List of diplomatic missions in Paris

This is a list of the 162 resident embassies in Paris. For other diplomatic missions in France, see List of diplomatic missions in France.

Embassies in Paris

Country Address Area Image Website
 Afghanistan 32, avenue Raphaël 16th arrondissement [1]
 Albania 57, avenue Marceau 16th arrondissement [2]
 Algeria 50, rue de Lisbonne 8th arrondissement [3]
 Andorra 1, place d'Andorre 16th arrondissement [4]
 Angola 19, avenue Foch 16th arrondissement [5]
 Antigua and Barbuda 31, rue François Bonvin 15th arrondissement [6]
 Argentina 6, rue Cimarosa 16th arrondissement [7]
 Armenia 9, rue Viète 17th arrondissement [8]
 Australia 4, rue Jean-Rey 15th arrondissement [9]
 Austria 6, rue Fabert 7th arrondissement [10]
 Azerbaijan 78, avenue d'Iéna 16th arrondissement [11]
 Bahrain 3 bis place des États-Unis 16th arrondissement [12]
 Bangladesh 109, avenue Henri-Martin 16th arrondissement [13]
 Belarus 38, boulevard Suchet 16th arrondissement [14]
 Belgium 9, rue de Tilsitt 17th arrondissement [15]
 Benin 87, avenue Victor-Hugo 16th arrondissement [16]
 Bolivia 12, avenue du Président-Kennedy 16th arrondissement [17]
 Bosnia and Herzegovina 174, rue de Courcelles 17th arrondissement [18]
 Botswana 121, Av. de Malakoff 16th arrondissement [19]
 Brazil 34, cours Albert-Ier 8th arrondissement [20]
 Brunei 7, rue de Presbourg 16th arrondissement [21]
 Bulgaria 1, avenue Rapp 7th arrondissement [22]
 Burkina Faso 159, boulevard Haussmann 8th arrondissement [23]
 Burundi 10-12, rue de l'Orme 19th arrondissement [24]
 Cambodia 4, rue Adolphe-Yvon 16th arrondissement [25]
 Cameroon 73 rue d'Auteuil 16th arrondissement [26]
 Canada 130, rue du Faubourg-Saint-Honoré 8th arrondissement [27]
 Cape Verde 3, rue de Rigny 8th arrondissement [28]
 Central African Republic 30, rue des Perchamps 16th arrondissement [29]
 Chad 65, rue des Belles-Feuilles 16th arrondissement [30]
 Chile 2, avenue de La Motte-Picquet 7th arrondissement [31]
 China 20, rue Monsieur 7th arrondissement [32]
 Colombia 22, rue de l'Élysée 8th arrondissement [33]
 Comoros 20, rue Marbeau 16th arrondissement [34]
 Democratic Republic of Congo 32, cours Albert-Ier 8th arrondissement [35]
 Republic of Congo 37, bis rue Paul-Valéry 16th arrondissement [36]
 Costa Rica 4, square Rapp 7th arrondissement [37]
 Croatia 7, square Thiers 16th arrondissement [38]
 Cuba 16, rue de Presles 15th arrondissement [39]
 Cyprus 23, rue Galilée 16th arrondissement [40]
 Czech Republic 15, avenue Charles-Floquet 7th arrondissement [41]
 Denmark 77, avenue Marceau 16th arrondissement [42]
 Djibouti 26, rue Émile-Menier 16th arrondissement [43]
 Dominican Republic 45, rue de Courcelles 8th arrondissement [44]
 Ecuador 50, Rue Copernic 16th arrondissement [45]
 Egypt 56, avenue d'Iéna 16th arrondissement [46]
 El Salvador 12, rue Galilée 16th arrondissement [47]
 Equatorial Guinea 42, avenue Foch 16th arrondissement [48]
 Eritrea 1, rue de Staël 15th arrondissement [49]
 Estonia 17, rue de La Baume 8th arrondissement [50]
 Ethiopia 35, avenue Charles-Floquet 7th arrondissement [51]
 Finland 1, place de Finlande 7th arrondissement [52]
 Gabon 26, bis avenue Raphaël 8th arrondissement [53]
 Gambia 7, ter rue Léonard-de-Vinci 16th arrondissement [54]
 Georgia 8, rue Brémontier 17th arrondissement [55]
 Germany 13-15, avenue Franklin-D.-Roosevelt 8th arrondissement [56]
 Ghana 21, boulevard de la Saussaye Neuilly-sur-Seine [57]
 Greece 17, rue Auguste-Vacquerie 16th arrondissement [58]
 Guatemala 7, avenue Niel 17th arrondissement [59]
 Guinea 51, rue de la Faisanderie 16th arrondissement [60]
 Guinea-Bissau 94, rue Saint-Lazare 9th arrondissement [61]
 Haiti 10, rue Théodule-Ribot 17th arrondissement [62]
 Holy See 10, avenue du Président-Wilson 16th arrondissement
 Honduras 8, rue Crevaux 16th arrondissement [63]
 Hungary 5 bis, square de l'Avenue-Foch 16th arrondissement [64]
 Iceland 52, avenue Victor-Hugo 16th arrondissement [65]
 India 15, rue Alfred-Dehodencq 16th arrondissement [66]
 Indonesia 47-49, rue Cortambert 16th arrondissement [67]
 Iran 4, avenue d'Iéna 16th arrondissement [68]
 Iraq 64, avenue Foch 16th arrondissement [69]
 Ireland 2-4, rue Rude et 12 avenue Foch 16th arrondissement [70]
 Israel 3, rue Rabelais 8th arrondissement [71]
 Italy 51, rue de Varenne 7th arrondissement [72]
 Ivory Coast 102, avenue Raymond-Poincaré 16th arrondissement [73]
 Japan 7, avenue Hoche 8th arrondissement [74]
 Jordan 80 boulevard Maurice-Barrès Neuilly-sur-Seine [75]
 Kazakhstan 3, rue de Tilsitt 8th arrondissement [76]
 Kenya 3, rue Freycinet 16th arrondissement [77]
 Kosovo 7, rue de Monceau 8th arrondissement [78]
