List of songs with lyrics by P. G. Wodehouse
This list contains songs with lyrics written or co-written by the English humorist, novelist and playwright P. G. Wodehouse.
Song Title
Additional writers
Musical debut
Act One Finale (from Sitting Pretty) |
Jerome Kern |
1924 |
Sitting Pretty |
Act One Finale (from The Three Musketeers) |
Rudolph Friml Clifford Grey |
1928 |
The Three Musketeers |
All For One |
Rudolph Friml Clifford Grey |
1928 |
The Three Musketeers |
The Actor's Life |
Rudolph Friml Clifford Grey |
1928 |
The Three Musketeers |
All Full of Talk |
Jerome Kern |
1916 |
Miss Springtime |
All You Need Is a Girl |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1924 |
Sitting Pretty |
Ask Dad |
Louis Hirsch Guy Bolton |
1918 |
Oh, My Dear! |
Back To the Dear Old Trenches |
Ivan Caryll |
1918 |
The Girl Behind the Gun |
Beauty Prize |
Jerome Kern George Grossmith, Jr. |
Unknown |
-- |
Behind the Scenes |
Jerome Kern |
1906 |
The Beauty of Bath |
Included in the libretto but not in the vocal score and may not have been used.[7]
Bill |
Jerome Kern Oscar Hammerstein II |
1918 1927 1986 |
Oh, Lady! Lady!! Show Boat Jerome Kern Goes to Hollywood |
Bless My Soul |
Rudolph Friml Clifford Grey |
1928 |
The Three Musketeers |
Bongo on the Congo |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1924 |
Sitting Pretty |
Breakfast in Bed |
Armand Vecsey Guy Bolton |
1927 |
The Nightingale |
Bright Lights |
Jerome Kern Schuyler Green |
1917 |
Have a Heart |
Broken Blossoms |
Armand Vecsey |
1919 |
The Rose of China |
Bunny Dear |
Armand Vecsey |
1919 |
The Rose of China |
Cabaret Girl |
Jerome Kern Anne Caldwell George Grossmith, Jr. |
Unknown |
-- |
Calico |
Herbert Haines Charles H. Taylor |
1907 |
My Darling |
Carnival of Fools |
Rudolph Friml Clifford Grey |
1928 |
The Three Musketeers |
The Charity Class |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1924 |
Sitting Pretty |
The Chase |
Rudolph Friml Clifford Grey |
1928 |
The Three Musketeers |
Childhood Days |
Louis Hirsch Guy Bolton |
1918 |
Oh, My Dear! |
The Church Round the Corner |
Jerome Kern Clifford Grey |
1920 |
Sally |
Cleopatra |
Jerome Kern Clifford Grey |
1920 |
Sally |
Cleopatterer |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1917 |
Leave It to Jane |
College Spirit |
Armand Vecsey |
1919 |
The Rose of China |
Come Where Nature Calls |
Louis Hirsch Guy Bolton |
1918 |
Oh, My Dear! |
Comin' Thru the Rye |
Armand Vecsey Guy Bolton |
1927 |
The Nightingale |
Come to Me |
Emmerich Kálmán Herbert Reynolds |
unknown |
-- |
Come to Us |
Rudolph Friml Clifford Grey |
1928 |
The Three Musketeers |
A Cottage in Kent |
Jerome Kern George Grossmith, Jr. |
1923 |
The Beauty Prize |
The Crickets Are Calling |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1917 |
Leave It to Jane |
Daisy |
Jerome Kern |
1917 |
Have a Heart |
Days Gone By |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1924 |
Sitting Pretty |
Dear Little Girl |
Jerome Kern Clifford Grey |
1920 |
Sally |
Dear Old Fashioned Prison of Mine |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1924 |
Sitting Pretty |
A Desert Island |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1924 |
Sitting Pretty |
