CFI Category
(1st Char)
CFI Group
(2nd Char)
Attribute - 1
(3rd Char)
Attribute - 2
(4th Char)
Attribute - 3
(5th Char)
Attribute - 4
(6th Char)
E = Equities |
S = Shares i.e. Common / Ordinary
Voting Right
- V = Voting
- N = Non-Voting
- R = Restricted
- E = Enhanced voting
- T = Restrictions
- U = Free
Payment Status
- F = Fully Paid
- O = Nil Paid
- P = Partly Paid
- B = Bearer
- R = Registered
- N = Bearer/Registered
- M = Others (Misc.)
P = Preferred shares |
Voting Right
- V = Voting
- N = Non-Voting
- R = Restricted
- E = Enhanced voting
- R = Redeemable
- E = Extendible
- T = Redeemable / Extendible
- G = Exchangeable
- A = Redeemable / Exchangeable / Extendible
- C = Redeemable/Exchangeable
- N = Perpetual
- F = Fixed Rate
- C = Cumulative, Fixed Rate
- P = Participating
- Q = Cumulative, Participating
- A = Adjustable/Variable Rate
- N = Normal Rate
- U = Auction Rate
- D = Dividends
- B = Bearer
- R = Registered
- N = Bearer/Registered
- M = Others (Misc.)
C = Convertible shares
Voting Right
- V = Voting
- N = Non-Voting
- R = Restricted
- E = Enhanced voting
- T = Restrictions
- U = Free
Payment Status
- F = Fully Paid
- O = Nil Paid
- P = Partly Paid
- B = Bearer
- R = Registered
- N = Bearer/Registered
- M = Others (Misc.)
F = Preferred convertible shares
Voting Right
- V = Voting
- N = Non-Voting
- R = Restricted
- E = Enhanced voting
- R = Redeemable
- E = Extendible
- T = Redeemable / Extendible
- G = Exchangeable
- A = Redeemable / Exchangeable / Extendible
- C = Redeemable/Exchangeable
- N = Perpetual
- F = Fixed Rate
- C = Cumulative, Fixed Rate
- P = Participating
- Q = Cumulative, Participating
- A = Adjustable/Variable Rate
- N = Normal Rate
- U = Auction Rate
- D = Dividends
- B = Bearer
- R = Registered
- N = Bearer/Registered
- M = Others (Misc.)
L = Limited partnership units
Voting Right
- V = Voting
- N = Non-Voting
- R = Restricted
- E = Enhanced voting
- T = Restrictions
- U = Free
Payment Status
- F = Fully Paid
- O = Nil Paid
- P = Partly Paid
- B = Bearer
- R = Registered
- N = Bearer/Registered
- M = Others (Misc.)
D = Depository receipts on equities
Instrument dependency
- S = Common/Ordinary Shares
- P = Preferred/Preference Shares
- C = Common/Ordinary Convertible Shares
- F = Preferred/Preference Convertible Shares
- L = Limited Partnership Units
- M = Others (Misc.)
Redemption / Conversion of the Underlying Asset
- R = Redeemable
- N = Perpetual
- B = Convertible
- D = Convertible/Redeemable
- X = Not Appl./Undefined
- F = Fixed Rate
- C = Cumulative, Fixed Rate
- P = Participating
- Q = Cumulative, Participating
- A = Adjustable/Variable Rate
- N = Normal Rate
- U = Auction Rate
- D = Dividends
- B = Bearer
- R = Registered
- N = Bearer/Registered
- M = Others (Misc.)
Y = Structured instruments (participation)
- A = Tracker Certificate
- B = Outperforming Certificate
- C = Bonus Certificate
- D = Outperformance Bonus Certificate
- E = Twin-Win-Certificate
- M = Others (Misc.)
- D = Dividend Payments
- Y = No Payments
- M = Others (Misc.)
- F = Cash Repayment
- V = Physical Repayment
- E = Elect at Settlement
- M = Others (Misc.)
