforniaBroadcast areaFresno metropolitan area; Central CaliforniaFrequency105.9 MHzBrandingKMJ NowProgrammingFormatNews/talkAffiliationsFox News RadioPremiere NetworksRadio AmericaWestwood OneOwnershipOwnerCumulus Media(Cumulus Licensing LLC)Sister stationsKMGV, KMJ, KSKS, KWYEHistoryFirst air dateDecember 8, 1979 (as KKDJ)Former call signsKKDJ (1979–1997)KRNC (1997–2004)KKDG (2004–2005)KFJK (2005–200...

For the dam in Jordan, see Al-Wehda Dam. Dam in Ouezzane Province, MoroccoAl Wahda DamThe dam (on the left) and reservoir as seen from spaceLocation of Al Wahda Dam in MoroccoOfficial nameBarrage Al WahdaLocationM´Jaara, Ouezzane Province, MoroccoCoordinates34°35′54″N 5°11′51″W / 34.59833°N 5.19750°W / 34.59833; -5.19750Construction began1991Opening date1997Dam and spillwaysImpoundsOuergha RiverHeight88 m (289 ft)Length2,600 m (8,5...


Song performed by Barbra Streisand This article is about the song. For the Agnetha Fältskog album, see My Colouring Book. My Coloring Book is a song written by Fred Ebb and John Kander. First performed by Sandy Stewart in 1962 on the television program The Perry Como Kraft Music Hall, she was one of the first artists to record the work in 1962 when it was released as a single. She also included the song on her 1963 album which was also named My Coloring Book.[1] Stewart's single char...


Chirigota is a genre of Spanish choral folksong originating in the Province of Cádiz.[1] The songs are satirical in nature and are performed predominantly in the streets by costumed performers during the annual two week carnival.[2][3] It has been described as a vehicle for gossip and public comment, especially of a political or moral, and sometimes prurient, nature.[1] Suppressed during the Francoist State until 1948, along with carnival in general, there has...

Административное деление Республики БеларусьРеспублика Беларусь — унитарное государство, административно-территориальной единицей первого уровня которого являются город Минск и 6 областей (Брестская, Витебская, Гомельская, Гродненская, Минская, Могилёвская). Обла�...


Moschino Тип частная компания Основание 1983 Основатели Франко Москино Расположение  Италия: Милан Ключевые фигуры Antonella Tomasetti Отрасль швейная промышленность (МСОК: 14) Продукция Одежда, обувь, парфюмерия, текстиль, аксессуары, товары для дома Материнская компания Aeffe S.p.A...