Down Here in Greenwich Village |
Jerome Kern Clifford Grey |
1920 |
Sally |
Down on the Banks of the Subway |
Armand Vecsey |
1919 |
The Rose of China |
Dreams |
Rudolph Friml Clifford Grey |
1928 |
The Three Musketeers |
The Enchanted Train |
Jerome Kern |
1924 |
Sitting Pretty |
Every Day |
Jerome Kern |
Unknown |
-- |
Fairyland |
Armand Vecsey Guy Bolton |
1927 |
The Nightingale |
The Fall of Man |
Emmerich Kálmán |
1917 |
The Riviera Girl |
Finale (from Sally) |
Jerome Kern Clifford Grey |
1920 |
Sally |
Finale (from The Three Musketeers) |
Rudolph Friml Clifford Grey |
1928 |
The Three Musketeers |
Finale Act One (from Leave It to Jane) |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1917 |
Leave It to Jane |
Finale Act Two (from Leave It to Jane) |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1917 |
Leave It to Jane |
Finale Ultimo |
George Gershwin Jerome Kern |
1924 |
Sitting Pretty |
The First Day of May |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1917 |
Oh, Boy! |
First Rose of Summer |
Jerome Kern Anne Caldwell |
Unknown |
-- |
Flags of Allies |
Ivan Caryll Guy Bolton |
1918 |
The Girl Behind the Gun |
Flubby Dub, the Cave-Man |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1917 |
Oh, Boy! |
Football Song |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1917 |
Leave It to Jane |
For the Man I Love |
Jerome Kern George Grossmith, Jr. |
1923 |
The Beauty Prize |
The Frolic of a Breeze |
F. Clifford Harris |
1906 |
The Beauty of Bath |
Gascony Bred |
Rudolph Friml Clifford Grey |
1928 |
The Three Musketeers |
The Girl Behind the Gun |
Ivan Caryll Guy Bolton |
1918 |
The Girl Behind the Gun |
The Glow Worm |
Herbert Haines |
1907 |
My Darling |
Godsons and Grandmothers |
Ivan Caryll Guy Bolton |
1918 |
The Girl Behind the Gun |
Go Little Boat |
Jerome Kern |
1917 1918 |
Miss 1917 Oh, My Dear |
Good Old Atwater |
Jerome Kern |
1917 |
Leave It to Jane |
Gossip |
Rudolph Friml Clifford Grey |
1928 |
The Three Musketeers |
Greenwich Village |
Jerome Kern |
1918 |
Oh, Lady! Lady!! |
Gypsy Bring Your Fiddle |
Emmerich Kálmán |
1917 |
The Riviera Girl |
Half A Married Man |
Emmerich Kálmán |
1917 |
The Riviera Girl |
Happy Family |
Ivan Caryll Guy Bolton |
1918 |
The Girl Behind the Gun |
He Doesn't Know |
Armand Vecsey Guy Bolton |
1927 |
The Nightingale |
Here They are |
George Gershwin Ira Gershwin |
1928 |
Rosalie |
Home from Oh Kay |
George Gershwin Guy Bolton |
Unknown |
-- |
Homeland |
Armand Vecsey Guy Bolton |
1927 |
The Nightingale |
Honeymoon Inn |
Jerome Kern |
1917 1977 |
Have a Heart Very Good Eddie |
Honeymoon Isle |
Jerome Kern George Grossmith, Jr. |
1923 |
The Beauty Prize |
(Oh,) How Warm It is Today |
Ivan Caryll Guy Bolton |
1918 |
The Girl Behind the Gun |
Hussars March |
Sigmund Romberg |
1928 |
Rosalie |
Hymn to the Sun |
Armand Vecsey |
1919 |
The Rose of China |
(And) I Am All Alone |
Jerome Kern |
1917 |
Have a Heart |
I Like It |
Ivan Caryll Guy Bolton |
1918 |
The Girl Behind the Gun |
I Never Knew |
Jean Schwartz |
1918 |
See You Later #2 |
I Shall Be All Right Now |
Louis Hirsch Guy Bolton |
1918 |
Oh, My Dear! |
I Wonder Whether (I've Loved You All My Life) |
Louis Hirsch Guy Bolton |
1918 |