Underlying asset
- B = Baskets
- S = Equities
- D = Debt Instruments
- G = Derivatives
- T = Commodities
- C = Currencies
- I = Indices
- N = Interest rates
- M = Others (Misc.)
R = Preference shares
Voting Right
- V = Voting
- N = Non-Voting
- R = Restricted
- E = Enhanced voting
- R = Redeemable
- E = Extendible
- T = Redeemable / Extendible
- G = Exchangeable
- A = Redeemable / Exchangeable / Extendible
- C = Redeemable/Exchangeable
- N = Perpetual
- F = Fixed Rate
- C = Cumulative, Fixed Rate
- P = Participating
- Q = Cumulative, Participating
- A = Adjustable/Variable Rate
- N = Normal Rate
- U = Auction Rate
- D = Dividends
- B = Bearer
- R = Registered
- N = Bearer/Registered
- M = Others (Misc.)
V = Preference convertibles shares
Voting Right
- V = Voting
- N = Non-Voting
- R = Restricted
- E = Enhanced voting
- R = Redeemable
- E = Extendible
- T = Redeemable / Extendible
- G = Exchangeable
- A = Redeemable / Exchangeable / Extendible
- C = Redeemable/Exchangeable
- N = Perpetual
- F = Fixed Rate
- C = Cumulative, Fixed Rate
- P = Participating
- Q = Cumulative, Participating
- A = Adjustable/Variable Rate
- N = Normal Rate
- U = Auction Rate
- D = Dividends
- B = Bearer
- R = Registered
- N = Bearer/Registered
- M = Others (Misc.)
U = Units
(from Unit trusts, Mutual funds,
- C = Closed-end
- O = Open-end
Distribution policy
- I = Income funds
- G = Growth funds
- M = Mixed funds
- R = Real estate
- S = Securities
- M = Mixed-general
- C = Commodities
- D = Derivatives
- B = Bearer
- R = Registered
- N = Bearer/Registered
- Z = Bearer depository receipt
- A = Registered depository receipt
- M = Others (Misc.)
M = Others (Misc.)
X = Not Appl./Undefined
X = Not Appl./Undefined
X = Not Appl./Undefined
- B = Bearer
- R = Registered
- N = Bearer/Registered
- M = Others (Misc.)
D = Debt Instruments
B = Bonds
Type of interest
- F = Fixed rate
- Z = Zero rate / discounted rate
- V = Variable
- C = Cash payment
- K = payment in kind
- T = Government / State Guarantee
- G = Joint Guarantee
- S = Secured
- U = Unsecured / Unguaranteed
- P = Negative Pledge
- N = Senior
- O = Senior Subordinated
- Q = Junior
- J = Junior Subordinated
- C = Supranational
- F = Fixed Maturity
- G = Fixed Maturity with Call Feature
- C = Fixed Maturity with Put Feature
- D = Fixed Maturity with Put and Call
- A = Amortization Plan
- B = Amortization Plan with Call Feature
- T = Amortization Plan with Put Feature
- L = Amortization Plan with Put and Call
- P = Perpetual
- Q = Perpetual with Call Feature
- R = Perpetual with Put Feature
- E = Extendible
- B = Bearer
- R = Registered
- N = Bearer/Registered
- M = Others (Misc.)
C = Convertible Bonds
W = Bonds with warrants attached
T = Medium-term notes
S = Structured products (with capital protection)
- A = Capital Protection Certificate with Participation
- B = Capital Protection Convertible Certificate
- C = Barrier Capital Protection Certificate
- D = Capital Protection Certificate with Coupons
- M = Others (Misc.)
- F = Fixed Interest Payments
- D = Dividend Payments
- V = Variable Interest Payments
- Y = No Payments
- M = Others (Misc.)
- F = Fixed Cash Repayment (Only Protected Capital Level)
- V = Variable Cash Repayment
- M = Others (Misc.)
Underlying asset
- B = Baskets
- S = Equities
- D = Debt Instruments / Interest Rates
- T = Commodities
- C = Currencies
- I = Indices
- M = Others (Misc.)
