Jotapian was a member of the Near East indigenous aristocracy. His name is similar to those of Queen Julia Iotapa and her daughter, princess Julia Jotapa of Commagene, so he could have been a member of the Royal Family of Commagene, which had lost its power in favour of the Romans under Emperor Vespasian in 72.
Jotapian led a rebellion started in Syria, towards the end of Philip's rule, against the increase in taxation ordered by the rector OrientisPriscus, Philip's brother. It is possible that Philip somehow favoured his Arabia over the other Eastern provinces, since his rule was not quietly accepted by the local population. Jotapian made Antioch his capital, but the rebellion came to an end and Jotapian was killed by his own soldiers, possibly during Emperor Decius' rule.
Coins issued by Jotapian had been found. All of them are antoniniani, all of them show a crude design, and all of them have a VICTORIA AVG reverse, celebrating a victory of the rebels over Philip troops or rather "the power of the Emperor to conquer" (Roman Imperial Coins, 4.3). It has been suggested that Jotapian also issued Aurei, none of which are known to have survived.
The coins are the only source for his names, M. F. RV., which could be expanded as Marcus Fulvius Rufus. Furthermore, their style suggest that the revolt was short and spread over a small territory, since Jotapian controlled no major mint.