Oh, My Dear! |
If Ever I Lost You |
Ivor Novello |
1921 |
The Golden Moth |
I'd Ask No More |
Louis Hirsch Guy Bolton |
1918 |
Oh, My Dear! |
I'm a Prize |
Jerome Kern George Grossmith, Jr. |
1923 |
The Beauty Prize |
I'm Here, Little Girl, I'm Here |
Jerome Kern Schuyler Green |
1917 |
Have a Heart |
I'm Going To Find a Girl |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1917 |
Leave It to Jane |
I'm So Busy |
Jerome Kern Schuyler Green |
1917 |
Have a Heart |
I'm the Old Man in the Moon |
Jerome Kern |
Unknown |
-- |
In The Garden of Romance |
Emmerich Kálmán Herbert Reynolds |
1916 |
Miss Springtime |
It's a Great Big Land |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1917 |
Leave It to Jane |
It's a Hard Hard World for a Man |
Jerome Kern |
1918 |
Oh, Lady! Lady!! |
It's A Long, Long Day |
Jerome Kern George Grossmith, Jr. |
1923 |
The Beauty Prize |
I've Had My Share (I Don't Care) |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1917 |
Leave It to Jane |
I've Played For You |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1917 |
Leave It to Jane |
Josephine |
Armand Vecsey Guy Bolton |
1927 |
The Nightingale |
Joy Bells |
Jerome Kern |
1923 |
The Beauty Prize |
Just a Voice to Call Me Dear |
Emmerich Kálmán |
1917 |
The Riviera Girl |
Just You Watch My Step |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1917 |
Leave It to Jane |
Koo-La-Loo |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1917 |
Oh, Boy! |
L'Amour Toujours-L'Amour |
Rudolph Friml Clifford Grey |
1928 |
The Three Musketeers |
Land Where Journeys End (and Dreams Come True) |
Louis Hirsch |
Unknown |
-- |
Land where the Good Songs Go |
Jerome Kern |
Unknown |
-- |
Leave It To Jane |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1917 |
Leave It to Jane |
The Legend of the Tea Tree |
Armand Vecsey |
1919 |
The Rose of China |
Let's Make a Night of It |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1917 |
Oh, Boy! |
Life in the Old Dog Yet |
Ivan Caryll Guy Bolton |
1918 |
The Girl Behind the Gun |
Life Is a Game of Bluff |
Emmerich Kálmán Herbert Reynolds |
1916 |
Miss Springtime |
Life's a Tale |
Emmerich Kálmán |
1917 |
The Riviera Girl |
Lilt of a Gypsy Strain |
Emmerich Kálmán |
Unknown |
-- |
A Little Bid for Sympathy |
Emmerich Kálmán Herbert Reynolds |
1916 |
Miss Springtime |
A Little Bit of Ribbon |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1917 |
Oh, Boy! |
Little Bride |
Armand Vecsey |
1919 |
The Rose of China |
A Little Bungalow in Quoque |
Jerome Kern |
1917 1920 1977 |
The Riviera Girl Sally Very Good Eddie |
A Little Country Mouse |
Emmerich Kálmán Herbert Reynolds |
1916 |
Miss Springtime |
Look for the Silver Lining |
Jerome Kern Clifford Grey |
1920 |
Sally |
The Love Monopoly |
Emmerich Kálmán Herbert Reynolds |
1916 |
Miss Springtime |
The Magic Train |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1924 |
Sitting Pretty |
Man, Man, Man |
Emmerich Kálmán |
1917 |
The Riviera Girl |
March of the Musketeers |
Rudolf Friml Clifford Grey |
1928 |
The Three Musketeers |
May Moon |
Armand Vecsey Guy Bolton |
1927 |
The Nightingale |
Meet Me Down on Main Street |
Jerome Kern George Grossmith, Jr. |
1923 |