E = Structured products (without capital protection)
- A = Discount Certificate
- B = Barrier Discount Certificate
- C = Reverse Convertible
- D = Barrier Reverse Convertible
- E = Express Certificate
- M = Others (Misc.)
- R = Repayment in Cash
- S = Repayment in Assets
- C = Repayment in Assets and Cash
- T = Repayment in Assets or Cash
- M = Others (Misc.)
G = Mortgage-backed securities (MBS)
Type of interest
- F = Fixed rate
- Z = Zero rate / discounted rate
- V = Variable
- T = Government / State Guarantee
- G = Joint Guarantee
- S = Secured
- U = Unsecured / Unguaranteed
- P = Negative Pledge
- N = Senior
- O = Senior Subordinated
- Q = Junior
- J = Junior Subordinated
- C = Supranational
- F = Fixed Maturity
- G = Fixed Maturity with Call Feature
- C = Fixed Maturity with Put Feature
- D = Fixed Maturity with Put and Call
- A = Amortization Plan
- B = Amortization Plan with Call Feature
- T = Amortization Plan with Put Feature
- L = Amortization Plan with Put and Call
- P = Perpetual
- Q = Perpetual with Call Feature
- R = Perpetual with Put Feature
- E = Extendible
- B = Bearer
- R = Registered
- N = Bearer/Registered
- M = Others (Misc.)
A = Asset backed securities (ABS)
Type of interest
- F = Fixed rate
- Z = Zero rate / discounted rate
- V = Variable
- T = Government / State Guarantee
- G = Joint Guarantee
- S = Secured
- U = Unsecured / Unguaranteed
- P = Negative Pledge
- N = Senior
- O = Senior Subordinated
- Q = Junior
- J = Junior Subordinated
- C = Supranational
- F = Fixed Maturity
- G = Fixed Maturity with Call Feature
- C = Fixed Maturity with Put Feature
- D = Fixed Maturity with Put and Call
- A = Amortization Plan
- B = Amortization Plan with Call Feature
- T = Amortization Plan with Put Feature
- L = Amortization Plan with Put and Call
- P = Perpetual
- Q = Perpetual with Call Feature
- R = Perpetual with Put Feature
- E = Extendible
- B = Bearer
- R = Registered
- N = Bearer/Registered
- M = Others (Misc.)
N = Municipal bonds
Type of interest
- F = Fixed rate
- Z = Zero rate / discounted rate
- V = Variable
- T = Government / State Guarantee
- G = Joint Guarantee
- S = Secured
- U = Unsecured / Unguaranteed
- P = Negative Pledge
- N = Senior
- O = Senior Subordinated
- Q = Junior
- J = Junior Subordinated
- C = Supranational
- F = Fixed Maturity
- G = Fixed Maturity with Call Feature
- C = Fixed Maturity with Put Feature
- D = Fixed Maturity with Put and Call
- A = Amortization Plan
- B = Amortization Plan with Call Feature
- T = Amortization Plan with Put Feature
- L = Amortization Plan with Put and Call
- P = Perpetual
- Q = Perpetual with Call Feature
- R = Perpetual with Put Feature
- E = Extendible
- B = Bearer
- R = Registered
- N = Bearer/Registered
- M = Others (Misc.)
D = Depository receipts on debt instruments
Instrument dependency
- B = Bonds
- C = Convertible Bonds
- W = Bonds with Warrants Attached
- T = Medium-Term Notes
- Y = Money Market Instruments
- G = Mortgage-Backed Securities
- Q = Asset-Backed Securities
- N = Municipal Bonds
- M = Others (Misc.)
