Reruns of the show also aired on Star Utsav under the title Devika...Ambe Maa Ki Ladli. This show is being re-telecasted on Shemaroo TV from 8 April 2021.
Devika Deol is a gentle great devotee of goddess Ambe Maa, set to wed Saket Kapoor. Ravi Garewal, a middle-class guy hails from Ambala. Due to some circumstances he marries and saves Devika from social humiliation. Manju, Shweta and Saket cause problems in Devika's life. She and Ravi fall in love. Nivedita Luthra (boss of the prestigious company where Ravi works) becomes obsessed with him. She, Manju and Saket push Devika off a cliff, assuming her dead.
Several months later
Devika is still alive and disguises as Ambika Raichand, the daughter of her rich and influential saviour Janki. Ravi is engaged to Nivedita, living in her house. Devika is back for revenge, thinking Ravi was part of the plan to kill her. She later realises his innocence; they start a new life. Nivedita and Saket kill Monty and blame Ravi but Devika exposes them. The show ends with her pregnancy.
Aparna Dixit as Devika Deol Garewal: Ravi's wife; Ambika Raichand's imposter; Prakhar Deol's daughter; Abhay and Sakshi's sister; Pallavi's cousin; Saket's former fiancée (2015–2017)
Krip Suri as Ravi Garewal: Devika's husband; Manju and Dashrath's son; Vikas and Addy's brother; Monty's cousin; Nivedita's former fiancé (2015–2017)
Alka Amin as Manjari "Manju" Garewal: Dashrath's wife; Ravi, Vikas and Addy's mother (2015–2017)