The Beauty Prize |
Moon Love |
Jerome Kern George Grossmith, Jr. |
1923 |
The Beauty Prize |
Moon Song |
Jerome Kern |
1918 |
Oh, Lady! Lady!! |
Mr. and Mrs. Rorer |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1924 |
Sitting Pretty |
My Belle |
Rudolph Friml Clifford Grey |
1928 |
The Three Musketeers |
My Castle in the Air |
Jerome Kern |
1916 |
Miss Springtime |
My China Rose |
Armand Vecsey |
1919 |
The Rose of China |
My Sword And I |
Rudolph Friml Clifford Grey |
1928 |
The Three Musketeers |
My Wife - My Man |
Jerome Kern Schuyler Green |
1917 |
Have a Heart |
Napoleon |
Jerome Kern |
1917 |
Have a Heart |
Nerves |
Jean Schwartz Guy Bolton |
1922 |
The Cabaret Girl |
Nesting Time (in Flatbush) |
Jerome Kern |
1917 |
Oh, Boy! |
New York Serenade |
George Gershwin Ira Gershwin |
1928 |
Rosalie |
Non-Stop Dancing |
Jerome Kern |
1923 |
The Beauty Prize |
Now That My Ship's Come Home |
Guy Jones |
1907 |
The Gay Gordons |
Nuts in May |
Ivor Novello |
1921 |
The Golden Moth |
Oh Gee Oh Joy |
George Gershwin Ira Gershwin |
1928 |
Rosalie |
Oh, Mr Chamberlain! |
Jerome Kern |
1906 |
The Beauty of Bath |
Rewritten version of a Kern song from The Catch of the Season (1905)[7]
Oh, My Dear! |
Louis Hirsch Guy Bolton |
1918 |
Oh, My Dear! |
Oh, Daddy Please |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1917 |
Oh, Boy! |
Oh, Lady! Lady!! |
Jerome Kern |
1918 |
Oh, Lady! Lady!! |
The Old-Fashioned Drama |
Emmerich Kálmán Herbert Reynolds |
1916 |
Miss Springtime |
An Old-Fashioned Wife |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1917 |
Oh, Boy! |
On a Desert Island With You |
Jerome Kern |
1924 |
Sitting Pretty |
Once In September |
Armand Vecsey Guy Bolton |
1927 |
The Nightingale |
Once Upon a Time |
Emmerich Kálmán Herbert Reynolds |
1916 |
Miss Springtime |
Only A Rose |
Rudolph Friml Clifford Grey |
1928 |
The Three Musketeers |
Opening Act 1 Appendix (Pergola Patrol) |
Jerome Kern Anne Caldwell George Grossmith, Jr. |
Unknown |
-- |
Opening Act Two (from Leave It to Jane) |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1917 |
Leave It to Jane |
Overture (from Leave It to Jane) |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1917 |
Leave It to Jane |
Our Chinese Bungalow |
Armand Vecsey Oscar Shaw |
1919 |
The Rose of China |
Our City of Dreams |
Louis Hirsch Guy Bolton |
1918 |
Oh, My Dear! |
A Package of Seeds |
Jerome Kern Herbert Reynolds |
1915 1917 |
Ninety in the Shade Oh, Boy! |
A Pal Like You (We're Going to Be Pals) |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1917 |
Oh, Boy! |
A Pal Like You |
Jerome Kern |
Unknown |
-- |
[57] Also known as (I Was Looking For) A Pal Like You
A Peach of a Life |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1917 |
Leave It to Jane |
Also known as Life of a Peach[16]
Peter Pan |
Jerome Kern Schuyler Green |
1917 |
Have a Heart |
Phoebe Snow |
Louis Hirsch Guy Bolton |
1918 |
Oh, My Dear! |
Play Out Music (from Leave It to Jane) |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1917 |
Leave It to Jane |
The Polka Dot |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1924 |
Sitting Pretty |
Poor Prune |
Jerome Kern |
1917 |
Leave It to Jane |
Prologue (from The Three Musketeers) |
