FFS was launched at the National Union of Students' National Conference in 2018. Incumbent Deputy President Amatey Doku called for 'nationwide student-led mobilization to demand a people's vote' during his re-election speech, and delegates passed policy to 'campaign for a second referendum on the deal negotiated'.[2][3]
In May 2018, the campaign launched its statement of intent in an open letter undersigned by 120 student leaders.[1] The letter was featured in several British newspapers, and FFS spokespeople pledged a 'summer of action' involving demonstrations across the UK.
The campaign's style has been described as 'irreverent' and 'provocative', attracting a broad youth appeal through memes, videos and profanity.[4][5]
The organisation has held a number of direct-action demonstrations, including stunts at the Labour Live festival, outside Boris Johnson's residence, and at Parliament.[6][7] The group also held numerous rallies and demonstrations across the UK during its 'summer of action', attracting over 160,000 attendees; this culminated with a march at Labour's National Conference. It gained endorsements from Dragons' Den star Deborah Meaden and YouTuberDodie Clark, as well as several MPs. Members of the campaign have been featured on leading news networks, and in national print media and online.
FFS also works closely with Our Future Our Choice (OFOC), another young person's pro-EU advocacy group, collaborating on events like the number of "Parliament Takeovers" where a large group of young people visit Parliament's central lobby and meet with their local MPs.[8]
The primary impact of the group is on the People's Vote campaign itself. Journalist Matthew D'Ancona described the influence of FFS as 'transformative', arguing that 'the public face of People's Vote changed fundamentally as the new network fizzed and buzzed and did its work. A campaign that had started life looking like the liberal elite demanding its job back morphed into a grassroots uprising of the young against their elders.'[9]
FFS supporters include sabbatical officers in 2018 from Students' Unions in Birmingham, Cambridge, Leeds, and Liverpool, as well as across Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.[10]