Type of interest/cash payment
- F = Fixed Rate
- Z = Zero Rate/Discounted
- V = Variable
- C = Cash Payment
- T = Government / State Guarantee
- G = Joint Guarantee
- S = Secured
- U = Unsecured / Unguaranteed
- P = Negative Pledge
- N = Senior
- O = Senior Subordinated
- Q = Junior
- J = Junior Subordinated
- C = Supranational
- F = Fixed Maturity
- G = Fixed Maturity with Call Feature
- C = Fixed Maturity with Put Feature
- D = Fixed Maturity with Put and Call
- A = Amortization Plan
- B = Amortization Plan with Call Feature
- T = Amortization Plan with Put Feature
- L = Amortization Plan with Put and Call
- P = Perpetual
- Q = Perpetual with Call Feature
- R = Perpetual with Put Feature
- E = Extendible
Y = Money market instruments
Type of interest
- F = Fixed Rate
- Z = Zero Rate/Discounted
- V = Variable
- K = Payment in Kind
- T = Government / State Guarantee
- G = Joint Guarantee
- S = Secured
- U = Unsecured / Unguaranteed
- P = Negative Pledge
- N = Senior
- O = Senior Subordinated
- Q = Junior
- J = Junior Subordinated
- C = Supranational
X = Not Appl./Undefined
- B = Bearer
- R = Registered
- N = Bearer/Registered
- M = Others (Misc.)
M = Others (Misc.)
- B = Bank Loan
- P = Promissory Note
- M = Others (Misc.)
X = Not Appl./Undefined
X = Not Appl./Undefined
- B = Bearer
- R = Registered
- N = Bearer/Registered
- M = Others (Misc.)
C = Collective Investment Vehicles
I = Standard (vanilla)investment funds/mutual funds
Closed / Open-end
- O = Open-End
- C = Closed-End
- M = Others (Misc.)
Distribution Policy
- I = Income Funds
- G = Accumulation Funds
- J = Mixed Funds
R = Real Estate
B = Debt Instruments
E = Equities
V = Convertible Securities
L = Mixed
C = Commodities
D = Derivatives
F = Referential Instruments
K = Credits
M = Others (Misc.)
Security Type and Investors Restrictions
- S = Shares
- Q = Shares for QI
- U = Units
- Y = Units for QI
H = Hedge funds
B = Real estate investment trusts (REITs)
E = Exchange-traded funds (ETFs)
S = Pension funds
F = Funds of funds
P = Private equity funds
M = Others (Misc.)
X = Not Appl./Undefined
X = Not Appl./Undefined
X = Not Appl./Undefined
Security Type and Investors Restrictions
- S = Shares
- Q = Shares for QI
- U = Units
- Y = Units for QI
R = Entitlement (Rights)
A = Allotments (Bonus Rights)
X = Not Appl./Undefined
X = Not Appl./Undefined
X = Not Appl./Undefined
- B = Bearer
- R = Registered
- N = Bearer/Registered
- M = Others (Misc.)
S = Subscription Rights
- S = Common/Ordinary Shares
- P = Preferred/Preference Shares
- C = Common/Ordinary Convertible Shares
- F = Preferred/Preference Convertible Shares
- B = Bonds
- I = Combined Instruments
- M = Others (Misc.)
X = Not Appl./Undefined
X = Not Appl./Undefined
- B = Bearer
- R = Registered
- N = Bearer/Registered
- M = Others (Misc.)
P = Purchase Rights
- S = Common/Ordinary Shares
- P = Preferred/Preference Shares
- C = Common/Ordinary Convertible Shares
- F = Preferred/Preference Convertible Shares
- B = Bonds
- I = Combined Instruments
- M = Others (Misc.)
X = Not Appl./Undefined
X = Not Appl./Undefined
- B = Bearer
- R = Registered
- N = Bearer/Registered
- M = Others (Misc.)
W = Warrants
Underlying asset
- B = Baskets
- S = Equities
- D = Debt Instruments/Interest Rates
- T = Commodities
- C = Currencies
- I = Indices
- M = Others (Misc.)
- T = Traditional Warrants
- N = Naked Warrants
- C = Covered Warrants
Call / Put
- C = Call
- P = Put
- B = Call and Put
Exercise Option Style
- A = American
- E = European
- B = Bermudan
- M = Others (Misc.)