Rudolph Friml Clifford Grey |
1928 |
The Three Musketeers |
Proposals |
Armand Vecsey |
1919 |
The Rose of China |
Put Me in My Little Cell |
Frederick Rosse |
1904 |
Sergeant Brue |
[59] Not included in the published score or libretto; published separately.[7]
Reaching for Stars |
Jerome Kern Clifford Grey |
1920 |
Sally |
Riviera Girl |
Emmerich Kálmán Bela Jenbach Leo Stein |
Unknown |
-- |
The Road That Lies Before |
Jerome Kern |
1917 |
Have a Heart |
Rolled into One |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1917 |
Oh, Boy! |
Sally Selection |
Jerome Kern Buddy DeSylva Clifford Grey Anne Caldwell |
Unknown |
-- |
Samarkand |
Jerome Kern Schuyler Green |
1917 |
Have a Heart |
Saturday Night |
Jerome Kern |
Unknown |
-- |
Say So |
George Gershwin Ira Gershwin |
1928 |
Rosalie |
Shadow of the Moon |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1924 |
Sitting Pretty |
Shimmy With Me |
Jerome Kern |
1922 2003 |
The Cabaret Girl Never Gonna Dance |
Shop |
Jerome Kern Schuyler Green |
1917 |
Have a Heart |
Shufflin' Sam |
Jerome Kern |
1924 |
Sitting Pretty |
The Siren Song |
Jerome Kern Clifford Grey |
1920 |
Sally |
The Siren's Song |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1917 |
Leave It to Jane |
Sir Galahad |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1917 |
Leave It to Jane |
Sitting Pretty |
Jerome Kern |
1924 |
Sitting Pretty |
Some Day Waiting Will End |
Ivan Caryll |
1918 |
The Girl Behind the Gun |
Some One |
Jerome Kern Herbert Reynolds |
1916 |
Miss Springtime |
Sometimes I Feel Just Like Grandpa |
Emmerich Kálmán |
1917 |
The Riviera Girl |
The Spirit of the Drum |
Armand Vecsey |
1919 |
The Rose of China |
The Sun Shines Brighter |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1917 |
Leave It to Jane |
Sunrise |
Emmerich Kálmán Herbert Reynolds |
1916 |
Miss Springtime |
Sweet Sweet |
George Gershwin Ira Gershwin |
Unknown |
-- |
That's What Men are For |
Ivan Caryll |
1918 |
The Canary |
Tell Me All Your Troubles, Cutie |
Jerome Kern |
1917 |
Miss 1917 |
There Isn't One Girl |
Jerome Kern |
1924 |
Sitting Pretty |
There It Is Again |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1917 |
Leave It to Jane |
There'll Never Be Another Girl Like Daisy |
Emmerich Kálmán |
1917 |
The Riviera Girl |
There's a Light in your Eyes |
Ivan Caryll |
1918 |
The Girl Behind the Gun |
There's a Toast |
Emmerich Kálmán Herbert Reynolds |
Unknown |
-- |
This is the Existence |
Emmerich Kálmán Herbert Reynolds |
1916 |
Miss Springtime |
Thousands of Years Ago |
Ivan Caryll |
1918 |
The Canary |
Throw Me a Rose |
Emmerich Kálmán Herbert Reynolds |
1916 |
Miss Springtime |
Till The Clouds Roll By |
Jerome Kern
1917 unknown 1986 |
Oh, Boy! Till the Clouds Roll by Jerome Kern Goes to Hollywood |
To Live a Simple Life |
Herbert Haines |
1907 |
My Darling |
True to Me |
Ivan Caryll Guy Bolton |
1918 |
The Girl Behind the Gun |
Try Again |
Louis Hirsch Guy Bolton |
1918 |
Oh, My Dear! |
Tulip Time in Sing Sing |
Jerome Kern |
1920 1924 |
Sally Sitting Pretty |
Twenties are here to Stay |
George Gershwin Guy Bolton |
Unknown |
-- |
Two Little Ships |
Armand Vecsey Guy Bolton |
1927 |
The Nightingale |