 Kuwait 2, rue de Lübeck 16th arrondissement [79]
 Kyrgyzstan 49, rue de Bellechasse 7th arrondissement [80]
 Laos 74, avenue Raymond-Poincaré 16th arrondissement [81]
 Latvia 6, villa Saïd 16th arrondissement [82]
 Lebanon 3, villa Copernic 16th arrondissement [83]
 Liberia 12, place du Général-Catroux 17th arrondissement [84]
 Libya 6-8, rue Chasseloup-Laubat 15th arrondissement [85]
 Lithuania 22, boulevard de Courcelles 17th arrondissement [86]
 Luxembourg 33, avenue Rapp 7th arrondissement [87]
 Madagascar 4, avenue Raphaël 16th arrondissement [88]
 Malaysia 2 bis, rue Benouville 16th arrondissement [89]
 Mali 89, rue du Cherche-Midi 6th arrondissement [90]
 Malta 23, rue d'Artois 8th arrondissement [91]
 Mauritania 5, rue de Montevideo 16th arrondissement [92]
 Mauritius 127, rue de Tocqueville 17th arrondissement [93]
 Mexico 9, rue de Longchamp 16th arrondissement [94]
 Moldova 95, Boulevard Berthier 17th arrondissement [95]
 Monaco 22, boulevard Suchet 16th arrondissement [96]
 Mongolia 5, avenue Robert-Schuman Boulogne-Billancourt [97]
 Montenegro 90, boulevard Flandrin 16th arrondissement [98]
 Morocco 5, rue Le Tasse 16th arrondissement [99]
 Mozambique 82, rue Laugier 17th arrondissement [100]
 Myanmar 60, rue de Courcelles 8th arrondissement [101]
 Namibia 42, rue Boileau 16th arrondissement [102]
   Nepal 45 bis, rue des Acacias 17th arrondissement [103]
 Netherlands 7-9, rue Éblé 7th arrondissement [104]
 New Zealand 103, rue de Grenelle 7th arrondissement [105]
 Nicaragua 34, avenue Bugeaud 16th arrondissement [106]
 Niger 154, rue de Longchamp 16th arrondissement [107]
 Nigeria 173, avenue Victor-Hugo 16th arrondissement [108]
 North Macedonia 5, rue de la Faisanderie 16th arrondissement [109]
 Norway 28, rue Bayard 8th arrondissement [110]
 Oman 50, avenue d'Iéna 16th arrondissement [111]
 Pakistan 18, rue Lord-Byron 8th arrondissement [112]
 Panama 145, avenue de Suffren 15th arrondissement [113]
 Paraguay 1, rue Saint-Dominique 7th arrondissement [114]
 Peru 50, avenue Kléber 16th arrondissement [115]
 Philippines 4, hameau de Boulainvilliers 16th arrondissement [116]
 Poland 1, rue de Talleyrand 7th arrondissement [117]
 Portugal 3, rue de Noisiel 16th arrondissement [118]
 Qatar 1, rue de Tilsitt 8th arrondissement [119]
 Romania 5, rue de l'Exposition 7th arrondissement [120]
 Russia 40-50, boulevard Lannes 16th arrondissement [121]
 Rwanda 12, rue Jadin 17th arrondissement [122]
 San Marino 5, avenue Gourgaud 17th arrondissement [123]
 Saudi Arabia 92, rue de Courcelles 8th arrondissement [124]
 Senegal 14, avenue Robert-Schuman 7th arrondissement [125]
 Serbia 5, rue Léonard-de-Vinci 16th arrondissement [126]
 Seychelles 51, avenue Mozart 16th arrondissement [127]
 Singapore 16, rue Murillo 8th arrondissement [128]
 Slovakia 125, rue du Ranelagh 16th arrondissement [129]
 Slovenia 28, rue Bois-Le-Vent 16th arrondissement [130]
 Somalia 26, rue Dumont-d'Urville 16th arrondissement [131]
 South Africa 59, quai d'Orsay 7th arrondissement [132]
 South Korea 125, rue de Grenelle 7th arrondissement [133]
 South Sudan 9, rue Kepler 16th arrondissement [134]
 Spain 22, avenue Marceau 8th arrondissement [135]
 Sri Lanka 16, rue Spontini 16th arrondissement [136]
 Sudan 11, rue Alfred-Dehodencq 16th arrondissement [137]
 Suriname 94, Rue du Ranelagh 16th arrondissement [138]
 Sweden 17, rue Barbet-de-Jouy 7th arrondissement [139]
  Switzerland 142, rue de Grenelle, Hôtel de Besenval 7th arrondissement [140]
 Syria 20, rue Vaneau 7th arrondissement [141]
 Tajikistan 42 avenue Montaigne 8th arrondissement [142]
 Tanzania 7, ter rue Léonard-de-Vinci 16th arrondissement [143]
 Thailand 8, rue Greuze 16th arrondissement [144]
 Togo 8, rue Alfred-Roll 17th arrondissement [145]
 Tunisia 25, rue Barbet-de-Jouy 7th arrondissement [146]
 Turkey 16, avenue de Lamballe 16th arrondissement [147]
 Turkmenistan 13, rue Picot 16th arrondissement [148]
 Uganda 13, avenue Raymond-Poincaré 16th arrondissement [149]
 Ukraine 21, avenue de Saxe 7th arrondissement [150]
 United Arab Emirates 2, boulevard de La Tour-Maubourg 7th arrondissement [151]
 United Kingdom 35, rue du Faubourg-Saint-Honoré 8th arrondissement [152]
 United States 2, avenue Gabriel 8th arrondissement [153]
 Uruguay 33, rue Jean-Giraudoux 16th arrondissement [154]
 Uzbekistan 22, rue d'Aguesseau 8th arrondissement [155]
 Venezuela 11, rue Copernic 16th arrondissement [156]
 Vietnam 61, rue de Miromesnil 8th arrondissement [157]
 Yemen 25, rue Georges-Bizet 16th arrondissement [158]
 Zambia 18, avenue de Tourville 7th arrondissement [159]
 Zimbabwe 10, rue Jacques Bingen 17th arrondissement [160]