F = Mini-future certificates/constant leverage certificates
Underlying asset
- B = Baskets
- S = Equities
- D = Debt Instruments/Interest Rates
- T = Commodities
- C = Currencies
- I = Indices
- M = Others (Misc.)
Barrier dependency type
- T = Barrier Underlying Based
- N = Barrier Instrument Based
- M = Others (Misc.)
Long / short
- C = Long
- P = Short
- M = Others (Misc.)
Exercise Option Style
- A = American
- E = European
- B = Bermudan
- M = Others (Misc.)
D = Depository receipts on entitlements
Instrument dependency
- A = Allotment (Bonus) Rights
- S = Subscription Rights
- P = Purchase Rights
- W = Warrants
- M = Others (Misc.)
X = Not Appl./Undefined
X = Not Appl./Undefined
- B = Bearer
- R = Registered
- N = Bearer/Registered
- M = Others (Misc.)
M = Other (Misc.)
X = Not Appl./Undefined
X = Not Appl./Undefined
X = Not Appl./Undefined
X = Not Appl./Undefined
O = Listed Options
C = Call Options
Exercise option style
- A = American
- E = European
- B = Bermudan
Underlying asset
- B = Baskets
- S = Stock-Equities
- D = Debt Instruments
- T = Commodities
- C = Currencies
- I = Indices
- O = Options
- F = Futures
- W = Swaps
- N = Interest Rates
- M = Others (Misc.)
- P = Physical
- C = Cash
- N = Non-Deliverable
- E = Elect at Exercise
- S = Standardized
- N = Non-Standardized
P = Put Options
M = Others (Misc.)
X = Not Appl./Undefined
X = Not Appl./Undefined
X = Not Appl./Undefined
X = Not Appl./Undefined
F = Futures
F = Financial futures
Underlying Asset
- B = Baskets
- S = Stock-Equities
- D = Debt Instruments
- C = Currencies
- I = Indices
- O = Options
- F = Futures
- W = Swaps
- N = Interest Rates
- V = Stock Dividend
- M = Others (Misc.)
- P = Physical
- C = Cash
- N = Non-Deliverable
Standardized / Non-Standardized
- S = Standardized
- N = Non-Standardized
X = Not Appl./Undefined
C = Commodities futures
Underlying Asset
- E = Extraction Resources
- A = Agriculture
- I = Industrial Products
- S = Services
- N = Environmental
- P = Polypropylene Products
- H = Generated Resources
- M = Others (Misc.)
- P = Physical
- C = Cash
- N = Non-Deliverable
Standardized / Non-Standardized
- S = Standardized
- N = Non-Standardized
X = Not Appl./Undefined
S = Swaps
R = Rates
T = Commodities
E = Equity
C = Credit
F = Foreign exchange (FX)
M = Others (Misc.)
H = Non-listed and complex listed options
R = Rates
T = Commodities
E = Equity
C = Credit
F = Foreign exchange (FX)
M = Others (Misc.)
I = Spots
F = Foreign exchange (FX)
X = Not Appl./Undefined
X = Not Appl./Undefined
X = Not Appl./Undefined
- P = Physical
T = Commodities
Underlying asset
- A = Agriculture
- J = Energy
- K = Metals
- N = Environmental
- P = Polypropylene Products
- S = Fertilizer
- T = Paper
- M = Others (Misc.)
X = Not Appl./Undefined
X = Not Appl./Undefined
X = Not Appl./Undefined
J = Forwards
E = Equity
F = Foreign exchange (FX)
C = Credit
R = Rates
T = Commodities
K = Strategies
R = Rates
T = Commodities
E = Equity
C = Credit
F = Foreign exchange (FX)
Y = Mixed assets
M = Others (Misc.)
L = Financing
L = Loan Lease
Underlying asset
- A = Agriculture
- B = Baskets
- J = Energy
- K = Metals
- N = Environmental
- P = Polypropylene Products
- S = Fertilizer
- T = Paper
- M = Others (Misc.)