A Very Good Girl on Sunday |
Jerome Kern Herbert Reynolds |
1916 |
Miss Springtime |
Victor Light Opera Selection |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1917 |
Leave It to Jane |
Vive La France |
Rudolph Friml Clifford Grey |
1928 |
The Three Musketeers |
Wait Till Tomorrow |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1917 |
Leave It to Jane |
We're Crooks |
Jerome Kern |
1917 |
Miss 1917 |
West Point song |
Sigmund Romberg |
1928 |
Rosalie |
What I'm Longing to Say |
Jerome Kern |
1917 |
Leave It to Jane |
What! What! What! |
Armand Vecsey |
1919 |
The Rose of China |
What's The Use? |
Louis Hirsch Guy Bolton |
1918 |
Oh, My Dear! |
When the Ships Come Home |
Jerome Kern |
1920 |
That Little Thing |
When You Are in China |
Armand Vecsey |
1919 |
The Rose of China |
When You Take the Road With Me |
Jerome Kern |
1923 |
The Beauty Prize |
When You're Full of Talk |
Jerome Kern Herbert Reynolds |
1916 |
Miss Springtime |
The Whippoorwill Waltz |
Jerome Kern Clifford Grey |
1920 |
Sally |
Why Don't They Hand It to Me? |
Emmerich Kálmán |
1917 |
The Riviera Girl |
Why Must We always be Dreaming |
Sigmund Romberg |
1928 |
Rosalie |
Why? |
Jerome Kern |
1917 |
Leave It to Jane |
Wild Rose |
Jerome Kern Clifford Grey |
1920 |
Sally |
Will You Forget? |
Emmerich Kálmán |
1917 |
The Riviera Girl |
Women Haven't Any Mercy on a Man |
Ivan Caryll Guy Bolton |
1918 |
The Girl Behind the Gun |
Words Are Not Needed (Every Day) |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1917 |
Oh, Boy! |
Worries |
Jerome Kern |
1924 |
Sitting Pretty |
Yale |
Armand Vecsey |
1919 |
The Rose of China |
A Year from Today |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1924 |
Sitting Pretty |
Yesterday |
Armand Vecsey |
1919 |
The Rose of China |
You Can't Keep a Good Girl Down |
Jerome Kern Clifford Grey |
1920 |
Sally |
You Can't Make Love by Wireless |
Jerome Kern George Grossmith, Jr. |
1923 |
The Beauty Prize |
You Found Me and I Found You |
Jerome Kern |
1918 |
Oh, Lady! Lady!! |
You Never Knew About Me |
Jerome Kern Guy Bolton |
1917 |
Oh, Boy! |
You Never Know |
Louis Hirsch Guy Bolton |
1918 |
Oh, My Dear! |
You Said Something |
Jerome Kern |
1917 |
Have a Heart |
You, You, You |
Guy Jones |
1907 |
The Gay Gordons |
You'll Find Me Playing Mah-Jongg |
Jerome Kern |
1923 |
The Beauty Prize |
Your Eyes |
Rudolf Friml |
1928 |
The Three Musketeers |
You're the Top |
Cole Porter |
1934 |
Anything Goes |
Lyrics re-written by Wodehouse for British version
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m "Sitting Pretty". IBDB. Retrieved 20 February 2011.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q "The Three Musketeers". IBDB. Retrieved 20 February 2011.
- ^ "All Full of Talk". Ascap. Retrieved 18 February 2011.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l "Oh, My Dear!". IBDB. Retrieved 23 February 2011.
- ^ Ascap entry for Back to the Dear Old Trench ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for Beauty Prize ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ a b c d e f g h i Day, Barry (2004). The complete lyrics of P G Wodehouse. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press. ISBN 0-8108-4994-1.