Consulates-General in Paris

Country Address Area Image Website
 Algeria 1, Passage du Trône 11th arrondissement [161]
 Angola 16, rue Henri-Rochefort 17th arrondissement [162]
 Austria 17, avenue de Villars 7th arrondissement [163]
 Brazil 65, Avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt 8th arrondissement [164]
 Burkina Faso 112, rue de Vaugirard 6th arrondissement [165]
 Colombia 12, rue de Berri 8th arrondissement [166]
 Czech Republic 18, rue Bonaparte 6th arrondissement [167]
 Dominican Republic 8 bis, avenue Percier 8th arrondissement [168]
 Egypt 53, boulevard Bineau Neuilly-sur-Seine [169]
 Germany 28, rue Marbeau 16th arrondissement [170]
 Greece 23, rue Galilée 16th arrondissement [171]
 Haiti 35, avenue de Villiers 17th arrondissement [172]
 Hungary 7, square de Vergennes 15th arrondissement [173]
 India 20, rue Albéric-Magnard 16th arrondissement [66]
 Iran 16, rue Fresnel 16th arrondissement [174]
 Iraq 61, rue Pergolèse 16th arrondissement [69]
 Italy 5, boulevard Émile-Augier 16th arrondissement [175]
 Ivory Coast 18, rue Léonard de Vinci 16th arrondissement [73]
 Lebanon 123, avenue de Malakoff 16th arrondissement [176]
 Mali 53, rue Hoche Bagnolet [177]
 Mexico 4, rue Notre-Dame-des-Victoires 2nd arrondissement [178]
 Morocco 12, Rue de la Saïda 15th arrondissement [179]
 Peru 25, rue de l'Arcade 8th arrondissement [180]
 Portugal 6, rue Georges-Berger 17th arrondissement [181]
 Romania 3, rue de l'Exposition 7th arrondissement [182]
 Saudi Arabia 29, rue des Graviers Neuilly-sur-Seine [124]
 Senegal 22, rue de l'Amiral-Hamelin 16th arrondissement [183]
 Spain 165, Boulevard Malesherbes 17th arrondissement [184]
 Tunisia 17-19, rue de Lübeck 16th arrondissement [185]
 Turkey 44, rue de Sèvres Boulogne-Billancourt [186]
 Venezuela 8, impasse Kléber 16th arrondissement [187]