X = Not appl./Undefined
X = Not appl./Undefined
- P = Physical
- C = Cash
- N = Non-Deliverable
R = Repurchase agreements
Underlying asset
- G = General collateral
- S = Specific security collateral
- C = Cash collateral
- F = Flexible
- N = Overnight
- O = Open
- T = Term
X = Not appl./Undefined
- D = Delivery versus payment
- H = Hold-in-custody
- T = Tri-party
S = Securities Lending
Underlying asset
- C = Cash collateral
- G = Govt. bonds
- P = Corporate bonds
- T = Convertible bonds
- E = Equity
- L = Letter of credit
- D = Cert. of deposit
- W = Warrants
- K = Money Market instruments
- M = Others (Misc.)
- N = Overnight
- O = Open
- T = Term
X = Not appl./Undefined
- D = DvP / Delivery versus payment
- F = Free of payment
- H = Hold-in-custody
- T = Tri-party
T = Referential instruments
C = Currencies
- N = National Currency
- L = Legacy Currency
- C = Bullion Coins
- M = Others (Misc.)
X = Not appl./Undefined
X = Not appl./Undefined
X = Not appl./Undefined
T = Commodities
Underlying asset
- E = Extraction Resources
- A = Agriculture
- I = Industrial Products
- S = Services
- N = Environmental
- P = Polypropylene Products
- H = Generated Resources
- M = Others (Misc.)
X = Not appl./Undefined
X = Not appl./Undefined
X = Not appl./Undefined
R = Interest rates
- N = Nominal
- V = Variable
- F = Fixed
- R = Real
- M = Others (Misc.)
Freq. of calculation
- D = Daily
- W = Weekly
- N = Monthly
- Q = Quarterly
- S = Semi-Annually
- A = Annually
- M = Others (Misc.)
X = Not appl./Undefined
X = Not appl./Undefined
I = Indices
Asset class
- E = Equities
- D = Debt
- F = Collective Investment Vehicles
- R = Real Estate
- T = Commodities
- C = Currencies
- M = Others (Misc.)
Weighting type
- P = Price Weighted
- C = Capitalization Weighted
- E = Equal Weighted
- F = Modified Market Capitalization Weighted
- M = Others (Misc.)
Index return type
- P = Price Return
- N = Net Total Return
- G = Gross Total Return
- M = Others (Misc.)
X = Not appl./Undefined
B = Baskets
- E = Equities
- D = Debt
- F = Collective Investment Vehicles
- I = Indices
- T = Commodities
- C = Currencies
- M = Others (Misc.)
X = Not appl./Undefined
X = Not appl./Undefined
X = Not appl./Undefined
D = Stock dividends
Type of equity
- S = Common Ordinary Shares
- P = Preferred/Preference Shares
- C = Common Ordinary Convertible Shares
- F = Preferred/Preference Convertible Shares
- L = Limited Partnership Units
- K = Collective Investment Vehicles
- M = Others (Misc.)
X = Not appl./Undefined
X = Not appl./Undefined
X = Not appl./Undefined
M = Misc. / Others
X = Not appl./Undefined
X = Not appl./Undefined
X = Not appl./Undefined
X = Not appl./Undefined
M = Misc. / Others
C = Combined instruments
- S = Combination of Shares
- B = Combination of Bonds
- H = Share and Bond
- A = Share and Warrant
- W = Warrant and Warrant
- U = Fund Units and Other Components
- M = Others (Misc.)
- T = Restrictions
- U = Free
X = Not appl./Undefined
- B = Bearer
- R = Registered
- N = Bearer/Registered
- M = Others (Misc.)
M = Misc. / Others
Further grouping
- R = Real Estate Deeds
- I = Insurance Policies
- E = Escrow Receipts
- T = Trade Finance Instruments
- N = Carbon Credit
- P = Precious Metal Receipts
- S = Other OTC Derivative Products
- M = Others (Misc.)
X = Not appl./Undefined
X = Not appl./Undefined
X = Not appl./Undefined