- ^ "Bill". Ascap. Retrieved 18 February 2011.
- ^ a b "Jerome Kern Goes to Hollywood". IBDB. Retrieved 20 February 2011.
- ^ Ascap entry for Breakfast in Bed ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ a b c d e f g h i "Have a Heart". IBDB. Retrieved 24 February 2011.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o "The Rose of China". IBDB. Retrieved 23 February 2011.
- ^ Ascap entry for Cabaret Girl ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for Church Round the Corner ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l "Sally". IBDB. Retrieved 20 February 2011.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Ruhlmann, William. "Leave It to Jane: The Complete Recordings". Allmusic. Retrieved 17 February 2011.
- ^ a b c d e f g h "The Nightingale". IBDB. Retrieved 20 February 2011.
- ^ "Come to Me". Ascap. Retrieved 18 February 2011.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i "The Beauty Prize". dbopm. Retrieved 19 February 2011.
- ^ Ascap entry for Daisy ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ a b c d "Land Where the Good Songs Go". Allmusic. Retrieved 19 February 2011.
- ^ Ascap entry for Every Day ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ a b c d e "Riviera Girl". IBDB. Retrieved 20 February 2011.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m "Oh, Boy!". IBDB. Retrieved 20 February 2011.
- ^ Ascap entry for First Rose of Summer ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ a b c d e f g h i "The Girl Behind the Gun". IBDB. Retrieved 22 February 2011.
- ^ Ascap entry for Good Old Atwater ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for Greenwich Village ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for Half a Married Man ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for Here They Are ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for Home from Oh Kay ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ a b "Very Good Eddie". Allmusic. Retrieved 19 February 2011.
- ^ Ascap entry for Hussars March ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for I Never Knew ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for If I ever Lost You ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for I'm the Old Man in the Moon ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l "Miss Springtime". IBDB. Retrieved 17 February 2011.
- ^ Ascap entry for It's a Hard Hard World ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for Just a Voice to Call Me Dear ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for Land Where Journeys End (and Dreams Come True ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for Land Where Good Songs Go ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for Life's a Tale ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for Lilt of a Gypsy Strain ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for March of the Musketeers ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for Moon Love ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for Moon Song ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for My Castle in the Air ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for Napoleon ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for Nerves ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for New York Serenade ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for Non Stop Dancing ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for Nuts in May ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for Oh Gee Oh Joy ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for Oh Lady Lady ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for On a Desert Island with You ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for Opening Act 1 Appendix (Pergoda Patrol) ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for A Pal Like You ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for Poor Prune ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ "Sergeant Brue". IBDB. Retrieved 17 February 2011.
- ^ Ascap entry for Riviera Girl ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for Sally Selection ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for Saturday Night ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for Say So ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ "Never Gonna Dance". IBDB. Retrieved 20 February 2011.
- ^ Ascap entry for Shufflin Sam ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for Sitting Pretty ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for Some Day Waiting Will End ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for Sweet Sweet ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ a b "The Canary". IBDB. Retrieved 24 February 2011.
- ^ Ascap entry for Tell Me all your Troubles, Cutie ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for There isn't One Girl ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for There'll Never be another Girl Like Daisy ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for There's a Light in your Eyes ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for There's a Toast ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for This is the Existence ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for Thousands of Years Ago ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for Tulip Time in Sing Sing ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for Twenties are here to Stay ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for Wait Till Tomorrow ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for We're Crooks ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for West Point Song ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for What I'm Longing to Say ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for When the Ships Come Home ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for Why Must We always be Dreaming ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for Why ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for Will You Forget? ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for Worries ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for You can't Keep a Good Girl Down ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for You can't Make Love by Wireless ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for You Found Me and I Found You ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for You Said Something ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
- ^ Ascap entry for Your Eyes ASCAP, accessed February 18, 2011
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