Other missions or delegations in Paris

Country Address Area Image Website
 Artsakh 10, rue Degas 16th arrondissement [188]
 Catalonia 50, rue Saint Ferdinand 17th arrondissement [189]
 North Korea 3, rue Asseline 14th arrondissement [190]
 Palestine 14, rue du Commandant Léandri 15th arrondissement [191]
 Quebec 66, rue Pergolèse 16th arrondissement [192]
 Republic of China (Taiwan) 78, rue de l'Université 7th arrondissement [193]
 Wallonia 274, boulevard Saint-Germain 7th arrondissement [188]

Official Residences

Country Address Area Image
 Belgium 25, rue de Surène 8th arrondissement
 Brazil 5, rue de l'Amiral-d'Estaing 16th arrondissement
 Canada 135, rue du Faubourg-Saint-Honoré 8th arrondissement
 Colombia 29, rue de Constantine 7th arrondissement
 Egypt 2, place des États-Unis 16th arrondissement
 Germany 78, rue de Lille 7th arrondissement
 India 2, rue du Général-Lambert 7th arrondissement
 Iraq 9, rue d'Andigné 16th arrondissement
 Japan 31, rue du Faubourg-Saint-Honoré 8th arrondissement
 Libya 2, rue Charles Lamoureux 16th arrondissement
 Luxembourg 8, avenue Émile-Deschanel 7th arrondissement
 Madagascar 1, boulevard Suchet 16th arrondissement
 Malaysia 48, boulevard Suchet 16th arrondissement
 Mexico 20, avenue du Président-Wilson 16th arrondissement
 Nepal 7, rue Albéric-Magnard 16th arrondissement
 Netherlands 85, rue de Grenelle 7th arrondissement
 Norway 34, Rue François 1er 8th arrondissement
 Pakistan 5, rue du Général-Appert 16th arrondissement
 Peru 50, avenue Kléber 16th arrondissement
 Poland 57, rue Saint-Dominique 7th arrondissement
 Romania 123, rue Saint-Dominique 7th arrondissement
 Russia 79, rue de Grenelle 7th arrondissement
 Senegal 23, rue Vineuse 16th arrondissement
 Serbia 1, boulevard Delessert 16th arrondissement
 South Africa 5, rue Cimarosa 16th arrondissement
 Spain 15, avenue George V 8th arrondissement
 Switzerland 142, rue de Grenelle, Hôtel de Besenval 7th arrondissement
 Thailand 18, rue Albéric-Magnard 16th arrondissement
 Turkey 16, avenue de Lamballe 16th arrondissement
 United Kingdom 39, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré 8th arrondissement
 United States 41, rue du Faubourg-Saint-Honoré 8th arrondissement

See also


  1. ^ Embassy of Afghanistan in Paris
  2. ^ Embassy of Albania in Paris
  3. ^ Embassy of Algeria in Paris
  4. ^ Embassy of Andorra in Paris
  5. ^ Embassy of Angola in Paris
  6. ^ Embassy of Antigua and Barbuda in Paris
  7. ^ Embassy of Argentina in Paris
  8. ^ Embassy of Armenia in Paris
  9. ^ Embassy of Australia in Paris
  10. ^ Embassy of Austria in Paris
  11. ^ Embassy of Azerbaijan in Paris
  12. ^ Embassy of Bahrain in Paris
  13. ^ Embassy of Bangladesh in Paris
  14. ^ Embassy of Belarus in Paris
  15. ^ Embassy of Belgium in Paris
  16. ^ Embassy of Benin in Paris
  17. ^ Embassy of Bolivia in Paris
  18. ^ Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Paris
  19. ^ Embassy of Botswana in Paris
  20. ^ Embassy of Brazil in Paris
  21. ^ Embassy of Brunei in Paris
  22. ^ Embassy of Bulgaria in Paris
  23. ^ Embassy of Burkina Faso in Paris
  24. ^ Embassy of Burundi in Paris
  25. ^ Embassy of Cambodia in Paris
  26. ^ Embassy of Cameroon in Paris
  27. ^ Embassy of Canada in Paris
  28. ^ Embassy of Cape Verde in Paris
  29. ^ Embassy of the Central African Republic in Paris
  30. ^ Embassy of Chad in Paris
  31. ^ Embassy of Chile in Paris
  32. ^ Embassy of China in Paris
  33. ^ Embassy of Colombia in Paris
  34. ^ Embassy of Comoros in Paris
  35. ^ Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo in Paris
  36. ^ Embassy of the Republic of Congo in Paris
  37. ^ Embassy of Costa Rica in Paris
  38. ^ Embassy of Croatia in Paris
  39. ^ Embassy of Cuba in Paris
  40. ^ Embassy of Cyprus in Paris
  41. ^ Embassy of the Czech Republic in Paris
  42. ^ Embassy of Denmark in Paris
  43. ^ Embassy of Djibouti in Paris
  44. ^ Embassy of the Dominican Republic in Paris
  45. ^ Embassy of Ecuador in Paris
  46. ^ Embassy of Egypt in Paris
  47. ^ Embassy of El Salvador in Paris
  48. ^ Embassy of Equatorial Guinea in Paris
  49. ^ Embassy of Eritrea in Paris
  50. ^ Embassy of Estonia in Paris
  51. ^ Embassy of Ethiopia in Paris
  52. ^ Embassy of Finland in Paris
  53. ^ Embassy of Gabon in Paris
  54. ^ Embassy of Gambia in Paris
  55. ^ Embassy of Georgia in Paris
  56. ^ Embassy of Germany in Paris
  57. ^ Embassy of Ghana in Paris
  58. ^ Embassy of Greece in Paris
  59. ^ Embassy of Guatemala in Paris
  60. ^ Embassy of Guinea in Paris
  61. ^ Embassy of Guinea-Bissau in Paris
  62. ^ Embassy of Haiti in Paris
  63. ^ Embassy of Honduras in Paris
  64. ^ Embassy of Hungary in Paris
  65. ^ Embassy of Iceland in Paris
  66. ^ a b Embassy of India in Paris
  67. ^ Embassy of Indonesia in Paris
  68. ^ Embassy of Iran in Paris
  69. ^ a b Embassy of Iraq in Paris
  70. ^ Embassy of Ireland in Paris
  71. ^ Embassy of Israel in Paris
  72. ^ Embassy of Italy in Paris
  73. ^ a b Embassy of Ivory Coast in Paris
  74. ^ Embassy of Japan in Paris
  75. ^ Embassy of Jordan in Paris
  76. ^ Embassy of Kazakhstan in Paris
  77. ^ Embassy of Kenya in Paris
  78. ^ Embassy of Kosovo in Paris
  79. ^ Embassy of Kuwait in Paris
  80. ^ Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan
  81. ^ Embassy of Laos in Paris
  82. ^ Embassy of Latvia in Paris
  83. ^ Embassy of Lebanon in Paris
  84. ^ Embassy of Liberia in Paris
  85. ^ Embassy of Libya in Paris
  86. ^ Embassy of Lithuania in Paris
  87. ^ Embassy of Luxembourg in Paris
  88. ^ Embassy of Madagascar in Paris
  89. ^ Embassy of Malaysia in Paris
  90. ^ Embassy of Mali in Paris
  91. ^ Embassy of Malta in Paris
  92. ^ Embassy of Mauritania in Paris
  93. ^ Embassy of Mauritius in Paris
  94. ^ Embassy of Mexico in Paris
  95. ^ Embassy of Moldova in Paris
  96. ^ Embassy of Monaco in Paris
  97. ^ Embassy of Mongolia in Paris
  98. ^ Embassy of Montenegro in Paris
  99. ^ Embassy of Morocco in Paris
  100. ^ Embassy of Mozambique in Paris
  101. ^ Embassy of Myanmar in Paris
  102. ^ Embassy of Namibia in Paris
  103. ^ Embassy of Nepal in Paris
  104. ^ Embassy of the Netherlands in Paris
  105. ^ Embassy of New Zealand in Paris
  106. ^ Embassy of Nicaragua in Paris
  107. ^ Embassy of Niger in Paris
  108. ^ Embassy of Nigeria in Paris
  109. ^ Embassy of North Macedonia in Paris
  110. ^ Embassy of Norway in Paris
  111. ^ Embassy of Oman in Paris
  112. ^ Embassy of Pakistan in Paris
  113. ^ Embassy of Panama in Paris
  114. ^ Embassy of Paraguay in Paris
  115. ^ Embassy of Peru in Paris
  116. ^ Embassy of the Philippines in Paris
  117. ^ Embassy of Poland in Paris
  118. ^ Embassy of Portugal in Paris
  119. ^ Embassy of Qatar in Paris
  120. ^ Embassy of Romania in Paris
  121. ^ Embassy of Russia in Paris
  122. ^ Embassy of Rwanda in Paris
  123. ^ Embassy of San Marino in Paris
  124. ^ a b Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Paris
  125. ^ Embassy of Senegal in Paris
  126. ^ Embassy of Serbia in Paris
  127. ^ Embassy of Seychelles in Paris
  128. ^ Embassy of Singapore in Paris
  129. ^ Embassy of Slovakia in Paris
  130. ^ Embassy of Slovenia in Paris
  131. ^ Embassy of Somalia in Paris
  132. ^ Embassy of South Africa in Paris
  133. ^ Embassy of South Korea in Paris
  134. ^ Embassy of South Sudan in Paris
  135. ^ Embassy of Spain in Paris
  136. ^ Embassy of Sri Lanka in Paris
  137. ^ Embassy of Sudan in Paris
  138. ^ Embassy of Suriname in Paris
  139. ^ Embassy of Sweden in Paris
  140. ^ Embassy of Switzerland in Paris
  141. ^ Embassy of Syria in Paris
  142. ^ Embassy of Tajikistan in Paris
  143. ^ Embassy of Tanzania in Paris
  144. ^ Embassy of Thailand in Paris
  145. ^ Embassy of Togo in Paris
  146. ^ Embassy of Tunisia in Paris
  147. ^ Embassy of Turkey in Paris
  148. ^ Embassy of Turkmenistan in Paris
  149. ^ Embassy of Uganda in Paris
  150. ^ Embassy of Ukraine in Paris
  151. ^ Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in Paris
  152. ^ Embassy of the United Kingdom in Paris
  153. ^ Embassy of the United States in Paris
  154. ^ Embassy of Uruguay in Paris
  155. ^ Embassy of Uzbekistan in Paris
  156. ^ Embassy of Venezuela in Paris
  157. ^ Embassy of Vietnam in Paris
  158. ^ Embassy of Yemen in Paris
  159. ^ Embassy of Zambia in Paris
  160. ^ Embassy of Zimbabwe in Paris
  161. ^ Consulate-General of Algeria in Paris
  162. ^ Consulate-General of Angola in Paris
  163. ^ Consulate-General of Austria in Paris
  164. ^ Consulate-General of Brazil in Paris
  165. ^ Consulate-General of Burkina Faso in Paris
  166. ^ Consulate-General of Colombia in Paris
  167. ^ Consulate-General of the Czech Republic in Paris
  168. ^ Consulate-General of the Dominican Republic in Paris
  169. ^ Diplomatie France: Egypt
  170. ^ Consulate-General of Germany in Paris
  171. ^ Consulate-General of Greece in Paris
  172. ^ Consulate-General of Haiti in Paris
  173. ^ Consulate-General of Hungary in Paris
  174. ^ Consulate-General of Iran in Paris
  175. ^ Consulate-General of Italy in Paris
  176. ^ Consulate-General of Lebanon in Paris
  177. ^ Consulate-General of Mali in Paris
  178. ^ Consulate-General of Mexico in Paris
  179. ^ Consulate-General of Morocco in Paris
  180. ^ Consulate-General of Peru in Paris
  181. ^ Consulate-General of Portugal in Paris
  182. ^ Consulate-General of Romania in Paris
  183. ^ Consulate-General of Senegal in Paris
  184. ^ Consulate-General of Spain in Paris
  185. ^ Consulate-General of Tunisia in Paris
  186. ^ Consulate-General of Turkey in Paris
  187. ^ Consulate-General of Venezuela in Paris
  188. ^ a b Permanent Representations of Artsakh
  189. ^ "Delegation of the Government of Catalonia to France"
  190. ^ Delegation of North Korea in Paris
  191. ^ Delegation of Palestine in Paris
  192. ^ General Delegation of Quebec in Paris
  193. ^ Representative Office of Taiwan in Paris

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Ján Sokol (born 9 October 1933) is a Slovak archbishop and former Archbishop of Trnava and Bratislava. His ExcellencyJán SokolArchbishop Emeritus of TrnavaChurchRoman CatholicArchdioceseArchdiocese of TrnavaAppointedMay 19, 1988InstalledJune 12, 1988Term endedApril 18, 2009SuccessorRóbert BezákOrdersOrdinationJune 23, 1957ConsecrationJune 12, 1988by Francesco ColasuonnoPersonal detailsBorn (1933-10-09) October 9, 1933 (age 90)Jacovce, Czechoslovakia (now Slovakia)Coat of arms St...

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Dana International, the contest's first trans participant, and winner of the 1998 contest for Israel The Eurovision Song Contest has had a long-held fan base in the LGBT community, and Eurovision organisers have actively worked to include these fans in the contest since the 1990s.[1] LGBT participants Main article: List of LGBT participants in the Eurovision Song Contest Bilal Hassani, who identifies as queer, represented France in the 2019 contest Paul Oscar became the contest's fir...



Ne doit pas être confondu avec Jean-Charles Cavaillé. Marcel Cavaillé Fonctions Secrétaire d’État français au Logement 6 avril 1978 – 2 octobre 1980(2 ans, 5 mois et 26 jours) Président Valéry Giscard d'Estaing Premier ministre Raymond Barre Gouvernement Barre III Prédécesseur Jacques Barrot Successeur Roger Quilliot Secrétaire d’État français aux Transports 8 juin 1974 – 31 mars 1978(3 ans, 9 mois et 23 jours) Président Valéry Giscard d'E...

يفتقر محتوى هذه المقالة إلى الاستشهاد بمصادر. فضلاً، ساهم في تطوير هذه المقالة من خلال إضافة مصادر موثوق بها. أي معلومات غير موثقة يمكن التشكيك بها وإزالتها. (نوفمبر 2019) هذه المقالة تحتاج للمزيد من الوصلات للمقالات الأخرى للمساعدة في ترابط مقالات الموسوعة. فضلًا ساعد في تحس...



この項目には、一部のコンピュータや閲覧ソフトで表示できない文字が含まれています(詳細)。 数字の大字(だいじ)は、漢数字の一種。通常用いる単純な字形の漢数字(小字)の代わりに同じ音の別の漢字を用いるものである。 概要 壱万円日本銀行券(「壱」が大字) 弐千円日本銀行券(「弐」が大字) 漢数字には「一」「二」「三」と続く小字と、「壱」「�...



16° Congresso degli Stati UnitiNel 1819 il Congresso è ritornato al Campidoglio. L'immagine è tratta da un dipinto anonimo del 1827, in cui si nota la cupola che però nel 1819 non era ancora costruita.Inizio4 marzo 1819 Fine4 marzo 1821 Presidente del SenatoDaniel D. Tompkins (DR) Presidente pro temporeJames Barbour (DR)John Gaillard (DR) Speaker della Camera dei rappresentantiHenry Clay (DR)John W. Taylor (DR) Membri46 Senatori186 Rappresentanti3 Membri non votanti Maggioranza al SenatoP...

American musician (1938–2020) Julie FelixFelix performing for Dutch television in 1967Background informationBorn(1938-06-14)June 14, 1938Santa Barbara, California, U.S.DiedMarch 22, 2020(2020-03-22) (aged 81)GenresFolk music, folk rockOccupation(s)Singer, guitarist, songwriterInstrument(s)Vocals, guitarYears active1963–2020LabelsDecca, Fontana, RAK, EMI, Remarkable (own label)Musical artist Julie Ann Felix (June 14, 1938 – March 22, 2020)[1] was an American-British folk sin...



Casino hotel on the Las Vegas Strip The Cosmopolitan of Las VegasShow map of Las Vegas StripShow map of Nevada Location Paradise, Nevada, U.S. Address 3708 South Las Vegas BoulevardOpening dateDecember 15, 2010; 13 years ago (December 15, 2010)No. of rooms3,033Total gaming space100,000 sq ft (9,300 m2)Signature attractionsThe ChelseaThe ChandelierMarquee Nightclub & DayclubP3 art studioNotable restaurantsChina PoblanoéHolsteinsJaleoMomofukuScarpettaSTK Superfr...



Japanese hot pot dish For other uses, see Oden (disambiguation). This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Oden – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (October 2021) (Learn how and when to remove this message) OdenTypeSoupPlace of originJapanMain ingredientsBoiled eggs, daikon, konjac, fishcakes...

Type of noise in computer graphics 2D Value noise rescaled and added onto itself to create fractal noise Value noise is a type of noise commonly used as a procedural texture primitive in computer graphics. It is conceptually different from, and often confused with gradient noise, examples of which are Perlin noise and Simplex noise. This method consists of the creation of a lattice of points which are assigned random values. The noise function then returns the interpolated number based on the...



Localizzazione della Repubblica Centrafricana Le persone LGBT nella Repubblica Centrafricana non sono legalmente perseguite, ma le coppie dello stesso sesso e le famiglie guidate da coppie dello stesso sesso non hanno diritto alle stesse tutele legali disponibili per le coppie formate da individui di sesso opposto. Non esistono protezioni contro la discriminazione basata sull'identita di genere o orientamento sessuale. Indice 1 Leggi sull'attività sessuale tra persone dello stesso sesso 2 Ri...



Fictional character Soap opera character A. J. QuartermaineGeneral Hospital characterSean Kanan as A. J. QuartermainePortrayed by Eric Kroh (1979–1983) Abraham Geary (1983–1986) Jason Marsden (1986–1988) Christopher Nelson (1988) Justin Whalin (1988–1989) Gerald Hopkins (1991–1992) Sean Kanan (1993–1997, 2012–2014) Billy Warlock (1997–2005) Duration 1979–1989 1991–2003 2005 2012–2014 First appearanceDecember 13, 1979 (1979-12-13)Last appeara...

State coed secondary, years 11–13 schoolAlbany Senior High SchoolThe school's main building from Albany HighwayAddress536 Albany HighwayAlbanyAuckland 0632New ZealandCoordinates36°43′48″S 174°41′46″E / 36.730°S 174.696°E / -36.730; 174.696InformationTypeState coed secondary, years 11–13Established2009Ministry of Education Institution no.563PrincipalMs Claire AmosSchool roll620[1] (February 2024)Socio-economic decile10Z[2]Websitewww...



Questa voce sull'argomento centri abitati dell'Alvernia-Rodano-Alpi è solo un abbozzo. Contribuisci a migliorarla secondo le convenzioni di Wikipedia. Sainte-Marie-de-CuinescomuneSainte-Marie-de-Cuines – Veduta LocalizzazioneStato Francia RegioneAlvernia-Rodano-Alpi Dipartimento Savoia ArrondissementSan Giovanni di Moriana CantoneSan Giovanni di Moriana TerritorioCoordinate45°20′N 6°18′E45°20′N, 6°18′E (Sainte-Marie-de-Cuines) Superficie15 km² Abitanti801[...



Halaman ini berisi artikel tentang pejabat pemerintahan Trump. Untuk pejabat pemerintahan Obama dan Presiden Yayasan Rockefeller, lihat Rajiv Shah. Raj Shah Wakil Sekretaris Pers Gedung PutihMasa jabatan12 September 2017 – 14 Januari 2019PresidenDonald TrumpPemimpinSarah SandersPendahuluSarah SandersPenggantiHogan Gidley Informasi pribadiLahirs. 1985 (umur 38–39)Partai politikPartai Republik[1]PendidikanUniversitas Cornell (Sarjana)Sunting kotak info • L&#...

British cultural theorist (born 1964) Sadie PlantPlant in 2012BornSarah Jane Plant (1964-03-16) 16 March 1964 (age 60)Birmingham, EnglandAlma materUniversity of ManchesterOccupation(s)Philosopher, author, scholarKnown for The Most Radical Gesture Zeroes + Ones Writing on Drugs Part of a series onAnthropology of nature, science, and technology Basic concepts Ecogovernmentality Nature–culture divide Major theorists Tom Boellstorff Ray Brassier Benjamin...



NGC 1780 La galaxie lenticulaire NGC 1780. Données d’observation(Époque J2000.0) Constellation Lièvre Ascension droite (α) 05h 06m 20,7s[1] Déclinaison (δ) −19° 28′ 00″ [1] Magnitude apparente (V) 13,7[2] 14,7 dans la Bande B[2] Brillance de surface 12,83 mag/am2[2] Dimensions apparentes (V) 0,9′ × 0,5′[2] Décalage vers le rouge 0,015871 ± 0,000030[1] Angle de position 84°[2] Localisation dans la constellation : Lièvre Astrométri...